【设计赛】2020第四届深圳国际海报节 全球竞赛征集 开启
发布于 2021-01-02 16:17
2020第四届深圳国际海报节 全球竞赛征集 开启!!
Shenzhen International Poster Festival is a commonweal propaganda cultural project sponsored by Shenzhen Futian District Government. Founded in 2015, it is a large-scale poster design Biennial in Shenzhen towards the global, also the first professional design event in the form of festival in China.
Shenzhen International Poster Festival collects the latest poster design created by the top designers and emerging forces from all over the world. It is held regularly every two years in the national art museum - Shenzhen Guanshanyue Art Museum. A series of academicl ectures and seminars are held in the same period.
This year, the theme of the 4th Shenzhen International Poster Festival is "Design and Connection". Internet technology has made the world more connected than ever before, and make Design Changes Future more “within reach” as well. The emergence of new media, such as digital media posters, enables the transmission of information through the electronic screen, and provides people to obtain more information methods and visual experience.
In 2020, Shenzhen International Poster Festival will add the categories "100 Best HANZI Posters" and "Motion Poster", which will connect traditional paper posters with digital motion design in the exhibition, to bring more possibilities to explore how graphic design affects life.
"Design and Connection-Shenzhen International Poster Festival 2020" is now open for submission! Designers from all over the world are welcome to join us.
Deadline: 31,Oct. 2020
作品类别 Catergories
A. Cultural Poster文化推广
B. Social&Public Campaign Poster 社会与公益
C. Commercial&Advertising Poster 商业与广告
D. Students Poster 学生类
E. Specify Topic:
Symbol of City “城市符号”专题
作品尺寸及格式 Size&Format
Categories (A) to (F) : Entries should be submitted in JPG format with a size of no exceed 1000 pixel on the larger side and of 150dpi in RGB color model.
Category (G) : Entries with a duraton of 3 to 5 seconds should be submitted through www.ipf-sz.com in GIF format and of not less than 1080px resolution, vertically displaced.
Entries up to 5 seconds, less than 10 seconds, should be submitted to motion@ipf-sz.com in MP4 or GIF format, not less than 1080px resolution, vertically displaced.
参赛费用 EntryFee
评审团成员 Jury Member
Pingbo Chen 陈平波 (China / 中国) Chairman of Judging Committee 评审委员会主席)
初评 Preselection
Byungrok Chae 蔡秉录 (Korea / 韩国)
Jian Zhao 赵健 (China / 中国)
Leo Lin 林俊良 (Taiwan,China / 中国台湾)
Marcin Markowski 马尔钦•马尔科瓦斯基 (Poland / 波兰)
Ziyuan Wang 王子源 (China / 中国)
奖项设立 Award Setting
全场大奖( 一件,颁发证书及奖杯)
奖项公布Award Announcement
参赛规则Entry Rules
○ 参赛作品必须是2018年1月后创作的作品。
○ 参赛作品最多不超过八件,系列作品按单件计。
○ 参赛免费。
○ 线上提交电子作品,网址:http://www.ipf-sz.com。部分(G)类作品发送至motion@ipf-sz.com邮箱。
○ 作品提交填写时必须使用中文或英文提交,其他语言系统暂不支持。如不符合参赛规则和技术要求的作品将不会被接受。
○ 作品成功提交后将收到系统自动发出的通知。
○ 入围作品将于2020年12月在海报节官网公布,同时组委会将通过邮件发送入围作品通知。入围设计师按邮件上的通知将入选海报文件和实物作品邮寄至指定地址。
○ 作品标签及入围参赛表格将通过系统邮件方式送达,设计师自行打印参赛背签贴于作品背面右下角。参赛表格必须由参赛者本人亲笔签名,并随作品一同寄往组委会。
○ 参赛作品无需装裱。请妥善包装以免造成运送中作品损害。所有参赛作品必须以“无商业价值印刷品”的形式寄达。送件者请自付作品运送费用,组委会将不接受任何在邮寄票证中写入商业标价的参赛作品。
○ 基于展览场地有限,深圳国际海报节保留只展出系列中部分参赛作品的权利。
○ 对于本次海报竞赛提交的作品,将会保留在深圳国际海报节组委会,组委会享有对作品重印、拍照、出版、宣传推广、展览、收藏等权利。
○ 送件者作品若有侵犯抄袭或知识产权等相关争议或展出时造成法律纠纷,送件者需自负所有法律责任。
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