描述图画:描写或描述的一般要求是“准确”和“生动”。这里考虑到文章写作的因素,还要增加一个“合理”方面的考虑。正如图画所描述的那样,一个同学在选课时陷入犹豫之中。他在考虑是选择“知识新、重创新和有难度”的,还是选择“给分高、易通过和作业少”的。 Here is a vivid and lively cartoon in which we can see that _____(一句话总体概括图画内容)。For one thing, the former cartoon conveys us that ________(这幅画其中的一个内容)。For another,the latter cartoon shows us that_____________(这幅画其中的另一个内容)。Clearly, the cartoon tells us a simple truth: ________(一句话概括说明图画寓意)。【注】根据图表的具体形状可适当选用graph,table,bar,chart,picture等词;vivid and lively也可灵活选用其他词:instructive,interesting,funny,intriguing等。
分析图画的用意或内在含义:图画的描述仅仅是文章的“切入点”,分析才是文章的核心所在。如果说准确、生动、合理是对描述的基本要求的话,那么,系统、深入则是对于分析的基本要求。所谓“系统”首先是要承接上文,以对图画中关于“选择”展开分析。这样才能保证文章从内容到形式的系统性、整体性。其次,分析必须循着“选择”这一线索展开。所谓“深入”,是指分析要透彻,要触及问题的实质。选择很重要,选择之后的坚持和努力更重要。 According to the statistics shown in the table,it can be easily concluded that China witnessed a dramatic development in _______(图画主题核心词)。From ____to ______(图中相应的阶段性标志词语,如年份、国家等),only a period of several years,there is a steady rise in ________(引用具体数据资料展开论述)。 例:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you should: 1) Describe the picture briefly;2) Interpret the implied meaning, and3) Give your commentsWrite your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.Here is a vivid and lively cartoon in which we can see that there are two young men standing on the stairs of the mountain. The most impressive element is that in the right place crouches a seemingly exhausted adult with a depressed look and a few words,such as “I am tired and I want to give up.”while in the left counterpart stands an energetic adult,who is smiling to his company and passionately encouraging him to continue with the words “Don’t do that and we will reach the end with a simple rest”.今天的分享就到这里了,下一期内容敬请期待!咱们下期不见不散!作者简介:洺萱,用文字记录生活,希望每个人都能被时间温柔以待。