
发布于 2021-10-13 15:15


UNLOCK 3 和GW中多次学到写对比---表示对比的句型,短语和连接词。


A and B differ in 

A differs from B

on the other hand 

to the contrary

in contrast( to) 




Compared with 

A...., on the other hand,/ in contrast, /while/ whereas B...



The whale shark eats small animals like plankton or krill. The tiger shark, in contrast, eats much bigger animals like turtles or dolphins. 


There have been 119 known attacks on people by tiger sharks since 2009,whereas no attacks have been recorded for whale sharks.

写对比是一个很有意思的练习过程,同时也需要我们有大量的知识储备,于是今天来收集一下可以写对比的素材--- 动物。

10 Pairs of Commonly Confused Animals

It's a big world out there, and with such an abundance of life, it's no surprise that things can get perplexing, especially when it comes to animals. Sometimes similar creatures from the same order get categorized differently because of habitat or behavior. Other times animals from completely different species evolve in similar ways. Whatever the reasons, at times it's hard to know the difference between them. Here are our favorite pairs of confusing creatures and how to tell the difference.

Porpoises and Dolphins


Porpoises (left) and dolphins (and whales) are all mammals that belong to the order Cetacea. The difference boils down to their faces, fins and bodies. Dolphins generally have prominent, long "beaks" and cone-shaped teeth. Porpoises have smaller mouths and spade-shaped teeth. Dolphins are generally leaner than porpoises, and have a curved dorsal fin, while porpoises are more robust and have a triangular dorsal fin.


Cetacea  /'setəsiə/ 鲸类

boil down to  归结为

prominent adj. 重要的,著名的;显眼的

beak 鸟嘴,喙

spade-shaped 锥形

lean  adj. 瘦且健康的

dorsal  adj. (鱼或动物)背部的

dorsal fin  [鱼] 背鳍

robust  adj. 强壮的,强健的

Rabbits and hares兔子和野兔

Even though rabbits (left) and hares (right) both belong to the Lagomorpha order of mammals, they have their differences. Hares are generally larger and faster than rabbits, and have longer ears. Hares have longer, stronger hind legs and bigger feet than rabbits. They tend to try and outrun predators, while rabbits escape to their warrens when threatened. Hares also have black markings on their fur.


outrun  vt. 超过;跑得比…快

warren n. 养兔场

Moths and butterflies

Moths (left) and butterflies (right) belong to the order Lepidoptera, and while you might easily tell the difference between a small, brown moth and a large brightly colored butterfly as shown here, there are other examples that look far more alike. You can generally tell by the antennae. A butterfly's antennae are club-shaped with a long shaft tipped by a bulb while a moth's are feathery or serrated. You can also look at the wings. Butterfly wings fold up vertically over their backs, while moth wings are more tent-like and over their abdomen.


Moth n. 蛾

antennae  /ænˈteniː/ 天线,触须

club-shaped adj. 棒状的

shaft  杆,柄,竖井

feathery adj. 生有羽毛的

serrated  /səˈreɪtɪd/  adj. [生物] 锯齿状的,有锯齿的

abdomen  /ˈæbdəmən/ n. 腹部

Llamas and alpacas


Llamas (left) and alpacas (right) are even-toed ungulates that belong to the family Camelidae. The most obvious difference may be their size. Most adult alpacas weigh between 100 and 175 pounds while adult llamas are much larger and can reach up to 400 pounds. Other differences can be seen in the ears. Llamas have long curved ears while alpacas have short spear-shaped ears. Likewise, llamas have longer faces while alpacas have more of a smushed face. And while this isn't always the case, llamas generally have little hair on their face and head, while alpacas can have a wonderful abundance of fluff.


Llamas  美洲驼,驼羊 

alpaca  /ælˈpækə/  n. 羊驼

smushed 挤压的

fluff n. 绒毛

Seals and sea lions


Seals (left) and sea lions (right) are both pinnipeds, meaning they are fin-footed marine animals, but here's how they differ: Seals generally have stubby, thinly webbed flippers for their front feet, with a claw on each small toe, compared to the larger, skin-covered flippers of sea lions. Seals are generally smaller and better adapted to the water than land (and as a result, they will often belly crawl) while sea lions can "walk." Seals lack external ears, while sea lions have small flaps. If you see a group of pinnipeds hanging together and being raucous, they are sea lions. Seals are loners and quiet, while sea lions are social and noisy.


stubby   adj. 短而粗硬的;又短又秃的

webbed  adj. 有蹼的

pinnipeds  n. 鳍脚亚目动物

raucous  adj.  喧闹的, 刺耳的

loner n. 孤独的人;不合群的动物

Opossums and possums


In North America we have opossums (left), but they are often mistaken called possums. True possums (right) reside in Australia, making them both geographically distinct from each other. Why the confusion? Captain James Cook's botanist, Sir Joseph Banks, named possums (Phalangeridae) after opossums (Didelphimorphia) after because the critters looked like its American relative. How to tell the difference, other than location? Possums generally have bigger ears and eyes. Opossums have bald tails while possums have furry ones.

在北美有负鼠(左图),但它们经常被错误地称为袋貂(澳洲的华人广泛将“袋貂”称呼为“负鼠”) 。真正的袋貂(右)居住在澳大利亚,这使得它们在地理上彼此不同。为什么困惑? 詹姆斯·库克船长的植物学家约瑟夫·班克斯爵士用负鼠(Didelphimorphia)的名字给袋貂(Phalangeridae)命名,因为这种动物看起来像它的美国亲戚。除了地理位置,怎么区分呢?袋貂通常有更大的耳朵和眼睛。负鼠的尾巴是光秃秃的,而袋貂的尾巴是毛茸茸的。

Crocodiles and alligators

Crocodiles (left) and alligators (right) are both reptiles from the order Crocodylia. You can tell the difference by looking at their heads. Crocodiles have a longer head shaped like a "V." Alligator heads are shorter and shaped like a "U." Also, when an alligator closes its mouth, most of its teeth are hidden. When a crocodile closes its mouth, many of the teeth protrude outside along the jawline. Crocodiles are generally lighter in color and are more aggressive than alligators.


Aardvarks and anteaters


They both start with an "a," have long snouts and rely on a diet of ants, but the similarities between aardvarks (left) and anteaters (right) end there. They are altogether different species. Anteaters belong to the suborder Vermilingua and aardvarks are the only living species of the order Tubulidentata. Aardvarks are found in Africa; anteaters in Central and South America. Aardvarks have claws for digging, but anteaters have paws with such dramatically long claws that they must ball up their paws for an awkward, knuckle-walking gate. Anteaters have more fur and small ears. Aardvarks have light, coarse hair and large ears.


anteaters  /ˈæntiːtə(r)/ n. 食蚁兽

suborder 亚目

knuckle n. 关节

coarse   /kɔːs/  adj. 粗糙的

Lizards and salamanders


Lizards (left) and salamanders (right) seem similar, but lizards are reptiles while salamanders are amphibians. As amphibians, salamanders are found close to water, while lizards can be found in a number of climates, including those that are hot and dry. Lizards have scaly bodies and long toes while salamanders have smooth bodies and stumpy toes. Lizards can also grow much longer than salamanders.


scaly  adj. 有鳞的

stumpy  /ˈstʌmpi/  粗短的

Puffins and penguins


Although puffins (left) and penguins (right) share similar coloring and diet, penguins belong to the family Spheniscidae, while puffins belong to the family Alcidae. The most obvious difference is that penguins don't fly. They have solid bones, which makes them better swimmers. Puffins, like most birds, have hollow bones so that they aren't weighed down in flight. Puffins are generally smaller, ranging in size from 10 to 15 inches, while penguins can be as tall as 4 feet. Location makes a difference, too. All four species of puffins live in the Northern Hemisphere. The 18 species of penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere.


Mules and donkeys


Mules (left) and donkeys (right) are commonly confused because mules are part donkey. A mule is the love child of a female horse and a male donkey, and while mules generally can't mate, there have been several cases that prove fertility is possible. Because mules are only part donkey, they have larger ears, which they get from their moms. They also have taller, larger bodies, like a horse. Their teeth, tails and coats are also more equine than a donkey's.


equine   /ˈekwaɪn/  adj. 马的;象马的







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