
发布于 2021-01-05 17:15

本文整理了大家常申请的两所香港大学:香港城市大学和香港浸会大学针对Personal Statement(Motivation Letter)个人陈述(动机信)的详细要求,大家可以查阅:

香港城市大学 (City University of Hong Kong):

Applicant Statement


The content of your statement should explain why you wish to study the programme and how the qualification is relevant to your career aspirations, as well as your expectation of the programme. If applicable, provide other information (e.g. work experience, non-academic achievements, community services) that you think is relevant to the assessment of your application.



- P04 MSc Finance 金融

- P07 MA Global Business Management 全球商务管理

- P13 MSc Applied Economics 应用经济学

- P15 MSc Financial Engineering 金融工程

- P25 MA in Communication and New Media 传播与新媒体

- P39 MA in Integrated Marketing Communication 整合营销传播

- P52 MSc in Construction Management 施工管理

- P60 MSc in Civil and ArchitecturalEngineering 土木与建筑工程

- P64 Master of Urban Design and RegionalPlanning 城市设计与区域规划

- P80 MFA Creative Media 创意媒体

- P81 MA in Creative Media 创意媒体



香港浸会大学 (Hong Kong Baptist University)


在Additional Information部分可以补充想要填写的PS内容,例如校内外/课内外实习实践等。限制3800字符。

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