由法国知名室内设计师让.路易 .蒂诺重新设计的十八世纪巴黎奢 华公寓

发布于 2021-03-31 19:48

Rue de Rivoli located in the heart of Paris is a dream place to have an apartment. Who wouldn’t like to drink a morning coffee overlooking the iconic Place de la Concorde or Louvre? Jean-Louis Deniot – a talented French interior designer helped one Belgian couple to fulfill this dream, modernizing a classical 18th-century Parisian luxury apartment.
所有人都梦想在巴黎市中心里沃利路拥有一所公寓。谁不想在清晨对着卢 浮宫和协和广场喝咖啡呢?法国富有才华的知名室内设计师让.路易 .蒂诺 通过对一所奢华经典的十八世纪巴黎公寓的现代化改造,帮一对比利时夫 妇实现了这个梦想。

Jean-Louis Deniot is one of the most recognizable French architects and interior designers. His known for his eclectic and emblematic interiors that create very magical atmosphere. As he states “I play in a multiplicity of repertoires, letting my academic training translate into a vocabulary that is both informal and bold”.
.路易 .蒂诺是法国知名的建筑师和室内设计师之一。他以其不拘一格的 又富有象征性的室内设计⻛格而闻名。他的设计让室内空间变得具有魔 力。正如他自己所说我在多种多样的剧目中畅游,把我的所学用大胆和 非正式的词汇表达出来

The designer is neither a fan of minimalism, nor a fan of excess, trying to find the greatest balance in spaces he creates. This mesmerizing harmony is visible in his reimagination of an 18th-century Parisian luxury apartment on Rue de Rivoli. Jean-Louis was put into a challenge to update an apartment, that hasn’t been renewed since 1940s.
这位设计师既不是极简主义的爱好者,也不是繁复主义的粉丝。他一直尝 试在他创造的空间中寻求最佳的平衡。而这种迷人的和谐感在这处由他重 塑的位于里沃利路的十八世纪巴黎奢华公寓中被展现得淋漓尽致。他所改 造的这所公寓自上世纪四十年代后就没有被重新修缮了。

His first decision was to rearrange the space and the layout, so the flat will look more fresh and modern. “It was very conservative and traditional with separate his and hers rooms and the kitchen all the way in the back, because that was a time when there was service staff” – says Deniot.
他的第一个决定便是重新规划室内空间和布局,以此让公寓显得更有活力 和现代感。空间原来的布局非常传统和保守,把夫妻房间分开,厨房的 位置也在公寓的最里面,因为那时候有佣人来服务房间的主人。设计师 蒂诺说到。

Jean-Louise skillfully mixes classical layout of the apartment and its French heritage with modern furniture and playful art pieces, which is one of the biggest trends of 2020 interior design. This harmonious blend is already visible right after putting a foot in the entrance hall. There, Deniot pushed the ceiling up and covered it and the walls in creamy Carrara marble, mixing it with the black-and-white cabochon floor. His goal was to expand the space and create a sense of drama.
.路易 .蒂诺娴熟地把公寓经典的布局和法国建筑遗产与现代家具和有趣 的艺术品混搭在一起。同时,这也是2020年室内设计流行的主要⻛格之 一。这种和谐的组合从一进入这所公寓的⻔厅就能被看到了。在那里,蒂 诺把天花板调高,用奶油色卡拉拉大理石把天花板和墙壁同时覆盖起来, 再搭配黑白抛光地面。他的目的是扩大空间,创造一种戏剧感。

Deniot decided to go with dark floors, are some of the interiors lack natural light; “using the darker floor makes the walls look brighter”. Dark floors are also visible in the dining area, but this time the designer decided to cover them with an artistic rug in pastel blue and white colors. This modern rug makes an amazing contrast to the classic wall grisaille mural of an abstracted landscape and vintage furniture.
蒂诺决定采用深色的地板,当室内光线不充足的时候,深色的地板可以使 墙壁看起来更加明亮。这所公寓的餐厅区域也采用了深色的地面,但是这 次,设计师在上面铺了一块柔和的蓝白色地毯。这块现代⻛格的地毯与经 典的灰色浮雕式抽象⻛景装饰墙和复古家具相映成趣。

This luxury apartment is full of surprising combinations like this, because as Deniot comments; “Juxtaposing elements that don’t normally belong together makes everything feel more exciting”. The living room definitely corresponds to this thought, where the modern furniture in pastel hues and smoky tones are displayed with traditional French white boiserie from 18th century.
这所奢华的公寓里到处都充满着像这样的惊喜。正如设计师所评论道, 把不属于彼此的元素并列在一起可以创造出焕然一新,让人兴奋的感 觉。客厅的设计完全符合这个理念。浅色的现代家具与烟熏色调和传统 法国十八世纪白色镶板搭配在一起。

Our definite favorite of this apartment is a small space adjacent to the living room, which serves as a bar and laundry room. There, the walls and cabinets are covered in bands of crushed gold and silver leaf alternating a terrazzo-like treatment of metallic leaf crushed atop a black background.
在这所公寓中我们最喜欢的地方便是临近客厅的一处空间,它既可以当作 酒吧又可以当作洗衣房。在那里,墙壁和陈列柜上被水磨石般金属叶与碎 金银色叶带在黑色背景上装饰覆盖。

The place is full of amazing artwork, like the painting by Jerome Robbe mounted above the fireplace in the living room. The tangerine-hues cube light fixture by Herve Van der Straeten in the master bedroom is also a true eye-catcher. “Just because you have a classical apartment doesn’t mean you can’t inject a bit of bubbliness. You don’t have to be overly respectful”. This apartment is definitely an example, that combining styles and epoch can look book luxurious and exciting.
这所公寓到处充满着迷人的艺术品,像是客厅壁炉上画家Jerome Robbe 的画作。还有主卧上方由法国设计师Herve Van der Straeten设计的橘红 色照明灯也吸人眼球。拥有一处经典的公寓并不意味着你不能在其中加 入一些气泡。你不需要过度尊重它本来的设计⻛格。这所公寓称得上是 一个完美演绎⻛格与经典结合,达到既奢华又有新意效果的范例。






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