NWL (全国联盟) powered by UTR

发布于 2021-10-07 18:11

1.  What is the NWL ?

      什么是 NWL ?

NWL, Nation Wide League, is the rebranding of the former CWM and is the largest UTR League in China currently with 1600+ active members and over 5000 verified UTR matches played.

NWL,全国联盟,是前 CWM(城市联盟)的全新发展,目前是中国地区最大的UTR联盟,拥有超过1600名活跃会员,完成了超过5000UTR认证比赛。

The NWL UTR Platform offers competitive UTR matchplay in different league and half day event formats for players of all levels and with different ambitions - whether it’s being noticed by NCAA coaches, simply playing competitive matches or meeting new tennis friends - and to get to play those matches on a flexible schedule around school, training or work. 

2.  What is UTR ?

      什么是 UTR ?

Universal Tennis Rating (UTR) Powered by Oracle is a global rating system that promotes fair, ageless and genderless, level based competitive play across the tennis world. All players, regardless of age, gender, geography or skill level, are rated on a same scale between 1.00 and 16.50 based on actual match results.

UTR (Universal Tennis Rating) 是一个全球通用网球等级评分系统,由甲骨文股份有限公司提供技术支持,旨在为全球网球爱好者提供客观公平的评分指标。无论球员的年龄、性别、国籍或技术水平如何,将根据实际比赛成绩进行评级,评分均在1.0016.50之间。

3.  What is UTR?

      UTR 是什么?

UTR provides a real-time view of a player’s true skill level. Having a UTR enables you to track your progress, find level-based play, and expand your tennis network to play with people across age, gender and tennis silo. 
Currently over 90% of the 5000+ NWL matches are considered competitive, meaning at least 18 games were played (6-3,6-3). This ensures each players time is well spent with strong competition. 
Moreover, UTR is a good barometer for teen players potential, and it is used by US college coaches for recruitment.
UTR 提供球员真实技能水平的实时视图。拥有UTR的球员可以追踪自己的变化进度,找到水平相匹配的比赛,扩展自己的球友圈,与不同年龄和性别的网球爱好者同场竞技。
目前在5000多场 NWL 比赛中,超过90%的比赛具高竞技性,这意味着90%的比赛至少进行了18局(如比分 6:3, 6:3),确保了双方球员水平接近,比赛激烈。


4.  What's new with NWL ?

      全新的 NWL 有什么不同 ? 

Since the launch of CWM back in June 2020 the UTR league has grown to 3000 players in our tennis community in Shanghai with over 1600 active players. 

CWM 20206月启动至今,我们联盟在上海地区已经发展3000名会员,其中超过1600名活跃会员。

New Draw Formats


With the support of these members the new NWL offers new draw formats, one with more strict deadlines for those serious players and another thats more flexible for those players that travel and cant predict their schedules. Plus a third draw option that offers a half day (5-hour) tournament onsite at our UTR Facilities accords Shanghai. 

在此我们非常感谢所有会员的大力支持。全新的 NWL 将提供更多类型的比赛,包括针对更为严肃或有专业需求球员的严格执行比赛期限的比赛;针对无法准确预测行程、期望更为轻松灵活性高的比赛;以及由主办方安排场地和时间,一天完赛的(5小时)常规赛事。

City Zones

NWL matches are now easier to access with city zones so players don’t need to travel as much and can play closer to home, while still offering players the option to join multiple zones if they wish. 

NWL 比赛将引入分区赛形式,球员无需超长距离参赛,更为便捷,当然球员可自愿选择跨区参赛。

Have a request?

On top of this the NWL will offers an easy QR Portal for players to make requests, send feedback or make a complaint. 

我们将创建一个 QR 通道,会员可通过此途径提出请求、反馈、投诉以及向您的宝贵意见

Coming soon

Plus stay tuned for the new official UTR facilities, where our UTR NWL matches can have access to priority bookings, court discounts and have access to a full schedule of Super 8 half day tournaments all powered by UTR. 

5.  How to join?


Its easy - scan the QR code below to get connect to our UTR support! 

You will receive a FREE UTR personal account; be added to the NWL Tennis Community chats; get more information about our competitions & UTR. Then you can start entering draws and playing verified UTR matches! 

您将获得一个免费的UTR个人账号,加入我们的 NWL 网球社群,了解更多关于联盟、比赛和 UTR 相关信息,即可报名参加我们的各项 UTR 认证赛事!

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