
发布于 2021-04-04 01:21

作为一个只发布了一篇有关NFT文章,随时会被误认为是区块链账号的HEESO club,品牌标识将在今日进行更新,担任此次HEESO品牌识别系统升级的是设计师艾萨克

As an official account with only 1 article about NFT, HEESO club will upgrade its brand today. The designer in charge of HEESO’s new brand upgrade initiative is Isaac Lu.

1-1. Isaac Lu 肖像


Isaac believes the more technology evolves, the more it gets woven into the fabric of lives, so the definition will be more blurred. The edge between rights and wrongs is ever-converging. And this gave him the inspiration for the design concept of "Real-Fake"

鉴于HESSO没有任何企业理念,所以本次新的造型设计,旨在同时针对HEESO logo的形状和内在的精神进行升华,可以说这是由“Real-Fake”概念推导出的理想图形

This company has no philosophy. Therefore, the new logo is not a simple redesign of the shape, but an encapsulation of HEESO’s inner spirit and a reflection of "Real-Fake"


What should the new logomark look like for HEESO. To answer this, Isaac studied circles and squares extensively. During this process, he encountered a mathematical equation


By bringing in variables of n into this equation, 

Spectacular shapes could be found between circle and square


Isaac was mesmerized by the magic of mathematics. By applying this equation for the design of the new HEESO logo mark. He finally decided to use n=2


Isaac believes this strikes the perfect balance between squares and circles. And this best represents "Real-Fake"


Furthermore, through experimenting with the curve of the typography. Isaac has arrived at a perfect font-synched with the logo mark outline


Aside from the new take on the brand logo mark. Isaac decided not to redesign the logotype to match the new look


When promoting brand, services and HEESO’s high-resolution devices such as moblie phone protectors, Isaac suggests using the same logomark


Black & White will continue to be the corporate colour of HEESO 

1-2. 更新后HEESO品牌标识 (final)


Even though the new logomark still look the same as the old one, HEESO does get its new spirit thanks to Isaac

品牌重塑项目鸣谢|Isaac Lu及其设计团队

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