发布于 2021-01-13 00:51
1. 批量管理订单,进行集体处理;
2. 模板化买家跟进信息,在各个关节时间点上,让买家真正感受到贴心的服务。
1. 查看到买家付款完成的订单后,给买家发送订单确认邮件并且告知预计发货时间
Hi, xxx,
Thank you for your payment for ordersxxxxxxx and xxxxxxx. We will be dispatching these itemswithin the next 3 days.
If you have any questions or problems,contact usdirectly for help.
2. 填写了发货通知后告知买家当前状况,调整买家期望值
Hello, xxx,
We are happy to tell you we have dispatched your order! You cantrack its progress with the following tracking number:
You can also track the delivery of your order yourself here: www.xxxxx.com.
It usually takes about 30 days for your order arrive, but as this isthe shopping season, the logistics companies are very busy and some orders maytake slightly longer to arrive.
If you have any questions or problems, contact us directly for help.
3. 超过5天还未更新物流信息,让买家再等待
Dear xxx,
As we all know, it's the busiest part of the shopping season and thelogistics companies are running at maximum capacity.
Your delivery information has not been updated yet, but don't worry- we will let you know as soon as an update is available. Thank you for your patience!
4. 货物退回,换物流方式重新给买家发货,并延长收货时间
Hello, xxx,
Due to the overwhelming demand for logistics this shopping season, the original dispatch has failed.
Don’t worry! We have already dispatched your order with a differentlogistics company. You can track the new delivery of your order here: www.xxxxx.com.
We have also extended the time period for you to confirm delivery.
If you have any questions or problems, contact us directly for help.
5. 长时间在途,确认是否收到货物,减少买家未收到的担忧
Hello, xxx,
If you haven't received your order yet, please don't worry. We just checkedthe tracking information and it's on its way!
Don't worry about your money or your purchase either – if you do notreceive your package, we will resend your order, or you can apply for a fullrefund.
If you have any questions or problems,contact usdirectly for help.
6. 距离确认收货超时还有1周,依然未妥投,告知买家物流的大致情况,并且告知买家会给他延长收货时间,请买家不要提交纠纷。
Hello, xxx,
We have checked the tracking information and found your package isstill in transit. This is due to the overwhelming demand for logistics thisshopping season.
We have also extended the time period for you to confirm delivery.
If you have any questions or problems,please contactus directly for assistance, rather than submitting a refund request.We aim to solve all problems as quickly as possible! Thanks!
7. 货物在海关
Hello, xxx,
We have checked the tracking information and found your package has nowarrived at your country’s customs agency.
Please let us know as soon as your order arrives at your deliveryaddress.
If your package experiences any delays at customs, please contactthem to resolve any problems.Thanks!
8. 货物已经处于签收状态,提醒买家进行确认收货并且给出5星好评
Hello, xxx,
The tracking information shows that you have received your order! Pleasemake sure your items have arrived in good condition and then confirm satisfactory delivery.
If you are satisfied with your purchase and our service, we will greatlyappreciate it if you give us a five-star feedback and leave positive commentson your experience with us!
If you have any questions or problems,please contactus directly for assistance, rather than submitting a refundrequest. We aim to solve all problems as quickly as possible! Thanks!
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