
发布于 2022-06-01 19:33



来源:伦敦艺术大学-时尚摄影(MA Fashion Photography)文学硕士课程







The project “Ties” sets out to explore the limit between intimacy and society regarding hair, particularly the tactile nature of it. As a species we exhibit an overwhelming preoccupation with our hair or that of others’. I decided to add up to the investigation of hair’s interpretations and its tactile characteristics, asking the question: “When does hair go from the public to the intimate?”.

Intimacy cannot have a single definition. It is usually defined as one or more experience of transcendence or intense emotion and touching hair is certainly one of them, in my opinion, overlapping with concepts such as love, closeness, self-disclosure, support, bonding, attachment and sexuality. Therefore, I decided to document pairs that are connected through hair, such as mothers and children, romantic couples, barbers and hairstylists with their clients.

Hair can be touched and played with in full view of one’s fellow humans in a way that other parts of the body cannot, and it is therefore used as a way of expressing repressed thoughts, but also identity. 

Intimacy usually denotes mutual vulnerability, openness, and sharing, but it’s still a broad concept that can vary based on the person experiencing it. The gesture of touching hair comes along with trust, consent and even security, but what happens when there is no consent.

The editorial photos analyse the reaction of hair to touch, focusing on someone’s identity highlighted by their hairstyle, but also imagining disembodied hair having its own life and reacting to un/wanted touch.

Once it is removed from the body, hair seems to have an eerie ability to survive beyond us, going from something adorned to something unfamiliar.


课程名称:MA Fashion Photography 「时尚摄影」 文学硕士







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