MOTU | 这设计,厉害了!居然包揽众德国奖项!
发布于 2021-04-08 14:54
pretty much adorable,
is the winner of various German design Awards.
motu Office Seires
motu – work in motion
液态是流动的,是自由的,是开放的,允许争论,允许犯错。Westermann 推出的 motu 正是这样一套适应于“液态办公”的产品系列。让思想保持液态。只有思想流动了,脑洞太能大开,才能让“信息外溢”,促成创意创新。
tner, Westermann, promoted motu, which exactly meets the demand of "fluent working mode". Fluid environment is free and open, allowing arguments and mistake. Thinking requires a fluid environment which can flow and cause “information spillover” to promote creativity and innovations.
凭借着创新的办公理念,特色的外观设计,motu办公系列荣获了Open focus 2017特别提名奖以及German design Award 2018提名奖。其中,German design Award 2018最终获奖名单将于10月20日公布。
On the strength of innovation office concept and special appearance, motu series won the SpecialNomination Award of Open focus 2017 and Nomination Award of German design Award 2018, wherein,
winner list of German desian Award 2018 will be annouced on Oct. 20.
Open focus评委团这样评价:motu 办公系列是一套细节考虑周全,且设计成熟的产品,比如Acoustic shield wall仅用简单的连接器即可将Acoustic组合,用于区域划分,并可因应需求快速变化。产品结构设计简约,但是又保留了升降等强大的功能性。
A system with lots of carefully thought-through details such as the simple connectors for the partitions, which permit variable constellations and are very quick to fit. Structurally, the design is dominated by the desire for simplicity, but without forfeiting functional features such as the electrically adjustable desktops.
人们在motu构建的办公空间中,自由移动,或站,或坐;时而静下来思考,学习;时而动起来分享,讨论。工作就应该动静相结合。在这样的空间,员工是使用者,也是主宰者,主人翁意识在 “液态空间”的自主氛围中,自然而然贯穿其中。
In this space, people move, stand, sit freely.People focus on table work sometimes, and also engage themselves in team discussion. They are not only the users, but also the designers. Sense of ownership is well integrated in this "fluent working mode" .
不仅在办公理念上,motu拥有出众的表现,开创性的提出并践行着“液态办公”;外观设计上,motu 突破性的以工业风为特色为空间颜值加分,打破办公空间千遍一律的固有模样。
motu not only has made outstanding performance in office concept which brought about and implemented “fluent working” but also makes contribution to space attractiveness with its ground-breaking industrial style in appearance which breaks conservative dullness in office.
Table A & Table A plus
以搁板桌为设计参考原型,Table A 结合了超静音电动升降功能,采用德国电机。或坐下,或站立,或调节至所需的台面高度,顺滑而自如的切换工作模式。Table A桌面有油毡,木头或层压板与颜色可供选择。而A字形的支撑架则有金属或电动升降的木质支撑脚可选。
Consider the archetypal idea behind the trestle table - proven for generations - as the godfather. Now with the arrival of its godchild, so to speak, we encounter various evolutionary, creative and constructive innovations: The extensive custom is ability of this office desk-cum-work table result from the combination of electrically height-adjustable columns and the wide range of materials that can be employed. The tabletops are made of linoleum, wood or laminate and offered in many colours. The A-shaped trestle is available in metal or - and this is a novelty in electrically height-adjustable tables-wood. In this variant, the lifting column fits precisely to the A-shaped trestle.
Table A plus 比Table A 支撑脚更加宽厚,从外观上增加了工业风厚重感,另外,在结构上,更稳固的支撑台面。
The A-shaped trestle in the stylistically broader (Plus) version is available in metal or – and this is a novelty in electrically height-adjustable tables – wood. In this stouter variant, the lifting column is centrally integrated through the A-shaped trestle for an even more stable geometry.
办公室的 “移动卫星”
Sputnik I
Sputnik I 可以作为临时的小工作站。过去,工作中,有大量的纸质资料文件,大型台式电脑等办公设备,这需要大的工作台面承载;而现在,随着无纸化办公,笔记本等便携式移动设备的普及,在小工作站临时办公,这种工作方式成为了工作者所需。
The traditional modelling stand becomes a temporary minimal work station table and is moved from the workshop into the office landscape; where, in former times heavy work pieces were placed; seeing as, nowadays, we primarily use laptops, etc.
四个支撑脚 + 一个升降台面组成了Sputnik I。而滚轮的配置,让Sputnik I变成了实至名归的“移动卫星”,围绕着你,灵动放置在任一所需的空间。
The four legs are complemented by a centrally integrated lifting column so that the table is either mechanically or electrically height-adjustable. Materials and colours can be combined in many variations. Optional castors lend to even more mobility and movement in the office. As a temporary work station, Sputnik I is used wherever dynamic thinking processes happen and changes in perspectives are requisite.
你是固态⛄?气态☁ ?还是液态☔?
Solid state, static and conservative
Gas state, variable and rules-breaking
While fluid state is in between
Fluent, free and open
Allowing dispute and mistake
During work,
You’re solid state, gas state or fluid state?
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