Embedded-in TV setting wall condense the light of metallic color, whole sitting room and dining-room are dominated by pure blackish green place, the carpet of blackish green and hold the adornment picture of pillow, blackish green, the eat chair back of blackish green, make public and not exaggerated, give out vividly downy and rich and colourful light.

绿色是最天然的和礼仪里最基本的颜色。在整个空间中,墨绿色的运用大胆而灵活,不但是对现代风格家居的遵循,也是个性的展示。金属线条装饰搭配莫兰迪的灰绿色墙面,简约的中性色,尽显高级感。Green is the most natural and the most basic color in etiquette. In whole space, of blackish green apply bold and flexible, not only what live in to contemporary style follow, also be individual character display. Morandi's gray-green walls are paired with metal lines and simple neutrals to create a sense of sophistication.

As one of the protagonists of the space, color plays the role of ornament all the time. The use of different gray scales makes the space more hierarchical. Mirror metal wall decoration will be cleverly divided into the dining room space, the whole restaurant is all exquisite details, marble table is like by ink faint slow oozong, light and cold, revealing the nobility, acrylic chandelier is soft, light and shadow ornaments are very elegant.

Adopt the tonal consistency of lie bedroom and sitting room, half the bed of leather face back of a chair of a chair that packs, the gray setting wall of tie-in elegant, the lathe worker of brown leather metope wallpaper takes line delicate, whole space is composed and elegant, let a person have a kind of comfortable and natural relax feeling not consciously.

Second lie confluence a variety of elements, modelling chic droplight, adornment picture, refined and halcyon gray tone, dark green carpet and hold pillow in the arms, the wood facing that geometry hits color receives ark, every place created a surprise to the life.

Children householder is tonal is tender pink department, chic setting wall, the lovely desk lamp on star, cloud, castle and desk is an organic whole, dreamy fairy tale world, the purple of different saturation is here collection, add the ornament of desk of a piece of blackish green, downy the hopping feeling that is full of colour again.

beauty of texture is meaningful
整个餐客厅处在一个空间,全开放的布局,通透的视野和舒适的尺度完成了家人之间的互动交流。餐厅的氛围也延续了客厅的奢雅,墙面渐变颜色的装饰画非常吸睛,吊灯别致优雅,大量黄铜色的融入于玻璃制品交织在一起产生了微妙的光晕。光线下感受细碎的美好。The whole dining room is in a space, fully open layout, transparent vision and comfortable scale to complete the interaction between the family. The atmosphere of the dining room also continues the luxury of the living room. The decorative paintings with gradual colors on the walls are very eye-catching, the chandeliers are chic and elegant, and a large number of brasses are blended into the glass products to create a subtle halo. Feel the fine light.
餐桌的后面设计了一个L形的吧台,大理石的台面不仅清爽且非常巧妙的将空间分开形成隔断,吧台的后面是错落有致的酒柜,与家人朋友小酌一杯,也会令人感到其乐无穷,其美无限。The stage of an L form was designed at the back of table, marble mesa is relaxed not only and very clever separate form a space partition, the back of the stage is streatted at random the wine ark that has send, drink with family friend a cup, also can make a person feel its joy is endless, its beauty is infinite.

The design of the master bedroom tends to be more comfortable and romantic, with elegant gray and white bedding, the background wall of the head of the bed between virtual and real, light and luxurious lamps, cotton linen and leather with delicate touch, the spacious cloakroom at a glance, and the overall atmosphere is relaxed and warm.

In this home, every corner of your sight is a landscape that shapes a dynamic and meaningful insight into life.

Project Name: Zhonghai World Creative Model RoomProject location: China. taiyuanCompletion Date: October 2020Design Director Zhang FanDesign team by Zhang Lei, Chen Xiang, Chen Yatu, Yang Na, Song ChuanxiuHard installation design with its landscape designSoft decoration design with its environment designProject photography by Da Bin
其境公司于2016年在深圳成立,目前公司50多人,是一支充满活力和创造力的团队,核心成员均来自国内外著名设计公司,具备多年的室内设计工作经验,专注于售楼处设计、样板房设计、示范单位、精装修、幼儿园、长租公寓、精品酒店设计等 精装修室内设计&私人顶尖豪宅、会所定制……。秉承“筑其所,美其境”的设计理念,从建筑角度出发,分析研究空间逻辑,从而创造具有时代东方美学的作品。
内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :知行
排版 Editor:Tan 校对 Proof:Tan
图片版权 Copyright :原作者