美国杜兰大学公共健康和热带医学院Dr. Tiong Aw课题组现在招聘博士后
发布于 2021-10-07 00:44
杜兰大学公共健康和热带医学院Dr. Tiong Aw课题组现在招聘博士后啦!研究方向是环境病毒学,特别是污水和回用水中的病毒。项目的主要参与和合作者还包括Dr. Joan Rose (院士,密歇根州立大学) 以及Dr. Yun Shen (加州大学河滨分校)。 新冠疫情的大背景下,环境病毒学/流行病学的研究越来越重要和热门了,希望大家抓住这个可以深入学习病毒学以及各种组学的机会!Dr. Aw人非常nice,对学生和博后也非常supportive,并且对中国来的同学非常欣赏和welcome。欢迎各位有微生物,环境工程/科学,公共健康,以及医学背景的同学积极申请!
杜兰大学成立于1834年,是美国路易斯安那州最好的大学(私立研究型大学)。杜兰大学被誉为“南方常春藤”,USNews大学排名中列41位(2021)。杜兰大学所在地是新奥尔良,一个同时聚现代化和法式风情与一身的城市。虽然并没有新奥尔良烤翅,可是这个城市总是会在文化,美食,风景上给你新鲜多样和有趣的体验。杜兰大学Dr. Aw课题组欢迎你来!有兴趣的同学欢迎邮箱联系Dr. Aw:taw@tulane.edu
同时,该项目上的合作者加州大学河滨分校Dr. Yun Shen (https://yunshen.weebly.com/)也在招聘博士和博士后。有想来加州的同学也欢迎联系Dr. Shen: yun.shen@ucr.edu!
Tulane University Postdoctoral Position in Environmental Virology
The Aw Lab in the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine at Tulane University is seeking to hire a highly motivated, full-time Postdoctoral Research Fellow to work on the project “Novel Quantitative Methods for Indigenous Viruses in Wastewater: Improving the Assessment of Water Reuse Treatment Performance” funded by the U.S. EPA.
The goal of this project is to better understand virus attenuation in wastewater and water treatment systems through the development of new quantitative tools with novel surrogates to improve virus quantification in wastewater for validating treatment performance. Activities include a comprehensive characterization of indigenous viruses in wastewater using metagenomics to identify improved surrogates for assessing treatment performance; the design and development of new analytical methods to provide not only rapid and precise quantification of viruses in wastewater but also the ability to assess viability; and validation of new quantitative detection assays for estimating reduction of viruses using both full-scale advanced water reclamation treatment facilities and bench-scale disinfection experiments. The applicant will have an opportunity to work with a multidisciplinary team of scientists from Tulane University, Michigan State University (Dr. Joan Rose) and University of California Riverside (Dr. Yun Shen).
This exciting position, which involves conducting research from both an academic and
practical perspective, provides substantial career growth opportunities.
Required Qualifications & Skills:
• Ph.D. in Environmental Microbiology, Virology, Water Quality, Environmental Engineering, Microbial Ecology, or a related field
• Demonstrated knowledge and laboratory expertise in environmental virology (cell culture, molecular methods, especially metagenomics and digital PCR)
• Strong bioinformatics skills
• Experience with high-throughput sequencing platform, e.g.Illumina, Nanopore MinION
• Strong verbal and written skills. Evidence of writing skills will be requested.
• Strong problem-solving and organizational skills, detail oriented.
Applicants should submit an electronic version of their curriculum vitae, a 1-2 page statement of interest, and the names and contact information for 3-5 references.
Correspondence should be addressed to:
Dr. Tiong Aw
Department of Environmental Health Sciences
School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
Tulane University
1440 Canal Street Suite 2100
New Orleans LA 70112
Ph: 504-988-9926
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