发布于 2021-10-06 23:39

While the genre of the show is hardly new, its striking visuals, relatable characters and disturbing study of human nature have spoken to audiences all around the world.
Playground murders
The games are simple enough - they are childhood games that the players grew up playing. And that surprising juxtaposition of innocent child’s play with violent deaths has caused viewers to sit up. “People are attracted by the irony that hopeless grownups risk their lives to win a kids’ game,” Squid Game director Hwang Dong-hyuk said in an interview.
“The games are simple and easy, so viewers can give more focus on each character rather than complex game rules.”
There’s also the element of nostalgia. For example, the Dalgona honeycomb challenge featured in episode three is one that most Koreans remember playing when they were kids. In the challenge, players must carefully cut out a shape from a paper-thin sheet of honeycomb candy using a needle. If you get a very intricate shape and the candy cracks, you lose.
One Korean user tweeted: “Squid Game makes me want to eat Dalgona [candy] again. It’s been 20 something years... Are they still around? I don’t think I can find one.”
juxtaposition [ˌdʒʌkstəpəˈzɪʃn] n. 并置,并列
nostalgia [nɒˈstældʒə] n. 怀旧,留恋
intricate [ˈɪntrɪkət] adj. 错综复杂的(complicated, elaborate)
crack [kræk] v./n. 破裂;崩溃
something pron. 大致,左右
My parents are at forty-somethings. 我父母四十几岁。
I spent twenty something on this book. 买这本书我花了二十多块。

Characters like you and me
Experts also attribute the show’s success to its characters, many of whom are marginalised members of society. Though they are all linked by huge money troubles, they come from all walks of life.
The lead, for example, is an unemployed man with a gambling problem who struggles to gain respect from his family. Through the game, he meets a young North Korean defector with a tragic background, and a Pakistani labourer who is mistreated by his employers.
Kim Pyeong-gang, a global cultural content professor at Sangmyung University, told the BBC: “People, especially the younger generation, who regularly suffer from alienation and resentment in real life, seem to sympathise with the characters.”
Like its East Asian neighbours, the hyper-competitive nature of society in South Korea has left many feeling disillusioned. Despite hard work, it simply is not possible for everyone to get top university spots or good jobs.
The games in the show, however deadly, present an alternative world supposedly based on fair play. As one gaming official says in the series: “All participants in the game are equal. We are giving people who have suffered unequal treatment and discrimination in the outside world the last chance to win a fair competition.”
祥明大学(Sangmyung University)全球文化内容教授金平江(音译)告诉BBC:“人们,尤其是年轻一代,在现实生活中经常遭受疏远和愤恨,似乎很同情这些角色。”
attribute to 把...归因于
eg. The athlete’s success is attributed to systematic training. 运动员的成功归因于系统的训练。
marginalized [ˈmɑ:dʒɪnəlaɪzd] adj. 边缘化的(来自动词marginalize)
all walks of life 各行各业,各界人士
eg. I like to deal with people from all walks of life. 我喜欢和各行各业的人打交道。
alienation [ˌeɪliəˈneɪʃn] n. 疏远;疏离感(来自动词alienate)
resentment [rɪˈzentmənt] n. 愤恨,不满(来自动词resent)(feel/harbor/bear ~ against/towards sb.)
eg. She harbored considerable resentment against her stepmother. 她对继母怀有强烈愤恨。
sympathize v. 同情(~ with)
eg. He finds it very hard to sympathize with the little girl. 他觉得很难去同情那个小女孩。
disillusioned [ˌdɪsɪˈlu: ʒnd] adj. 不抱幻想的,失望的,幻灭的(disenchanted)(来自动词disillusion,名词形式为disillusion/disillusionment)(~ by/with)
supposedly adv. 据说,据称

Though lighter at times, Squid Game is pretty bloody and depressing. It’s hard to parse exactly why it’s appealing, but the same can be asked of why people like grim shows and movies like Black Mirror, The Hunger Games, and Battle Royale. In an interview with Bustle in 2019, professor and psychologist Sheela Raja said that viewers who watch “misery porn” like The Handmaid’s Tale tend to fall into three categories: those who enjoy the adrenaline rush of watching dystopian stories, those who relate to the depicted trauma onscreen, or those who engage intellectually with the content.
adrenalin [əˈdrɛnəlɪn] n. 肾上腺素
dystopian [dis'təupiən] adj. 反乌托邦的
relate to 能够理解并同情;体恤(to be able to understand and have sympathy with sb/sth)
eg. He’s the only one who can truly relate to me. 他是唯一一个能真正懂我的人。
While Squid Games definitely scratches that adrenaline-inducing horror itch, it also explores a number of pressing themes. The game show format speaks to the inhumane realities and crushing individualism of capitalism, while the holding area riots and the impersonal nature of how the players are treated speaks to the cruelties of the prison-industrial complex.
pressing adj. 紧迫的,迫切的(urgent)(~ problem/matter/need etc)
inhumane [ˌɪnhju:ˈmeɪn] adj. 残忍的,不人道的
crushing adj. 惨重的,令人难以承受的(~ defeat/blow/burden etc)
impersonal adj. 没有人情味的,冷漠的,冷淡的

These are weighty issues, but focusing on underdog protagonists seems to be the key to Squid Game’s success. “It helps enormously that, while Squid Game is critical, it is not overly cynical,” Kayti Burt wrote for Den of Geek. “This isn’t a story in which humanity is doomed because of its inherent greed or selfishness; it is a reality where people do desperate things because they are in desperate situations. While the game-makers do not value human life, it’s clear that the story itself does - a vital narrative distinction.”
weighty adj. 重要的;严肃的;沉重的
underdog n. 处于劣势的人(或团队);弱者
eg. She always sympathizes with the underdog. 她总是同情弱者。
protagonist [prəˈtæɡənɪst] n. 主角,主人公
cynical [ˈsɪnɪkl] adj. 愤世嫉俗的
eg. Mike, do you have to be so cynical about everything? 迈克,你非得怀疑一切吗?
doom v. 注定(失败、死亡、毁灭等)
eg. Our plan is doomed to failure from the very beginning. 我们的计划从一开始就注定要失败。
inherent [ɪnˈherənt] adj. 内在的,固有的(intrinsic)

This is Us S01E09
vital adj. 极其重要的,必不可少的(crucial, essential, of paramount importance)
Red light, green light

Western media outlets have drawn comparisons between Squid Game and Parasite, the Oscar-winning 2019 Korean film that also looked at the wealth disparity and unfairness of society.
But in east Asia, viewers have pointed out how the show bears similarities with the 2014 Japanese film As The Gods Will. The movie is centred on high schoolers but it follows a comparable storyline, and some have even accused Squid Game of plagiarism. For example, As The Gods Will also features the traditional children’s game “Red Light, Green Light”. In one of the most famous scenes from Squid Game, a giant robot girl uses her laser eyes to spot players who have lost the game. They are then killed.
However, director Hwang has denied the accusations, saying that there is “no connection” between the two shows, and that parallels were drawn only because of the show’s genre. “I started planning [Squid Game] in 2008 and began writing the script in 2009... the similarities that were pointed out are purely coincidental and there is no copying from either party,” he said.
In any case, all the hype surrounding his show has led to calls for a second season. But fans may have to wait a long time for that. “I don’t have well developed plans for Squid Game 2,” he told Variety. “It is quite tiring just thinking about it.”
disparity [dɪˈspærəti] n. (尤指不公正的)不同,差异
eg. There’s an enormous disparity between rich and poor in the society. 社会上有很大的贫富差距。
storyline n. 故事情节(plot)
plagiarism [ˈpleɪdʒərɪzəm] n. 剽窃,抄袭
coincidental [kəʊˌɪnsɪˈdentl] adj. 巧合的,碰巧的
eg. Any similarity between my opinion and others is purely coincidental.

BoJack Horseman S01E06
hype n. 炒作,大肆宣传
You’ll get some Hunger Games flashbacks watching Squid Game, and there’s some throwbacks to Hostel and other horror flicks when a group of masked rich VIPs come to bet on and cheer on the deaths. But Squid Game doesn’t feel like a copycat - it’s a well-done drama/horror series. Rich backstories are developed not just for the desperate contestants, but for those running the game.
flashback n. 闪回,倒叙
eg. I still have flashbacks of my middle school. 我脑海中依然时常闪过中学的画面。
throwback n. 复古的事物,返祖
eg. This gesture seems like a throwback to a more genteel age. 这个姿势仿佛一下子回到更加彬彬有礼的年代。
flick n. 电影
copycat n. 模仿者,抄袭者
有没有打动你 引你思考的地方
文案 编辑|阿妍
来源|BBC, Bustle, CNET
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