SEARS 的经营和产品设计理念
发布于 2022-06-03 18:25

Founded 1893
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Founded after the Civil War, the original Sears, Roebuck and Company developed a catalog business that sold the latest dresses, toys, build-it-yourself houses and even tombstones. Credit...Sears, Roebuck & Company
除了设计和制造,产品的成功始终取决于分销。1872 年,美国的零售商蒙哥马利·沃德百货公司(Montgomery Ward)率先提出了邮购配送(mail order)的概念。
十四年后,理查德·沃伦·西尔斯 (Richard Warren Sears, 1863-1914) 在明尼苏达州的雷德伍德·福尔斯(Redwood Falls)成立了 R.W. 西尔斯钟表公司(R.W. Sears Watch Company),以邮购方式销售手表。1887 年,他聘请阿尔瓦·罗巴克(Alvah Roebuck)担任手表修理工,并将公司搬到了芝加哥。同年,他出版发行了该公司的第一份产品目录册,其中提供了有退款保证的手表、钻石和珠宝(offered watches, diamonds and jewellery with a money-back guarantee)。这家公司几乎立即获得了成功,仅在两年后就以 100,000 美元的价格出售。

Cover of Sears, Roebuck & Co. Consumers Guide catalogue, No. 108, 1899

Sears Roebuck and Co.: Consumers Guide (Fall, 1909)
随后,西尔斯Sears和罗巴克Roebuck 成立了另一家公司 A. C. Roebuck & Co,该公司于 1893 年更名为西尔斯·罗巴克公司(Sears, Roebuck & Company)。同年,这家新公司发布了第一份长达196页的目录册,提供从缝纫机和马鞍到自行车和鞋子等各种各样的产品。到 1894 年,该产品目录册已增至 507 页。有时,希尔斯产品目录册也被称为“心愿书”(Wish book),通常是许多北美农村家庭中除《圣经》之外唯一的书。对于那些生活在美国中西部或加拿大草原上的人们来说,该目录册提供了一个了解国际化世界的强有力的链接,并在不断地花时间翻阅中激发了许多人的梦想,这是当地杂货店无法比拟的。理查德·沃伦·西尔斯 (Richard Warren Sears) 也是产品目录册的撰写人,他通常只会在订单开始涌入时才尝试找到某一件商品的制造商——这是“准时制”生产方式("just-in-time" production)的一个非常早期的例子。
到 1914 年,消费者几乎可以邮购任何东西。从餐具和家具套件到完整的房子。从 1924 年开始,西尔斯·罗巴克公司Sears, Roebuck & Company 由罗伯特·伍德将军(Robert Wood)负责管理,他认识到汽车使偏远郊区和农村地区的消费者更容易接触到城市中心的零售店。为了利用这种情况和考虑到私家车数量的激增,他于 1925 年在芝加哥开设了第一家西尔斯Sears 零售店。在接下来的几年中,又有许多其它的商店成立,到 1931 年,西尔斯Sears零售店的销售额已经超过了邮购配送。
1934 年,西尔斯·罗巴克公司Sears Roebuck 推出了由雷蒙德·洛伊(Raymond Loewy)设计的 “冷点”冰箱(Coldspot),这是第一款凭借其美学吸引力上市的家用电器。该公司还生产和零售由克拉伦斯·卡尔施塔特(Clarence Karstadt)设计的未来派白色塑料 Silvertone 收音机(1938 年)。在20世纪50年代,西尔斯Sears 的内部设计部门由Carl Bjorncrantz领导,他设计了从家用电器到计算器等各种时尚的流线型产品。

Raymond Loewy, Coldspot refrigerator, 1934

The Coldspot logotype, usually cast in metal like a car emblem, seems to have changed endlessly over time. From twitter: @rileycran

Clarence Karstadt. Silvertone Turbine Radio, Model 6110, 1938. Plastic, other materials, 6 5/8 x 11 7/8 x 6 1/2 in. (16.8 x 30.2 x 16.5 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Anonymous gift in honor of Sam Marcy, 1998.143.2. Creative Commons-BY (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 1998.143.2_bw.jpg)

In 1938 Chicago designer Clarence Karstadt designed this "Radio Receiver Cabinet," for which he obtained a design patent in 1939. It was introduced by Sears Roebuck and Co. for $12.95 as part of its "Silvertone" line of radios, and was available in black, brown, and ivory. Sears termed the radio the "Silvertone 'Rocket' Compact," designed for "modern people living in a modern world." Its name reflects both its size and the forward thrust of the design. A horizontally oriented cylindrical form is partially inset into a rectangular box with horizontal ribbing, which conceals a speaker covered with fabric. A convex tuning dial encloses the end of the cylinder that extends past the box, the whole effect conjuring up an image of a train about to leave the station. Six recessed buttons on the top of the cylinder provide access to preset stations, while a small knob under the tuning dial controls the volume. The radio came with an attached twenty foot aerial, and the broad tuning range included standard radio stations as well as some police frequencies.

Sundberg-Ferar, automatic washing machine and drier manufactured by Whirlpool for Sears, Roebuck & Co., c. 1950
100 多年来,西尔斯Sears 一直是世界上最大的日用百货零售商之一。今天,其著名的目录册继续提供种类繁多的产品,就像早期的“心愿书”一样,为偏远的小社区提供了在当地很难得到的获取优质商品的途径。(注:2019年,该公司在破产拍卖后被对冲基金ESL Investments收购。该基金收购的资产包括223家Sears商店,202家Kmart商店,以及下列品牌及运营业务,包括Kenmore,DieHard,Craftsman,Sears Home Services,Sears Auto Centers和Innovel)

Industrial Design
Industrial Design, Charlotte & Peter Fiell;
Design The Whole Story, Elizabeth Wilhide;
Design of the 20th Century, Charlotte & Peter Fiell;;;;
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