OnLand Studio(在地工作室),以“脚踏实地,悉心耕耘”为宗旨,“双一流”师资团队主要依托于哈佛、同济与米兰理工大学教育背景,帮助学员脚踏实地地提升专业素养,更高质高效地完成留学申请、作品集制作,校内设计课程及校外相关竞赛,主要业务覆盖建筑、城规、景观等设计辅导及咨询领域。
“设计拓展”是OnLand Studio开设的用来分享当代及历史中优秀设计项目的专栏,旨在帮助大家了解更多的优秀案例及建筑师的设计思考逻辑。希望通过分享,可以对学习建筑学的伙伴有所启迪,让我们一起在设计这条路上砥砺前行!本期“设计拓展”为大家分享交流的是由Caruso St John事务所设计建造,位于比利时安特卫普的居住建筑。——Falconhoven Apartment Building.
This commission for an apartment building was won in a limited competition organised by the city of Antwerp. Caruso St John事务所赢得了于安特卫普市举办的公寓楼设计竞赛。The mixed-use building contains fifty-one apartments, shops, and offices, and is part of a city block designed together with Flemish architects Bovenbouw, ONO Architectuur, and Dutch architects Rapp + Rapp.这座容纳不同功能的建筑包含了五十一个居住单元,商店和办公室空间,是与比利时法兰德斯建筑师Bovenbouw,ONO Architectuur以及荷兰建筑事务所Rapp + Rapp合作设计的城市街区的一部分。 The design is the second phase of a master plan to redevelop the site of a former seamen’s hostel in a dense part of the city near the docks.
该设计处于这个区域总体规划中的第二阶段,该总体规划的第二阶段是重新开发一块前海员宿舍用地,基地位于城市中人口稠密的码头附近。The different scales of the apartment building and the houses, as well as the different designs made by the architects, is a conscious attempt to make a city block with the enjoyable variety that is found in a typical street. 建筑师通过有意识的尝试,设计不同规模的公寓楼和居住单元,以创建令人愉悦的具有多样性的城市街区。The apartment building and the houses enclose a garden courtyard that can be entered from the surrounding streets via passages through the buildings.公寓楼和居住单元围绕着花园庭院展开,可以由周围的街道通过建筑的通道进入花园庭院。 The apartments in Caruso St John’s L-shaped building have wide balconies facing south and west, which extend the whole length of the façade and overlook the garden and a small park to the west. 在Caruso St John事务所设计的 L形建筑中,公寓设有朝南和朝西的宽大阳台,这延伸了整个立面的整体长度,并俯瞰着花园和西侧的一个小公园。The balconies are designed as loggias, held up by figure-like columns of white precast concrete, and adding an unusual and ornamental character to the façade. 阳台被设计成纳凉长廊,由白色预制混凝土的柱子支撑,并为立面增添了不同寻常的装饰感。The façades try to avoid the systemisation that is associated with much urban housing of this scale, to make open elevations that have a close association with the spaces that they address. 外立面的设计试图避免与其具有相同规模的城市建筑的系统化(雷同)处理,而是要使具有开放的立面以与其周边建筑紧密相关。On the ground floor, around the garden courtyard, are community functions including a kindergarten, studio spaces, and a café.建筑一层临近花园庭院,这里设置了社区功能,包括幼儿园,工作室空间和咖啡厅。注:此英文原文于2020年发表于
OnLand Studio(在地工作室),以“脚踏实地,悉心耕耘”为宗旨,集合“国内顶尖本科院校+国际顶尖研究生院校”的双一流师资团队,帮助学员提升专业素养,更高质高效地完成留学作品集、校内设计课程及校外相关竞赛,助每一位申请者圆自己的名校梦。