Chinese Scientists to Assess Hainan's Ecosystem by June 2021海南预计6月前完成生态系统生产总值(GEP)核算 By June 2021, Chinese experts will assess the environmental indicators of the southern province of China’s Hainan, which affect the living conditions of the island residents. According to the “Hainan Daily”, the data will be combined into a single formalized indicator — gross ecosystem product (GEP). 海南省林业科学研究院联合中国林业科学院热带林业研究所共同开展的海南热带雨林国家公园生态系统生产总值(GEP)核算工作,预计将于今年6月之前完成,届时国家公园的生态“身价”将得到精准“核算”。 “The introduction of the GEP calculation will be able to provide information support for drawing up a balance sheet on natural resources, assessing the effectiveness of environmental development and other goals,” the publication quotes a representative of the regional forestry authority. According to the official, taking into account the new environmental indicator will change the approach to reporting on the government’s activities, which was previously estimated primarily by the growth of the gross regional product. 海南省林业科学研究院相关专家介绍,简单来说,GEP核算就是以科学的方式给生态环境算一笔账,将无价的生态系统各类功能“有价化”来核算“生态账”,让人们更加直观地认识生态系统的价值:“长期以来,受限于生态系统的复杂性、差异性,加上人类对自然资源价值认识的局限性、零散性,‘绿水青山就是金山银山’难以量化和具体化”;另一方面,“开展GEP核算,可以为自然资源资产负债表编制、绿色发展绩效考核等提供数据支撑,进一步完善绿色指挥棒考核体系,推动各级党委政府转变过去唯GDP论的政绩观”。海南省林业局(海南热带雨林国家公园管理局)有关负责人如此表示。 When calculating the GEP, experts will consider indicators related to air, soil, water and green space in the Hainan Rainforest National Park. One of the most important indicators for scientists is the ability of a forest park to absorb carbon. “One hectare of Hainan rainforest can absorb one to two tonnes of carbon on average annually, and its absorption capacity increases by an average of 3-4% every year,” said Zhou Zhang, junior researcher at the Chinese Forestry Academy. 目前,针对海南热带雨林国家公园的一套科学合理的生态系统生产总值(GEP)核算体系正在构建,该体系将对空气、水流、土壤、森林等生态资产进行估价。这其中,“碳汇”是最为科研人员重视的指标之一。中国林业科学研究院副研究员、尖峰岭生态站副站长周璋表示,“海南每公顷热带雨林1年平均可吸收1吨到2吨碳,且碳汇能力逐年增长,年均增长3%到4%”。据了解,近年来尖峰岭热带雨林平均每公顷每年吸收固碳可达2.38吨,远远强于夏威夷热带雨林每公顷每年0.6吨、非洲热带雨林每公顷每年0.63吨和马来半岛热带雨林每公顷每年1.24吨的碳汇能力。 Hainan’s forest park area is located in the mountainous area of the central part of the island. The green massif covers an area of about 4,400 square kilometers, which is one-seventh of Hainan. There are five state-level nature reserves and four provincial ones on this territory. 海南热带雨林国家公园位于海南岛中部的山区地带,覆盖面积约为4400平方公里,是海南全省陆地面积的1/7。国家公园内分布着5座国家级自然保护区和4座省级自然保护区。 来源:中国网海南平台 海南日报 塔斯社作者:魏君帆 李梦瑶编辑:林子慧