我个人平时不怎么听音乐,所以听到这个消息的时候并没有太多的感想。但是看了朋友圈的内容后,才意识到,这个app是不是陪伴着很多人走过了他们的青春?Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start
interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You may take notes while you are
listening. You will hear each passage only once. Now let’s begin.
练了太多的正式发言之后,你或许会发现,日常普通得不能再普通的话,反倒是最难翻的。周二,阿里巴巴集团旗下音乐服务应用“虾米音乐”宣布将于今年2月5日关停,原因是“业务发展上的调整”。这预示着中国在线音乐流媒体格局的变化。据虾米音乐发布的公告,在应用程序关闭前,用户和音乐人可以复制虾米音乐的歌单至其他音乐平台播放,也可以将购买的专辑下载至电脑或手机使用。Xiami Music, a major Chinese music app backed by Alibaba, on Tuesday announced plans to stop service on February 5 due to business adjustments, heralding a change in the country's online music streaming landscape. Users and musicians can copy the links for song lists and play them on other music platforms and download purchased music albums to their computer or mobile phone for use before the application shuts down, the company said in a statement.在不少网友的心中,虾米音乐 “信息详尽” 、“专业”而且“小众”。听闻其关闭的消息,网民们表达了他们的遗憾。“爷青结,再也没有比虾米更重视音乐的应用了”, “宇宙那么大,可为什么我找不到比你更好的音乐网站和app呢?”有网友如是说。Xiami Music has been regarded by many music lovers as "professional" and "niche" for it has a very detailed list of music styles. Hearing of its closure, internet users expressed their regrets. "My youth has gone. This is application treats music very seriously," "The universe is so large. Why can't I find a better music app and website than yours?" said net users.虾米音乐成立于2008年,是国内最早的数字音乐平台之一,曲库规模高达3000万首,至今已吸引了4万多原创音乐人入驻。2013年1月虾米音乐被阿里收购,2015年3月与天天动听合并为阿里音乐,然而在激烈的音乐版权争夺战中,虾米音乐的大量歌曲被下架。据报道,虾米音乐团队成员在一封告别信中表示,“我们在发展过程中曾错失了一些关键机会。在音乐版权内容的获取上,没能很好地满足用户多元化的音乐需求,这也是我们最大的遗憾。”Launched in 2008, Xiami Music is one of the earliest digital music platforms in China and a top player in the industry. It houses 30 million songs and has attracted more than 40,000 musicians. It was acquired by Alibaba in January 2013 and merged with music player TTPOD in March 2015 to form Ali Music. But in the battle for music copyright with contenders, a large number of songs were removed from Xiami Music. A letter Xiami Music gave its users said, "We have missed some key opportunities in the development. It is our biggest regret that we failed to satisfy the diverse music needs of users when obtaining music copyright content."虾米音乐关停后,国内音乐流媒体势必将展开新一轮的竞争。眼下,QQ音乐在版权上是绝对的王者,网易云音乐则因其活跃的评论区引领着流行文化。据艾媒咨询统计,截至2019年底,QQ音乐活跃用户已超3亿,紧跟其后的是酷狗音乐,约2.7亿用户,排在第三的是酷我音乐,约1.2亿用户。值得注意的是,这前三位都隶属于腾讯旗下。网易云音乐和虾米音乐排在了第四位和第五位,活跃用户量分别约为8000万与2800万。A new round of competition among China's music streaming platforms is expected when Xiami Music closes in February. Tencent's QQ Music has become the king in terms of music copyright. NetEase Music leads the popular culture by keeping an active comments section. According to data from iiMedia Research, in December 2019, the number of active QQ Music users was over 300 million, followed by KuGou with 270 million and Kuwo Music with 120 million. The top three were all backed by Tencent. NetEase Music and Xiami Music ranked fourth and fifth, with 80 million and 28 million respectively.往期文章
