
Hope everything going well .
I am not sure you take notice of the exchange rate, USD/RMB exchange rate has been falling, down to 6.4 now, you can see that in the currency website :https://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?From=USD&To=CNYUSD/RMB exchange rate fall, that means our profits are decreasing, or even losing money.It\'s so frustrating.(美元兑人民币汇率。下降,就意味着我们的利润在减少,甚至亏本。如此让人无奈。)
In this regard, we have come up with a solution that is fair to both of us: based on the current exchange rate, if the exchange rate fluctuation value exceeds 0.3, we will adjust the offer. In other words: if it goes as low as 6.1, we will increase the price; If the price is 6.7 higher, we will reduce the price for you.
(对此,我们想到了一个对我们双方都比较公平的方案:在目前的汇率基础上,若汇率波动值超过0.3,我们则调整报价。也就是说:如果低至6.1,我们将上调价格;如果高出6.7,我们将为你降低价格。)What do you think of this solution? Any ideas are welcome to communicate.这是第一封邮件,就是先提出我们要调价的想法,然后等待客户的回应。
我们发了第一封邮件之后,客户没同意我们的方案或者犹豫,那么就要再来一封邮件。The loss caused by exchange rate changes should not be borne by any of us, but it exists objectively and affects our cooperation, so we cannot ignore it.(汇率变动带来的损失,不应该由我们任何一方承担,但它却客观存在,影响着我们的合作,所以我们无法无视它。)
As you see, the exchange rate has been falling for several months, but we have never raised the price with you because you are our old customer and we hope to not disturb you as much as possible.(您也看到,汇率已经连续下跌几个月,但我们一直都没有跟您提涨价,是因为您是我们的老客户,我们希望尽量不打扰您。)
Our peers, that is, other suppliers, have raised prices with their customers last month, and we have been waiting for the exchange rate to rise, because in this case, we will not increase the price, but unfortunately, the exchange rate is still falling.(我们的同行,也就是其他供应商上个月就已经跟他们的客户涨价了,而我们一直在等待汇率回升,因为这样的话,我们就不用提涨价,但遗憾的是,汇率仍然下跌。)
In desperation, we consulting with you. Our proposal is fair to both parties, and we hope you will consider it again. (无奈之下,找您协商。我们提出的方案对双方都是公平的,希望您再考虑一下。感谢。)Thanks my dear sir.hope we can have a good and long cooperation.(谢谢亲爱的您,希望我们可以保持良好的、长期的合作。)