【雅思口语8分素材】3月最难新题Part2&3 : 童年玩具

发布于 2021-03-31 13:17

















Describe a toy you got in your childhood 

You should say:

What kind of toy it is 

When you received it 

How you played it

And explain how you felt about it



What kind of toy it is?

考鸭们可以先描述一下玩具的样子,它是什么颜色?是什么形状?材质?它是一个模型飞机(Model aircraft)/陀螺(Spinning-top)/芭比娃娃(Barbie)/遥控车(Remote-controlled car)/泰迪熊(Teddy bear)

When you received it 


How you played it


And explain how you felt about it



The toy I got in my childhood is a set of Legos. I received it when I was in grade four. I remember that I first combined them into what the book told me to, but afterwards, I started to take off all the parts and build something that I  like.

I remember it was the Harry Potter theme, and everything was built on the board, which is the base of the set. I cannot remember what the book told me to build, but I still remember I built a storage with my own design, as well as a beautiful gate. I think the Lego set is really good for children since it allows children to be creative and construct anything they want with the different combinations of the bricks. I love the Lego set very much, and it is still there in my dining room. I actually have a different feeling about that set of Lego, since I think it is the beginning for me to be attracted to the process of building stuff by myself, As well as the beginning for me to start playing Legos. The other thing that the Legos taught me is that everything is possible, even with the simplest elements. The only thing is I need to put into it is my passion, creativity and my hard-working.

So the spirit of Legos influences me a lot, even in my study life nowadays. So that is the most meaningful toy I received in my childhood, and it is also the one I remembered the most


doll 娃娃

yo-yo 悠悠球

fire engine 消防车

toy box 玩具箱

slinky 弹簧玩具

toy soldiers 玩具士兵

blocks 积木

legos 乐高积木

robot 机器人

crayons 蜡笔

remote controlled car 遥控汽车

Barbie 芭比娃娃

Car 车

Teddy bear 泰迪熊

Ball 球

Walkie-talkie 对讲机

     #What kinds of toys are popular for young people today?

For young people, the toys may include legos, models, PS5 and switch. I am not someone who is into the PS5 or switch, but I do love legos and models. I think toy selection is really different between young people and children, so none of the above applies to children, in my understanding. If the musical instruments also count as toys for young people, I think most of us love that.

      #Do you think it's good for children to play games on iPad?

If we're talking about children, that is definitely a no. Children have a lot to play with. They can go outdoors; they can do sports, there are many things that are beneficial to their body to their house, especially when their bodies are still growing. Playing games on iPad is the last thing they should do. There are several reasons for it: first of all, it is bad for eyesight, and it is not good for your neck, and also you're not able to meet friends on an iPad. So I think there is no good for children to play games on iPad.

     #What do you think of giving expensive toys to children?

I think it is OK to give children expensive toys, since the expensive toys are more likely to have a high quality, which will not do harm to Children's health. The action that parents make  it's important after  the  children receive  expensive toys. I think parents should decrease the fact that toys are expensive. Instead, they can tell the children that the toy has a high quality, so it costs a lot. Randomly tell the children that toys are expensive may result in spoiling the kids.

     #What is the difference between the toys kids play now and those they played in the past?

There is a lot of difference between the toys kids play with now and play in the past. For example, the Lego, models and electrical-related products are designed recently, while they do not exist in the past. People in the past also have toys to play with, I am not sure, but I think it might be more friends related like playing sports with others and make castles with snow or sand. The toys are changing, but the happiness from the toy to the childhood is not changing

     #How do advertisements influence children?

The advertisements influence children when they are publishing posters like toys and anything that attracts the children. It will explore the toys to the children, since the advertisement connects the gap between their product and children. The result might be children asking for toys from their parents, and they get more toys. But since     there are too many toys in the market, having too many choices will make the children feel tired, since that precious stuff is more attractive even for children.

     #Should advertising aimed at kids be prohibited?

For  business purposes, each brand wants to aim at their customers as concisely as possible. For  toys, their       consumers are the kids, showing the advertisements to them will lead to the best result. But from the moral aspect, Children are someone who has not built any right to decide what is good or not and what is needed or not. Pushing the advertisements to the children may increase the burden to the family that cannot afford the toys.

     #Do you think parents should buy more toys for their kids or spend more time with them?

This is a question that has a straightforward answer, which is spent more time with children. The company from parents is always better than the company of the toys. I think nothing can compare to the time parents spend with their children, and it is the most meaningful time the child wants. For the parents who are not able to be aside, buying more toys for kids maybe can fix some of the relationships between them, but the company between family members should be the first priority.




























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