发布于 2021-01-05 15:37
雅思口语是同考官进行一对一的交流对话,进而由考官根据流利度和连贯度(Fluency and Coherence)、词汇(Lexical Resource)、语法多样性及准确性(GrammaticalRange and Accuracy )以及发音(Pronunciation)四项评分标准来评判你的口语分数。
从考试本质上来看,雅思口语考查考生的思维(说什么)、语言(怎么用英文说)和表达(说的怎么样)。因此,我们要从1.训练思维 2.积累语言 3.纠正表达三方面,通过背诵(积累词汇、语法句型、培养语感、理解英语的逻辑思维模式、积累蕴含文化因素的习语),到模仿(口型、单词短语发音、语音语调、句式句型),再到同义替换(将自己想表达的意思用所学的地道词汇、句式表达,替换简单的说明呈现),最终学会用地道的英文方式即兴发挥,描述事物。
Describe a time when you worked in a group
You should say:
When it was
What you did
Who you worked with
And explain why you worked inthe group
2.Context:American English
3.Idiomatic Phrases
①: It’s a small world.
②: You name it
③: loseone’s temper
④: ground-breakingwork
⑤: spread salts to one’s wounds
⑥: sweetness and light
⑦: get on one’s nerves
⑧: gives omebody a hard time
⑨: poke fun of somebody
⑩: ask for trouble
①:Background: Some people say that kids tend to be naive and exagratting their emotions. One minute they were angry, the next mintue they would be laughing together. I guess that does not apply to adult life. When we don’t see eye to eye with other people, we secretly conceal it in our hearts and let these feelings slip away, or if it really gets on our nerves, we would even take advantage of the situation and get revenage. It may sound harsh at first glance, but years ago that experience vividly happened to me.
②:Experience:It was several years ago, when I started my first intern job in a Kitchen Cabinet company. I guess it was a small world, I met my junior high classmate Eco. Our company had the intention to establish some ground-breaking work in the Kitchen Cabinet field, and we were both recruited as project manager assistants, you know, to help the American project manager get acquainted with the surrondings and communicate with the local workers in the factory.
Well when I started working with her, at first she was all sweetness and light, but after a while she started getting on my nerves and we soon began to have arguments over stupid things. Maybe because I was second to none in junor high and didn’t really get well along with some classmates. I don’t know. In this situation, if I made a single small mistake with my work, she would spread salts to the wounds and give me a hard time. Pointing fingers towards my dressing styles, poking fun of my handwriting in front of my colleagues, you name it. What’s even worse, she beganto criticize my charater, my honesty.
③:Feelings: One day, when some money disappeared from someone’s handbag, she told everyone that she thought I had stolen it. Maybe she tought it was a practical joke, but I just didn’t find it funny at all. I didn’t think she was purely evil but shewas certainly asking for trouble. And one day eventually I just lost my temper and told her how exactly I thought of her and how much I didn’t appreciate her demeanors. She didn’t speak a single word to me until I left the company.
④:Evaluation: A wise man once said that to forgive someone was like to lift a thousand pounds off your back. It
frees you from all the negative burdens. I don’t know whether I could eventually forgive my former colleague, but I will definitely be a better teammate and practice the wisdom of forgiveness so that the group that we work in will be full of joy, fun and harmony.
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