优质群天天更新,邀请你加入,每天千群等您 第一,《民法典》第九百九十五条规定,公民、法人名誉权受到侵害,有权要求其停止侵害、恢复名誉、消除影响、赔礼道歉以及赔偿损失。梁女士及科技公司要求赵女士基于侵犯名誉权赔礼道歉,符合《民法典》的规定,应予以支持。第二,关于科技公司名誉权被侵犯产生的经济损失,虽然公司提供的证据不能证明实际经济损失数额,但微信群中发表的不当言论必定会给公司带来不良影响,因此综合考虑赵女士过错程度、侵权行为内容与造成影响、侵权持续时间、公司实际营业情况等因素,酌情确定赔偿损失金额。第三,关于第二原告梁女士主张的精神损害抚慰金,亦根据上述因素酌情确定具体数额。关于第一原告科技公司主张的精神损害抚慰金,没有相关法律依据,则不予支持。最后闫一帆律师提醒,在微信、QQ等网络社交平台中,言语要有分寸,千万莫要随心所欲地畅所欲言,撞到法律的红线。 Today, the latest wechat group QR code has been uploaded to the platform. Technicians collect it from the whole network every day and update it from time to time to ensure that the QR code is up-to-date and usable. Platform charges and scarlet letter are the core of the article. Wechat group is a relatively private field. There are only two ways to get into a group. One is to invite friends into a group. The other is two-dimensional code recognition into the group. Today we provide you with a way to identify the QR code into the group..