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发布于 2021-04-08 09:45
In the hope of diverting her father's thoughts from the disagreeableness of Mr. Knightley's going to London; and going so suddenly; and going on horseback, which she knew would be all very bad; Emma communicated her news of Jane Fairfax, and her dependence16 on the effect was justified17; it supplied a very useful check,-- interested, without disturbing him. He had long made up his mind to Jane Fairfax's going out as governess, and could talk of it cheerfully, but Mr. Knightley's going to London had been an unexpected blow.
"I am very glad, indeed, my dear, to hear she is to be so comfortably settled. Mrs. Elton is very good-natured and agreeable, and I dare say her acquaintance are just what they ought to be. I hope it is a dry situation, and that her health will be taken good care of. It ought to be a first object, as I am sure poor Miss Taylor's always was with me. You know, my dear, she is going to be to this new lady what Miss Taylor was to us. And I hope she will be better off in one respect, and not be induced to go away after it has been her home so long."
1 文章过得挺滋润的,不差钱的那种,只是没机会在荧幕前活跃而已,最近他还入手了北京的一套别墅。
2 陈数私下没少受委屈,主要是她老公爱在外认妹妹,而且每个妹妹跟她老公的关系都很亲密,甚至到了搂搂抱抱的地步。
3 郭碧婷之前捡了条流浪狗,打算带回家养,可她老公嫌脏,愣是把狗扔在路边不管。
4 蝴蝶姐姐其实挺想跟某个“运动”男星结婚的,可对方却迟迟不肯开口,甚至还跟其他女生交往了起来,即便她再怎么讨好男星的妈妈也不管用。
5 黄晓明有点秃顶,不过他挺怕别人知道这点的,所以做造型请的都是同一个人,尽量不让更多人知道他有多秃。
6 于小彤现在挺幸灾乐祸的,主要还是因为前女友的真面目终于被人发现了,其实他早就知道前女友不是省油的灯,当初对方可没少踩着他博路人缘。
7 奚梦瑶最近挺小心翼翼的,跟朋友聚会时稍微重口的东西她都吃不得,不过她对外都表示是天气太热,这才吃不下去……
8 高情商男主持最近跟某个小鲜肉闹矛盾了,主要还是对方想让他帮忙抢资源,可目前他正处在特殊时期,不敢轻易帮忙,就因为如此,小鲜肉还跟他冷战了。
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