
发布于 2021-04-04 22:10

随着 EBSCO Information Services(EBSCO)持续改善其新的内容和搜索之应用程序编程接口(API),EBSCO宣布推出一项用于获取授权全文的 API (简称授权 API)来改善链接和资源访问的体验。通过优化合理链接(fair linking),EBSCO 数据库用户现在可以利用这项功能,来改善他们在其他学术信息网站上访问他们有权获取的全文文章。此 API 的推出,也是 EBSCO 致力于支持开放互操作性原则和尊重图书馆选择的最佳范例。

此授权 API 为研究人员提供了指向 EBSCOhost ® PDF 全文的直接链接,用于获取 EBSCO eBooks™ 全文的对应功能也即将跟进推出。当用户有权通过各种探索应用程序和链接服务访问这些资源时,第三方应用程序可以通过此 API 实现 EBSCOhost 全文文章和 EBSCO 电子书的直接链接。此服务针对用户有权取得的学术内容,提供权限检查和访问管理,并可整合于研究和探索应用程序(例如,用户自行开发的或其他商业发现服务)、OpenURL 链接解析器、链接中转服务、浏览器扩展功能或任何应提供用户学术信息的应用程序/网站等服务。

当在第三方服务中发现相应书目记录时,此 API 让图书馆用户可以享受更好的访问体验并链接到其 EBSCO 全文内容。这些服务不受限于只能由 EBSCO 实行与提供,其他提供链接解析器解决方案的公司也可以利用此 API 来提高其服务的链接质量。

EBSCO 首席产品策略师 Oliver Pesch 表示,发布这套新的 API 实实在在的支持了 EBSCO 的使命,即在需要的时间和地点向研究人员提供信息。“这种新的整合为图书馆员提供了更多选择,并为研究人员提供了优化而又简单的用户体验。这奠定了图书馆在供货商选择上更加自由基础的第一步,并且支持互操作性,这样的互操作性使图书馆工作人员可以选择最适合其机构的资源。”

The EBSCO Search and Discovery APIs are a suite of integrated solutions available via subscription that are designed to allow you to customize your discovery solution.  The EBSCOhost Entitlement API enables libraries and partners to customize key functions of the EBSCO open link resolver to get their patrons easy access to EBSCOhost full text database content.  The API can resolve customer identity and DOI into a link.

Using the EBSCOhost Entitlement API, libraries and partners can take advantage of EBSCO’s extensive centralized knowledge base and deep experience in open linking to power external applications.  By providing an opportunity to access full text content from EBSCOhost full text databases, specifically PDFs, EBSCOhost Entitlement API makes research easy.  

This section provides a brief overview of the EBSCOhost Entitlement API core concepts.  If you have interacted with a RESTful API before, many of the concepts described here will be familiar to you.


Before you can begin the OAuth 2.0 process and receive your access token, you must register your App with the API.  This is necessary to provide the Authorization server with the following information:

  • Name of the App

  • A redirect or callback URL if needed.  A redirect or callback URL will redirect the user after the user has Authorized the data access. 

After registering the App, the App will have an assigned Client ID and Client Secret.  The Client ID is a public and unique identifier that will be used to identify the client application as an application.  The Client Secret is a private identifier kept secret between the App and the API.  The Client Secret is used to authenticate the App when it makes a request for an access token.

To Register an App:

  1. Log in to EBSCO Developer.

  2. Click on My Apps in the top navigation.

3. Click on the Add a new App button at the top of the page.

A window will appear.

4.Enter your App Name and Callback URL (optional) in the fields provided.

5.Click the Product(s) desired.

6.Click the Create App button.  You are returned to the My Apps page and your new App is listed.  Your new App will be Pending until your information has been reviewed and approved.  You will receive an email once your App has been Approved.

7.Log in to EBSCO Developer once you receive your App Approval email.

8.Navigate to the My Apps page.  The App status for your new App will show Approved.

9.Click on the name of your application in the list.  The Credentials section is displayed.  Your application credentials, the Client ID and the Client Secret, are listed.

10.Make note of the Client ID and Client Secret for the App.  Please use the Client ID and the Client Secret in the OAuth 2.0 process.


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