开学季,你知道“辅导员”的英文怎么说吗?「我们这一天 第二季」 | 60天无字幕刷美剧Day28
发布于 2021-09-08 06:26

背景音乐:《If Only》— Maria Taylor/Conor Oberst

Rebecca: And, uh, speaking of college, have you made your list yet? Didn't the guidance counselor say to make a list of your top five schools?

And,~uh, speaking of college, have you made~your list ~yet?
◆ and,~uh [ænd ʌ]
◆ made~your list~yet [meɪd jər lɪst jet]
Didn't the guidance counselor say to make~a list~of your top five schools?
◆ make~a list~of [meɪk ə lɪst əv]

●“提起”,“说到”:speaking of
Speaking of travelling, are you going anywhere exciting this year?
He's hoping to go to college next year.
●“指导顾问”,“辅导员”:guidance counselor
Her guidance counselor suggested she apply to Harvard.

Rebecca: I recognize that I may be a little bit dense about all this college stuff. You have two brothers who know exactly what they want to do with their life.

I recognize that~I may be~a little bit dense~about~all this college stuff.
◆ that~I may be~a [ðət aɪ meɪ biː ə]
◆ dense~about~all [dens əˈbaʊt ɔːl]
You have two brothers who know exactly what they want~to do with their life.
◆ want~to ['wɑːnə]

How can you be so dense?
I know exactly how she felt.

Rebecca: Keep your options open. You go to some incredible liberal arts college, and you can study a bunch of different subjects until you figure out what you’re passionate about.

Keep your~options~open.
◆ keep your~options~open [kiːp jər ˈɑːpʃnz ˈoʊpən]
You go to some~incredible liberal arts college, and you can study a bunch~of different subjects~until you figure~out what you're passionate~about.
◆ some~incredible [sʌm ɪnˈkredəbl]
◆ a bunch~of [ə bʌnʧ əv]
◆ different subjects~until [ˈdɪfrənt ˈsʌbʤekts ənˈtɪl]
◆ figure~out [ˈfɪgjər aʊt]
◆ passionate~about [ˈpæʃənət əˈbaʊt]

There are various options open to you.
It was an incredible performance.
Biology is my favorite subject.
He is passionate about basketball.
第二季 第九集 原剧视频
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