新作 ||【简兆芝室内设计 简兆芝】墨⾊浸染空间⼤气 灯品点缀⼀室藏⾦
发布于 2021-01-14 19:37
设计概念Design Concept
将「体现屋主饱读诗书,屋中内藏文化艺境,于中挖掘出金色宝库」作为设计主旨,响应作品名称、回应身为高端技术人员屋主的内敛深蕴性格,简兆芝室内设计 简兆芝 主持设计师 以墨色渲染的灰黑色调作为房屋基底,点缀微金灯饰及精心挑配软件作为空间亮点,透过色调、材质的组合,创造一彼此相融、消散于沉稳灰调氤氲中的独居雅尚宅。
The design team sets the theme of the layout of "a well-educated proprietor and a golden treasury of fine arts". In order to present the homeowner's resolute and modest character as a high-end technician, INK DESIGN SPACE chief designer Kathy Chien makes use of the grey and black color scheme as the base of the house, and meticulously select the golden lightings and home furnishings to embellish and highlight the space. By way of the integration of the hue and materials, hence brings about an elegant and stylish residence.
设计手法 Design Techniques
灰黑相染 家配点睛
The selected color scheme and furnishing creates striking features
Adopt the house owner's favorite colors of grey and black as the accent colors of the space. However avoiding the dim situation, we choose the lightings of slight gold that will brighten up the surrounding. In addition, the furniture in the kitchen area is also well selected. The special selections make each area not too dull, even on the fundament of deep color.
板材含光 浸蕴美质
The slate reflects light and hand out the finishing touch
In addition to the wood and leather, set up the TV wall of the Polybasite thin slate of deep tinge. The texture of the stone shines beneath the light seems like the gem hidden in the ground; and the cultured element replies an exclusive character of the homeowner.
领域相交 视觉通透
The open spatial configuration generates a transparent vision
Besides planning an open layout of the public areas, the private domain is separated by the wooden gratings. Take the advantages of the roomy space to create a brighter and more smooth flow perception. Whenever the homeowner shuts down the wood grating, it will become a place to unwind and enjoy the personal happy time.
The sitting area and the den
The grey-black thin slate TV wall shins beneath the light and harmoniously marry with the lightings, with crystal texture that reflects on the wall. And the selected sofa of bright orange leather becomes the focal point of the space.
Due to the house owner lives alone, hence plan an open pattern of the den for the flexible usage. It will be a perfect place for reading, watching TV or reposing.
The kitchen and the dining area
Meticulously set up a mini bar of modern New York style at a side of the kitchen. Black and white tiles splice with panels shows up the stunning feature wall of the public area. It is suitable to prepare food for friends gathering, as well as putting a touch of trendy texture of the space.
The specially designed table lamp is the eye catch element of the space, perfectly echoes the design concept of "auric treasure", and bright up the dim area at the same time. The pale facade of the stone table shapes the sense of suspension, slightly eliminates the dark feeling, further to bring about the captivating atmosphere.
主卧室 The master bedroom
The wooden grating introduces the daylight from the external area to the bedroom, so that the light can pass through freely. And at the same time, the contour faintly divide the public and private sections, consequently, create an exclusive charm living space.
简兆芝室内设计 简兆芝
简兆芝 / Kathy 主持设计师(建筑师)
2020-2021 中国 室内设计年度封面人物
2020 杜拜 国际专业室内设计大赛《墨艺藏金》住宅空间类 铜奖
2020 法国 MAISON&OBJET Design Award《墨艺藏金》 入围
2020 美国 MUSE Design Awards《墨艺藏金》《磐石雅居》金奖
2020 中国 金外滩奖《Deloitte Taiwan》最佳办公空间 优秀奖
2019-2020 地产设计大奖.中国《Deloitte Taiwan》优秀奖
2020 法国 NOVUM DESIGN AWARD《磐石雅居》银奖
2020 美国 MUSE Design Awards 《磐石雅居》金奖
2020 德国 German Design Award 《Deloitte Taiwan》Winner
2019 英国 Outstanding Property Award 《Deloitte Taiwan》Winner
2019 英国 Outstanding Property Award 《幽岸岩光》Winner
2019 美国 International Design Awards 《幽岸岩光》Honorable Mention
2019 美国 Muse Design Award 《幽岸岩光》金奖
2019 意大利A' Design Award and Competition 《Deloitte Taiwan》银奖
2019 杜拜DUBAI Competition《Deloitte Taiwan》《幽岸岩光》双银奖
2019 中国M+高端室内设计大赛 《幽岸岩光》年度影响力TOP100
2019 中国 亚太室内设计精英邀请赛 《Deloitte Taiwan》大奖《幽岸岩光》荣誉提名奖
2019 美国《interior Design》中文版 1989-2019 全国百名优秀室内建筑师
2019 华人金创奖《Deloitte Taiwan》 优良作品《幽岸岩光》入围作品
2019 美国 SPARK Spaces Design Awards《Deloitte Taiwan》 Finalist
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【简兆芝室内设计 简兆芝】
2019/20 APDC亚太室内设计精英邀请赛
2020 DUBAI Competition
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