发布于 2021-10-13 12:31
孩子是骗子吗?您认为您可以轻松地发现他们的谎言吗?发育研究员Kang Lee研究了儿童说谎时生理上会发生什么。他们做的很多,从2岁开始,实际上他们真的很擅长。 Lee解释了为什么我们应该庆祝孩子何时开始说谎,并提出了一种新的说谎检测技术,该技术有朝一日可以揭示我们隐藏的情感。
Hi. Let me ask theaudience a question: Did you ever lie as a child? If you did, could you pleaseraise your hand? Wow! This is the most honest group of people I ve ever met.
So for the last 20years, I ve been studying how children learn to tell lies. And today, I m goingto share with you some of the discoveries we have made.
But to begin, I mgoing to tell you a story from Mr. Richard Messina, who is my friend and anelementary school principal. He got a phone call one day. The caller says,"Mr. Messina, my son Johnny will not come to school today because he ssick."
Mr. Messina asks,"Who am I speaking to, please?" And the caller says, "I am myfather." So this story—sums up very nicely three common beliefs we haveabout children and lying.
One, children onlycome to tell lies after entering elementary school. Two, children are poorliars. We adults can easily detect their lies. And three, if children lie at avery young age, there must be some character flaws with them, and they aregoing to become pathological liars for life. Well, it turns out all of thethree beliefs are wrong.
We have beenplaying guessing games with children all over the world. Here is an example. Soin this game, we asked children to guess the numbers on the cards. And we tellthem if they win the game, they are going to get a big prize.
But in the middleof the game, we make an excuse and leave the room. And before we leave theroom, we tell them not to peek at the cards. Of course, we have hidden camerasin the room to watch their every move. Because the desire to win the game is sostrong, more than 90 percent of children will peek as soon as we leave theroom.
The crucialquestion is: When we return and ask the children whether or not they havepeeked, will the children who peeked confessor lie about their transgression?We found that regardless of gender, country, religion, at two years of age, 30percent lie, 70 percent tell the truth about their transgression.
At three years ofage, 50 percent lie and 50 percent tell the truth. At four years of age, morethan 80 percent lie. And after four years of age, most children lie. So as youcan see, lying is really a typical part of development. And some children beginto tell lies as young as two years of age.
So now, let s takea closer look at the younger children. Why do some but not all young childrenlie? In cooking, you need good ingredients to cook good food. And good lyingrequires two key ingredients. The first key ingredient is theory of mind, or themind-reading ability.
Mind reading isthe ability to know that different people have different knowledge about thesituation and the ability to differentiate between what I know and what youknow. Mind reading is important for lying because the basis of lying is that Iknow you don t know what I know. Therefore, I can lie to you.
The second keyingredient for good lying is self-control. It is the ability to control yourspeech, your facial expression and your body language, so that you can tell aconvincing lie. And we found that those young children who have more advancedmind-reading and self-control abilities tell lies earlier and are moresophisticated liars. As it turns out, these two abilities are also essentialfor all of us to function well in our society.
In fact, deficitsin mind-reading and self-control abilities are associated with seriousdevelopmental problems, such as ADHD and autism. So if you discover yourtwo-year-old is telling his or her first lie, instead of being alarmed, youshould celebrate —because it signals that your child has arrived at a newmilestone of typical development.
Now, are childrenpoor liars? Do you think you can easily detect their lies? Would you like togive it a try? Yes? OK. So I m going to show you two videos.
In the videos, thechildren are going to respond to a researcher s question, "Did youpeek?" So try to tell me which child is lying and which child is tellingthe truth. Here s child number one. Are you ready?
(Video) Adult: Didyou peek? Child: No.
Kang Lee: And thisis child number two.
(Video) Adult: Didyou peek? Child: No.
KL: OK, if youthink child number one is lying, please raise your hand. And if you think childnumber two is lying, please raise your hand. OK, so as a matter of fact, childnumber one is telling the truth, child number two is lying. Looks like many ofyou are terrible detectors of children s lies.
Now, we have playedsimilar kinds of games with many, many adults from all walks of life. And weshow them many videos. In half of the videos, the children lied. In the otherhalf of the videos, the children told the truth. And let s find out how theseadults performed.
Because there areas many liars as truth tellers, if you guess randomly, there s a 50 percentchance you re going to get it right. So if your accuracy is around 50 percent,it means you are a terrible detector of children s lies.
So let s startwith undergrads and law school students, who typically have limited experiencewith children. No, they cannot detect children s lies. Their performance isaround chance.
Now how aboutsocial workers and child-protection lawyers, who work with children on a dailybasis? Can they detect children s lies? No, they cannot.
What about judges,customs officers and police officers, who deal with liars on a daily basis? Canthey detect children s lies? No, they cannot.
What aboutparents? Can parents detect other children s lies? No, they cannot. What about,can parents detect their own children s lies? No, they cannot.
So now you may askwhy children s lies are so difficult to detect. Let me illustrate this with myown son, Nathan. This is his facial expression when he lies.
So when childrenlie, their facial expression is typically neutral. However, behind this neutralexpression, the child is actually experiencing a lot of emotions, such as fear,guilt, shame and maybe a little bit of liar s delight.
Unfortunately,such emotions are either fleeting or hidden. Therefore, it s mostly invisibleto us. So in the last five years, we have been trying to figure out a way toreveal these hidden emotions. Then we made a discovery.
We know thatunderneath our facial skin, there s a rich network of blood vessels. When weexperience different emotions, our facial blood flow changes subtly. And thesechanges are regulated by the autonomic system that is beyond our consciouscontrol. By looking at facial blood flow changes, we can reveal people s hiddenemotions.
Unfortunately,such emotion-related facial blood flow changes are too subtle to detect by ournaked eye. So to help us reveal people s facial emotions, we have developed anew imaging technology we call "transdermal optical imaging."
To do so, we use aregular video camera to record people when they experience various hiddenemotions. And then, using our image processing technology, we can extracttransdermal images of facial blood flow changes. By looking at transdermalvideo images, now we can easily see facialblood flow changes associated withthe various hidden emotions.
And using thistechnology, we can now reveal the hidden emotions associated with lying, andtherefore detect people s lies. We can do so noninvasively, remotely,inexpensively, with an accuracy at about 85percent, which is far better thanchance level.
And in addition,we discovered a Pinocchio effect. No, not this Pinocchio effect. This is thereal Pinocchio effect. When people lie, the facial blood flow on the cheeksdecreases, and the facial blood flow on the nose increases.
Of course, lyingis not the only situation that will evoke our hidden emotions. So then we askedourselves, in addition to detecting lies, how can our technology be used? Oneapplication is in education.
For example, usingthis technology, we can help this mathematics teacher to identify the studentin his classroom who may experience high anxiety about the topic he s teachingso that he can help him. And also we can use this in health care. For example,every day I Skype my parents, who live thousands of miles away.
And using thistechnology, I can not only find out what s going on in their lives but alsosimultaneously monitor their heart rate, their stress level, their mood andwhether or not they are experiencing pain. And perhaps in the future, theirrisks for heart attack or hypertension. And you may ask: Can we use this alsoto reveal politicians emotions?
For example,during a debate. Well, the answer is yes. Using TV footage, we could detect thepoliticians heart rate, mood and stress, and perhaps in the future, whether ornot they are lying to us. We can also use this in marketing research, forexample, to find out whether or not people like certain consumer products.
We can even use itin dating. So for example, if your date is smiling at you, this technology canhelp you to determine whether she actually likes you or she is just trying tobe nice to you. And in this case, she is just trying to be nice to you.
So transdermaloptical imaging technology is at a very early stage of development. Many newapplications will come about that we don t know today. However, one thing Iknow for sure is that lying will never be the same again. Thank you very much.Xiè xie.
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