讲人品,做精品, 坚持五个第一截止2020年底,咸氏金融集团公司已连续10年蝉联加拿大理财保险业业绩第一。2018 年金秋,集团公司又迎来了第五次入榜《加拿大最快发展企业500强》(Canada Growth 500)的喜讯。这是咸生林先生从业30年来,咸氏金融创建22年来健康成长的又一里程碑。展望未来,虽具有巨大的挑战,但我们深信,只要坚持职业道德第一,业务知识第一,行业规范第一,客户利益第一,良心生意第一的原则,咸氏金融集团一定会健康发展,为华社发展,融入主流,帮助新老移民在加拿大稳健的金融体系中安居乐业,做出我们应有的贡献!30 years in the business, we have been accompanied with great growth. In 1999, Shenglin Financial was founded with a group of top advisors and a strong client service team. In 2004, we moved in our own office building on Sheppard and Yonge, a commercial corridor in North York. In the same year, we set up our representative office in Ottawa. In 2007, we established our Western Canada Office in Vancouver, BC. In 2014, Shenglin Financial evolved into ShenglinFinancial Group Inc. with 14 associated financial service firms.Today, Shenglin Financial is focused on the higher net worth individuals, high income professionals, corporateexecutives and medium or large business owners. We share ideas with clients,create strategies, implement solutions and help to ensure their personal and corporate financial houses in good order!