发布于 2021-01-14 21:03
How to launder ill-gotten gains
A popular form of bank theft blends the digital and physical
When willie sutton was asked why he robbed banks, he reputedly replied: “Because that’s where the money is.” These days there is no need to don a mask and wave a gun:bandits can steal millions from their armchairs, wielding nothing more lethal than malicious code.
Cyber-thieves grow ever more persistent, with banks and cryptocurrency exchanges among the main targets. One estimate, from 2018, put total cyber-crime revenue at $1.5trn or more a year (including not only bank jobs but also theft of intellectual property, counterfeiting, data-ransoms and so on). It could be higher now, thanks to covid-19. Many financial firms have struggled to keep security tight with so many staff working from home.
Most big heists are carried out either by organised-crime groups or state actors. Focus on the latter has sharpened since hackers thought to be linked to the North Korean government stole $101m (and almost got away with another $850m) from Bangladesh’s central bank in 2016, after manipulating transfer instructions from SWIFT, a global payments tool with 11,000 members.
After a lull in activity, the North Koreans are back. American government agencies recently issued an alert warning that they have been cooking up new bank-robbing schemes to help fund the regime of Kim Jong Un, cash-strapped by sanctions.
One such scheme, known as an “ATM cash-out”, is described in a new report by SWIFT and the financial-consulting arm of BAE Systems, a defence contractor, on how cyber-heists are carried out and the gains laundered. Far from being all-digital, it involves hacking cash machines to spit out notes, which are grabbed by accomplices known as “money mules”.
SWIFT 和 BAE 系统公司(一家国防承包商)的金融咨询部门在一份新的报告中描述了一个被称为“ATM 机提现”的计划,该计划涉及了网络抢劫是如何进行的以及黑钱是如何洗白的。该计划并未实现全数字化,其首先由黑客攻击自动取款机吐出钞票,然后被称为“钱骡”的同伙再将钱拿走。
Among those who specialise in cash-outs are the BeagleBoyz, a group linked to the Reconnaissance General Bureau, a North Korean spy agency, who have attempted to steal nearly $2bn since 2015, say the American agencies.
据美国情报机构称,与朝鲜间谍机构侦察总局存在密切关联的北韩骇客集 团便擅长这种方式,自2015年以来,该组织尝试窃取的总金额或达近20亿美元。
The downside of attacking ATMs is that they hold limited amounts of cash. So the hackers do it in volume. Machines in upwards of 30 countries (including America) have been targeted in a single strike. But that also makes it labour-intensive: an attack on one bank, by a group called Lazarus, involved 12,000 ATM withdrawals across 28 countries, all made within two hours, according to the report.
窃取 ATM 机的缺点在于,ATM 机中仅有数量有限的现金。因此,黑客们需要广撒网。在一次行动中,黑客会将超过30个国家的ATM机设定为目标。但这也意味着需要大量的劳动力:据报道称,一个名为拉萨路的组织曾对一家银行发起了一次攻击,那次行动涉及28个国家的1.2万台ATM机,而整个行动都是在两小时内完成的。
The mules are also used to get the stolen cash back into the financial system. One common way to do this is to take it to a casino, convert it into chips, and then exchange it back into cash in the form of a cheque from the casino showing a legitimate transaction. This can then be deposited in a bank without ringing alarm bells.
Efforts to foil such schemes tend to focus on identifying mules from CCTV footage, then trying to connect dots up the chain of command. Some banks are taking more extreme measures. After being warned about the latest threat from North Korea, some Bangladeshi lenders have opted to shut their ATMs down between midnight and 6am to reduce the threat from cash-outs.
想要打击此类犯罪,往往只能通过监控找到马仔,然后试着将这些单独的点联系起来。一些银行正在采取一些更为极端的做法。在收到来自朝鲜的最 新的威胁警告后,孟加拉国的一些银行选择在午夜至早上6点期间关停 ATM 机,以减小现金被盗的风险。
bandit [ˈbændɪt] n. 强盗;土匪;恶棍
lethal [ˈliːθl] adj. 致命的,致死的
malicious [məˈlɪʃəs] adj. 恶意的;恶毒的;蓄意的
cryptocurrency [ˈkrɪptoʊkɜːrənsi] n. 加密货币
counterfeit [ˈkaʊntərfɪt] adj. 伪造的;虚假的 v. 伪造;仿造 n. 仿冒品,赝品
manipulate [məˈnɪpjuleɪt] vt. 操纵;操作;篡改
cook up 虚构,伪造
sanction [ˈsæŋkʃn] n. 制裁,处罚 vt. 制裁;批准
launder [ˈlɔːndər] v. 洗涤;清洗
accomplice [əˈkɑːmplɪs] n. 同谋者;共犯
withdrawal [wɪðˈdrɔːəl] n. 撤退;提款;取消

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