
发布于 2021-10-17 18:59

Photo by Karsten Würth on Unsplash

Photo by Fré Sonneveld on Unsplash

Next month world leaders will gather at the cop26 summit, saying they mean to set a course for net global carbon emissions to reach zero by 2050. As they prepare to pledge their part in this 30-year endeavour, the first big energy scare of the green era is unfolding before their eyes. Since May the price of a basket of oil, coal and gas has soared by 95%. Britain, the host of the summit, has turned its coal-fired power stations back on, American petrol prices have hit $3 a gallon, blackouts have engulfed China and India.


Set a course:本意是驾船/车朝某一方向前行,引申为向某一方面推进某事;比较个近义词chart a course,to chart one's own course, therefore, is to choose an independent path, or way of doing something

Turn on:打开(电器),这里是引申含义的用法重新开厂发电。补充下背景,英国曾有那么一两个月完全靠可再生能源发电,所以感觉不大需要煤电了,谁曾想…

The panic is a reminder that modern life needs abundant energy: without it, bills become unaffordable, homes freeze and businesses stall. The panic has also exposed deeper problems as the world shifts to a cleaner energy system, including inadequate investment in renewables and some transition fossil fuels, rising geopolitical risks and flimsy safety buffers in power markets. 


Photo by Viktor Forgacs on Unsplash

The idea of such a shortage seemed ridiculous in 2020 when global demand dropped by 5%, the most since the second world war, triggering cost-cutting in the energy industry. But as the world economy has cranked back up, demand has surged even as stockpiles have run dangerously low. Oil inventories are only 94% of their usual level, European gas storage 86%, and Indian and Chinese coal below 50%.


Crank up:to make a machine, etc. work or work at a higher level

Run low/dry=处于低水平/没了;注意,Dangerously low=very low,但生动了很多

Usual level:就咱们平时说的正常水平。比如,你和盆友约会常说“咱们老地方见”,那你就可以说Meet me at our usual place

Photo by Andreas Gücklhorn on Unsplash

Tight markets are vulnerable to shocks and the intermittent nature of some renewable power. The list of disruptions includes routine maintenance, accidents, too little wind in Europe, droughts that have cut Latin American hydropower output, and Asian floods that have impeded coal deliveries. 




Impede:to delay or stop the progress of sth;看个牛津例句:Work on the building was impeded by severe weather

Photo by Andreas Gücklhorn on Unsplash

任何新事物的发展都会遇到困难。不过,我相信a green future is taking hold,咱们一起解决问题就OK。



I am a translator by training; a storyteller by heart.

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