
发布于 2021-10-06 19:01


  1. 本工程根据A提供的《XXXXXX》(工程编号:XXX)(2021年10月)进行设计。

  2. 本单体±0.000标高相当于85国家高程3.150米,平面定位详见总图(请与总图核对无误后施工)。

  3. 本工程建筑桩基设计等级为丙级。

  4. 本工程采用预应力混凝土异型方桩,桩型号及施工工艺要求详见浙江省标准图集2020浙GT48《螺锁式预应力混凝土方桩》,异型方桩砼等级为C65级。桩与承台的连接构造见详图集第19-20页。

  5. 一般不宜截桩,如遇特殊情况确要截桩时,应采用有效措施以确保截桩后螺锁式预应力混凝土方桩的质量。施工配桩时应认真核对地勘报告,尽量做到不截桩不接桩。

  6. 本单体基桩均为摩擦端承桩.请根据现场情况选用合适的沉桩工艺。

  7. 如采用静压法沉桩(请核实对周围建、构筑物及地下管线等有否影响),应以桩长和压桩力双控,桩长接近设计有效桩长且压力值接近桩身极限值时应停止压桩。压桩设备应有加载反力读数系统,必要时要对施工场地采取提高地耐力的措施,以避免陷机而使管桩被挤动偏位。

  8. 如采用锤击沉桩法(请核实对周围建、构筑物有否影响),请选择合适的桩锤大小,以桩长为主,贯入度为辅控制。同时应合理安排打桩顺序,以及控制每天的打桩速度(根数),必要时可采取设置应力释放孔或取土预成孔等措施,以减少对周边建、构筑物及地下管沟、管线等的影响。

  9. 试打桩位置见平面布置图“标注,共3根,以确定打桩控制参数。

  10. 施工完成后的工程桩应进行静载荷试验,用于单桩承载力验收,静载荷试验数量不得少于总桩数的1%,且不少于3根。

  11. 桩基施工后应按《建筑基桩检测技术规范》JGJ106-2014的要求进行低应变动测。检测数量不少于总桩数的20%,且不应小于10根,每个承台不少于50%且不少于1根。承载力不同时应分别满足检测数量要求。

  12. 施工过程中遇到未明之事或有异常情况,应及时与设计院和有关单位协商解决。

  13. 沉桩前,场地应进行平整回填(可用宕渣),以满足工程车或工程机械的通行与运行要求,具体厚度应视现场情况确定,回填后场地标高高出桩顶不宜少于800,宕渣粒径不宜过大,以免后期影响沉桩施工。

  14. 施工及验收应严格按国家有关规范规程进行



Descriptionof Pile Foundation Design:

  1. The project isdesigned according to XXXXXX (Project No.: X) (October 2021) provided by A.

  2. The elevation of ± 0.000 of the building equals to the elevation of 3.150m in 1985 nationalelevation benchmarks. The plane positioning should refer the general drawing (which has to be checked with the general drawing before construction).

  3. The design class of pile foundation in this project is Class C.

  4. The prestressed concrete special-shaped square pile has been selected in this project. The details of pile model and construction process requirements should refer the Standard Atlas Zhejiang GT48-2020 (Prestressed Concrete Square Pile with Bolt-shackle Mechanical Connection). The concrete grade of the special-shaped square pile is C65. The connection between pile and foundation platform should refer Page 19-20 of the atlas.

  5. Generally, it is not applicable for cutting the pile apart. If it is necessary to cut the pile in special circumstances, the sufficient and effective measures should be taken to ensure the quality of these piles after cutting. The geological survey report should be carefully checked during pile allocation.

  6. The foundation piles are end bearing piles with friction. Please make the appropriate selection of pile sinking process based on the site conditions.

  7. If the static pressure method is selected for pile sinking (please verify whether it will affect the surrounding buildings, structures or underground pipelines), the pile length and pressing force should be both controlled. When the pile length is close to the design effective pile length, and the pressure value is close to the limit value of the pile body, it should stop pressing the piles.The pile pressing equipment should be set with a loading reaction reading system. If necessary, the measures should be taken to improve the ground resistance of the construction site to avoid the pipe pile being squeezed and displaced by the sinking machine.

  8. If the hammering method is selected for pile sinking (please verify whether it will affect the surrounding buildings or structures), please select the appropriatepile hammer size, mainly controlled by pile length and supplemented by penetration. At the same time, the pile driving sequence should be reasonably arranged and the daily pile driving speed (number) should be controlled. If necessary, the measures such as setting stress relief holes or borrow pre formed holes can be taken toreduce the impacts on surrounding buildings, structures, underground pipetrenches or pipelines.

  9. Please refer "" in the layout plan for the location of trial piles, there are totally 3 piles which used to determine the control parameters.

  10. The static load test should be conducted for the engineering piles after construction, which used for the acceptance of single pile bearing capacity. The number of static load tests should not be less than 1% of the total number of piles as well as not less than 3.

  11. After pile foundation construction, the low strain dynamic testing should be carried out with the requirements of the standard JGJ106-2014 (Technical code for testing of building foundation piles). The detection quantity should not be less than 20% of the total number of piles as well as not be less than 10. In addition, each foundation platform should not be less than 50% as well as not less than 1. If there are different bearing capacity, it has to meet the requirements of test quantity respectively.

  12. In case of unknown or abnormal situation during construction, it should be solved throughconsultation with the design institute as well as relevant department in time.

  13. Before pile sinking, the site should be leveled and backfilled (slag can be used) to meet the traffic and operation requirements of engineering vehicles or engineering machinery. The specific thickness should be determined according to the site conditions. After backfilling, the site elevation should not be less than 800mm above the top of piles. In addition, the particle size of slag should not be too large, which can affect the pile sinking construction in the later stage.

  14. The constructionand acceptance should be carried out in strict accordance with the relevant standards and specifications.

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