
发布于 2022-06-02 11:11


Fig. 1 Crystal structure and magnetic properties of CrYX.

来自中山大学物理学院的侯玉升副教授、北京量子信息科学研究院和清华大学物理系的薛凤博士、美国加利福尼亚大学尔湾分校物理与天文系的武汝前教授,利用二维范德瓦尔斯雅努斯材料不同面阴离子高度可调性,基于第一性原理计算设计出外层阴离子具有目前报道的最大自旋极化的的铁磁半导体CrSXX=Cl、Br、I)。基于这些具有高居里温度的铁磁半导体,作者们发现大带隙的量子反常霍尔效应和较大的能谷劈裂可通过磁临近效应分别在范德瓦尔斯异质结CrSBr/Bi2Se3/CrSBr MoTe2/CrSBr中实现。该研究进一步表明,在外加磁场下,Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya相互作用可以在CrTeXX=Cl、Br、I)中诱发磁斯格明子。该研究结果为多功能二维范德瓦尔斯雅努斯磁性材料铬基硫卤化物在拓扑电子学和能谷电子学器件中的诱人应用指明了方向。
该文近期发布npj Computational Materials 8: 120 (2022) ,进入后亦可下载全文PDF文件。 

Fig. 2 DFT + U + SOC calculated band structures.

Editorial Summary

Multifunctional magnetic materials: Ferromagnetism, QAHE, valley splitting and skyrmions

Magnetic proximity effect can give rise to diverse outstanding functionalities in spintronic, valleytronic and optoelectronic devices when two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) magnetic materials are assembled with other functional materials. Therefore, enlarging the spin polarizations in the outer anions of 2D vdW magnetic materials will strengthen the magnetic proximity effect. 

Fig. 3 Electronic and topological properties of CrSBr/BS/CrSBr.

Considering the feasibility of selecting a suitable pair of anions in Janus vdW materials, a team led by Associated Prof. Yusheng Hou from School of physics, Sun Yat-Sen University and Prof. Ruqian Wu from Department of physics and astronomy, University of California Irvine designed a class of ferromagnetic semiconductors CrSX (X=Cl, Br, I) with large magnetic moments on S2-anions, the largest for 2D ferromagnetic semiconductors reported so far. Based on these 2D ferromagnetic semiconductors with high Curie temperatures, the long-sought large-gap Quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE) and a sizable valley splitting are realized through the magnetic proximity effect in vdW heterostructures CrSBr/Bi2Se3/CrSBr and MoTe2/CrSBr, respectively. Additionally, Monte Carlo simulations show that the large Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interactions lead to magnetic skyrmion states in CrTeX (X=Cl, Br, I) under an appropriate external magnetic field. Their results demonstrate the promising applications of the multifunctional 2D vdW Janus magnet Cr-based dichalcogenide halides in topological electronic and valleytronic devices. This article was recently published in npj Computational Materials 8: 120 (2022). 

Fig. 4 Electronic and topological properties of CrSBr/MoTe2.


Multifunctional two-dimensional van der Waals Janus magnet Cr-based dichalcogenide halides (多功能二维范德瓦尔斯雅努斯磁性材料:铬基硫卤化物)

Yusheng Hou, Feng Xue, Liang Qiu, Zhe Wang and Ruqian Wu 

Abstract Two-dimensional van der Waals Janus materials and their heterostructures offer fertile platforms for designing fascinating functionalities. Here, by means of systematic first-principles studies on van der Waals Janus monolayer Cr-based dichalcogenide halides CrYX (Y = S, Se, Te; X = Cl, Br, I), we find that CrSX (X = Cl, Br, I) are the very desirable high TC ferromagnetic semiconductors with an out-of-plane magnetization. Excitingly, by the benefit of the large magnetic moments on ligand S2- anions, the sought-after large-gap quantum anomalous Hall effect and sizable valley splitting can be achieved through the magnetic proximity effect in van der Waals heterostructures CrSBr/Bi2Se3/CrSBr and MoTe2/CrSBr, respectively. Additionally, we show that large Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interactions give rise to skyrmion states in CrTeX (X = Cl, Br, I) under external magnetic fields. Our work reveals that two-dimensional Janus magnet Cr-based dichalcogenide halides have appealing multifunctionalities in the applications of topological electronic and valleytronic devices.

摘要 二维范德维尔斯雅努斯(Janus)材料及异质结为设计新颖的功能提供了广阔的平台。本研究基于范德维尔斯雅努斯单层磁性材料铬基硫卤化物CrYXY=硫、硒、碲; X=氯、溴、碘)的第一性原理计算结果,发现CrSXX=氯、溴、碘)是难得的具有面外磁化和高居里温度的铁磁半导体。更令人兴奋的是,得益于配体阴离子S2-上的大磁矩,大带隙的量子反常霍尔效应和较大的能谷劈裂可以通过磁临近效应分别在范德维尔斯异质结CrSBr/Bi2Se3/CrSBr MoTe2/CrSBr中实现。此外,本研究表明在外加磁场下,大的Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya相互作用可以在CrTeXX=氯、溴、碘)中诱发磁斯格明子。本研究结果揭多功能的二维范德维尔斯雅努斯磁性材料铬基硫卤化物在拓扑电子学和能谷电子学器件中的诱人应用前景。


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