外刊 3 感受热度-新兴市场政策制定者努力应对不断上升的通货膨胀 | 精讲精练

发布于 2021-09-11 22:29


外刊翻译营第三篇外刊“Feeling the heat”选自经济学人,内容有关经济、通货膨胀。文本专业术语略有点多,搜索做得比较充分的话,翻译是不难的,难点是理解文本背后的逻辑。




Feeling the heat


Emerging-market policymakers grapple with rising inflation


It has been a long few months for the emerging world. Punishing temperatures fanned fires on Turkey’s Mediterranean shores and scorched Russia’s wheat fields. Covid-19 rages across countries with low vaccination rates. On top of everything else, inflation is running hot, too.


Soaring food and energy prices have pushed inflation to uncomfortably high levels. In Brazil consumer prices are 9% higher than they were a year ago, more than twice the central bank’s target. In Russia inflation is 6.5%, well above the central bank’s aim of 4%. Inflation in India, which had been high in 2020, rose above 6% this summer—north of the Reserve Bank’s target range. 


Reserve Bank 印度储备银行(RBI)作为印度的中央银行,负责管理国家的货币政策并持有储备货币。

go north / go south

Growth has mostly resumed, despite the continued ravages of covid-19. In parts of the emerging world, such as India, output has already regained its pre-pandemic level. In others, such as Russia, it is expected to do so by the end of the year. Soaring prices for oil, metals and agricultural products have been a boon for commodity exporters. But recoveries have been frustratingly uneven. Better times for export industries have not always translated into broader labour-market recovery. Business is booming in Brazil’s mining towns, for instance, but the unemployment rate across the country, at 14.6%, has scarcely declined from its pandemic peak.


That, in turn, has placed pressure on governments to extend or even increase spending on relief programmes. Economic growth is boosting tax revenues in many countries, improving the public finances that were battered by covid-19. Still, fiscal deficits remain large. A decision in June to expand grain handouts means that India’s central government is likely to borrow more than the 6.8% of gdp expected in the budget for the 2022 fiscal year. Brazil, which borrowed an eye-watering 13.4% of gdp last year, has extended its emergency cash transfers. 

这反过来又给政府带来了压力,迫使它们扩大甚至增加救济计划的支出。经济增长提高了许多国家的税收收入,改善了受疫情严重打击的公共财政。不过,财政赤字依然庞大。今年6月,印度政府决定扩大粮食发放,这意味着印度中央政府的借款规模可能会超过2022财年预算中预计GDP 6.8%的水平。巴西去年借入了占GDP 13.4%的巨额贷款,扩大了紧急现金转移支付。

eye-watering 惨不忍睹的,难以想象的



When you combine more money flowing through the economy with supply disruptions, though, the result is inflationary pressure. Emerging-market central bankers, like their rich-world counterparts, argue that high inflation is merely temporary. But, unlike their advanced-economy peers, some have not felt comfortable enough to wait and see. They have more recent experience of bouts of high inflation, and doubt that public expectations of low inflation are as firmly anchored as in rich countries.




They have thus moved forcefully to rein in inflation. Brazil’s central bank raised interest rates by a full percentage point on August 4th, on top of three increases of 0.75 percentage points each since March. The Central Bank of Russia also announced a full-point rise on July 23rd, also its fourth of the year. Other central banks that have held fire are expected to tighten in coming months. 


hold fire 不采取行动;停火

But higher interest rates are tough medicine at home. Large increases pose a risk to growth. Slower growth in turn hurts the public coffers, even as higher interest rates raise governments’ borrowing costs. Among the large emerging economies, the risk of a crisis is perhaps most palpable in Brazil, where a loss of confidence in the public finances contributed to a deep recession in 2015 and 2016. If the fiscal risk premium that bond-buyers demand continues to rise, then the government may soon face a terrible choice between slashing spending while unemployment remains high and a full-blown fiscal crisis. 


even as: at the same time as

bond: 债券是政府、企业、银行等债务人为筹集资金,按照法定程序发行并向债权人承诺于指定日期还本付息的有价证券。(VS securities 证券)

risk premium: 风险溢价。对于风险资产,投资者要求较高的投资收益从而对不确定性作出补偿,这种超出无风险收益率之上的必要收益率补偿,就是风险溢价


Recent woes only make the inflation problem starker—and at risk of spilling over to other countries. A severe drought in Brazil has reduced the capacity of its hydroelectric plants and sent energy prices soaring. It also threatens the production of export crops like coffee, leading to reduced supplies and higher prices. Low levels of the Paraná river have forced firms like Vale, a mining company, to reduce the loads of iron ore being carried on barges, causing global shortages. Russia’s government is taxing wheat shipments abroad, contributing to higher prices worldwide.


The fever could break later in the year, as bottlenecks ease and as demand from America and China cools a little. Yet there is also a risk of new disruptions: fresh outbreaks of covid-19, more natural disasters or social unrest, perhaps related to higher food prices. And for exporters like Brazil, softer commodity prices bring their own problems, such as a tumbling currency and an economic slowdown. A turn for the worse in one country could sour investor sentiment towards other places. Emerging markets have handled the economic strains of the past 18 moths with fortitude. But a break in the heat cannot come soon enough.

随着瓶颈期得到缓解,来自中美两国的需求又有所下降,这股热潮可能会在今年晚些时候结束。但我们仍可能面临新的问题: 新冠疫情再次爆发、更多自然灾害或社会动荡,这可能与粮食价格上涨相关。对巴西这样的出口国来说,商品价格走软也给其带来了问题,比如货币贬值和经济放缓。一个国家的情况恶化,可能会影响投资者对其他国家的信心。新兴市场在过去18个月里坚忍不拔,成功抗住了经济压力。但这股热潮还是散得越快越好。

cannot… too/enough 无论怎么……也不过分……,越……越好



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