From small to large, we are taught how to work hard, how to persist and how to never give up. In fact, many times, we need to learn how to give up. The stream gives up its flatness in order to return to the sea; the yellow leaf gives up its trunk in order to look forward to the verdant spring. Candles give up the perfect body, can have a bright life; mood give up the mundane noise, can have a quiet. To get the fragrance of wild flowers, we must give up the comfort of the city; to get permanent applause, we must give up the present vanity. Give up the rose, and the rose; give up the stream, and the sea. Give up a tree? And the whole forest; give up the uninhibited galloping in the wild, and the complacency of galloping. Life is choice, and giving up is an art of choice and a required course of life. No bold to give up, there is no brilliant choice. It's better to wave your hand smartly and choose to give up bravely than to struggle hard. Goethe said: "the whole mystery of life is to give up living in order to survive." Giving up is a kind of wisdom. "A wise man is far sighted, but a wise man avoids danger." Only by learning to give up can we make ourselves more tolerant and wise. To give up is not to wake up from a nightmare, not to fly snow in June, not to be indecisive, not to stop, but to be calm and leisurely.从小到大,我们受到的教育都是如何努力、如何坚持、如何永不言弃。其实,很多时候,我们更需要学会如何放弃。 小溪放弃平坦,是为了回归大海的豪迈;黄叶放弃树干,是为了期待春天的葱茏。蜡烛放弃完美的躯体,才能拥有一世光明;心情放弃凡俗的喧嚣,才能拥有一片宁静。 要想得到野花的清香,必须放弃城市的舒适;要想得到永久的掌声,必须放弃眼前的虚荣。放弃了蔷薇,还有玫瑰;放弃了小溪,还有大海。放弃了一棵树?还有整个森林;放弃了驰骋原野的不羁,还有策马徐行的自得。 人生就是选择,而放弃正是一门选择的艺术,是人生的必修课。没有果敢的放弃,就没有辉煌的选择。与其苦苦挣扎,拼得头破血流,不如潇洒地挥手,勇敢地选择放弃。歌德说:“生命的全部奥秘就在于为了生存而放弃生存。” 放弃是一种智慧。“明者远见于未萌,智者避危于未形。”只有学会放弃,才能使自己更宽容、更睿智。放弃不是噩梦方醒,不是六月飞雪,也不是优柔寡断,更不是偃旗息鼓,而是一种拾阶而上的从容、闲庭信步的淡然。p!绝世医妃要休夫冷清欢慕容麒正版(免费)全集,绝世医妃要休夫冷清欢慕容麒免费(已完结)全文,绝世医妃要休夫(免费/已完结)观看,绝世医妃要休夫(完本/全文)阅读,绝世医妃要休夫免费(全文/完结)