发布于 2021-04-08 15:24

克莱因瓶是一个不可定向的二维紧流形,而球面或轮胎面是可 克莱因瓶 克莱因瓶 定向的二维紧流形。如果观察克莱因瓶,有一点似乎令人困惑-- “67P/楚留莫夫-格拉希门克”彗星 [67] 在太 CHAPTER X. TOBACCO OFFERINGS. 1808. It was a beautiful moonlight evening in August. A shadowy haze lingered over the river, which glistened and sparkled in the moonlight. The Chief and several members of his family were seated on the beach in front of the Wigwam listening to the Honorable Joseph Papineau, who, with his son, Louis Joseph, had come up in a canoe to see the falls. The former had recently purchased from Bishop Laval the unsettled seigniory of Petit Nation, and had erected an unpretentious cottage, which he occupied during the summer months. HON. LOUIS JOSEPH PAPINEAU AND MADAME PAPINEAU. From Morgan's "Types of Canadian Women" (copyright, 1903), by permission. HON. LOUIS JOSEPH PAPINEAU AND MADAME PAPINEAU. From Morgan's "Types of Canadian Women" (copyright, 1903), by permission. "It was a lovely vision," said Mr. Papineau, who had just performed the feat of canoeing to the foot of the Chaudiere Falls for the first time. "On our return we climbed the rugged cliff on the south side, and never shall I forget the panorama that spread out before us. The sun, sinking slowly behind the Laurentian hills, had clothed himself with a robe of splendor. The long reflections lay soft on the waters of the river below. The clouds of ascending mist from the Chaudiere took a thousand shades of color as the western sky faded slowly from crimson into gold and from gold to green and gray, and finally displayed dark shapes, out of which imagination might well have formed a thousand monsters.* * Louis Joseph, afterwards known as the Demosthenes of Canada, and who almost succ 一个真正有阅历的人,经历足够多的人,发现身边可以责怪的人越来越少,因为懂得,人人都有他的难处。一个朋友最近刚从从老家重新杀回广州。前段时间他妈妈病了,动了一次大手术。他回了一趟家,又回来了。回到广州后,他整个人都变了,变得和颜悦色,温柔平和。以前,他总非常鄙视那些从北上广背着包回家去的人。按照他的标准,那都是没能力在这座城市生存下去所以被抛弃的人,都是弱者、失败者。不管是出于什么原因,离开自己奋斗的地方,就是撤退,而撤退就是宣告自己无能。他的价值观也很硬,认为世界非黑即白,用成功和失败作为衡量人生的唯一价值尺度,认为成功者就应该站在领奖台上,万众瞩目,接受鲜花掌声;认为失败者就应该躲到角落里,暗自啜泣,接受自己和他人的责骂。他这次重回广州,话风完全不一样,不再那么充满鸡血,开始包容,对手下的人也没那么苛刻,不再要求他们一味地加班,甚至劝告他们多花些时间在家人和朋友身上。而对于那些准备从北上广撤退回家当公务员的朋友,他也不像以前,跳起来指着人家鼻子骂你个怂货,这么容易就认输了。他很真诚地跟别人说:“想清楚了吧,想清楚了就决定,每个人都有每个人的难处,毕竟只有你自己知道,什么才是最重要的。” 他说:“我现在越来越能理解我身边的人,理解他们的处境和选择。” 这一切改变源自一年前,他得到消息说母亲病了,而且非常严重,需要尽快手术。他匆匆请假回家陪着妈妈,他原本以为只要请几天假陪妈度过手术这段时间就可以回广州工作了,但是手术术后恢复周期实在太长,而且他看到他妈妈躺在病床上,实在不忍心一个人跑回广州去谈所谓的奋斗和成功。于是他心一横,辞职了,空档了将近一年,专门陪着他妈妈做手术、住院、出院,陪着在家唠嗑,出去旅游。在这一年里,他还遇到了很多之前在北上广打拼的朋友,了解他们在老家的生活,也知道了他们为什么最终选择了回家。 他想明白了很多事情。他说:“以前我妈妈没病的时候,我不懂那些回家照顾父母的人,我觉得他们是找借口,是失败,如果有钱,干嘛不找个保姆照顾呢?现在发现,父母真的是需要自己去照顾。” “而且我最近也在思考,父母、家庭、事业,究竟什么才是最重要的,不同的人选择不同,会有不同的人生,而这些选择,其实都应该是没有失败的。人,其实只有经历以后,才会懂得。” 人生的确即是如此,只有真正经历过很多事情之后,我们才会站在更高的维度去看待这个世界,而不是很单纯地用自己私人的视角去苛责别人,去评判世界。同样的情况,也常常发生在我们对父母的理解上。最近,看到一位母亲写的文章,她说:“以前妈妈总是让我做这做那,让我注意这个注意那个,那个时候我总是很不耐烦,觉得她啰嗦,总是责怪她。现在自己当了妈,才知道她当时的处境、想法。就像我妈经常说的,孩子,等你当了妈你就知道了。” 是的,年轻时,我们总是觉得与父母隔阂甚重。觉得他们思想陈旧,观念老套,跟不上新的时代,难以与他们沟通。甚至,我们还会觉得他们反倒成了成长路上的拦路虎。那个时候,不太懂得家这个概念,只想着自己,想着未来,想着长大。后来,自己求学工作,结婚生子,把当年父母经历的那些阶段和事情都重新经历了一遍,这才慢慢长大,有所感悟。当你成家了以后,你就会发现,需要考虑的事情,考虑的问题很多,家庭收入、家人健康、孩子成长、孩子教育等等,你就会开始懂得当初父母的那些话,做的那些事。也许你现在正在喋喋不休责怪你的父母;也许你现在正在责怪身边的朋友同事,责怪他们为什么不能坚持,为什么放弃,为什么做出这样的选择,等等。但是等你经历了一些事情之后,你终究会明白他们。你也会懂得,生活,其实没有一个简单的标准,任何用成败来评判他人的人,都很简单粗暴,也非常幼稚。一个真正成熟的人,一个真正有所经历的人,会发现身边可以责怪的人越来越少,因为他越来越明白,人人都有他的难处,所以越来越能理解别人。eeded in making Canada a Republic, with himself as President, was evidently much impressed with the scene, which he described as follows: "Le soleil etait pret decendre sous l'horison, la mureille tout limpide etait d'une transparence vivre, tout penetree de lumiere vaguement prismatiseé." "As we watched the gathering shadows my thoughts went back two hundred years, to the time when Champlain went on his first trip up the 'Riviere des Algoumequins,' as he called it. About two years before he took the trip he sent Nicholas de Vignan, a young Frenchman, up the river with some friendly Indians, and Nicholas had returned with the marvellous story that he had reached the North Sea. He said that the journey could be made in a few days. He also gave an account of having seen the wreck of an English ship. "Champlain was completely taken in, and lost no time in starting off to verify the discovery for which the world had been looking for some time. His fleet consisted of two canoes with two Indians and three Frenchmen, one of whom was De Vignan. It was in May, when the river was at its height. When they reached the Gatineau the Indians told him that their tribe were often compelled to conceal themselves amid the hills of the Upper Gatineau from their dreaded enemies, the Iroquois. When Champlain beheld the twin curtain falls yonder, 'like a slow dropping veil of the thinnest lawn,' he exclaimed, 'Le Rideau! Le Rideau!' The Indians told him that the waters formed an arcade under which they delighted to walk, and where they were only wet by the spray. As they rounded t 一个真正有阅历的人,经历足够多的人,发现身边可以责怪的人越来越少,因为懂得,人人都有他的难处。一个朋友最近刚从从老家重新杀回广州。前段时间他妈妈病了,动了一次大手术。他回了一趟家,又回来了。回到广州后,他整个人都变了,变得和颜悦色,温柔平和。以前,他总非常鄙视那些从北上广背着包回家去的人。按照他的标准,那都是没能力在这座城市生存下去所以被抛弃的人,都是弱者、失败者。不管是出于什么原因,离开自己奋斗的地方,就是撤退,而撤退就是宣告自己无能。他的价值观也很硬,认为世界非黑即白,用成功和失败作为衡量人生的唯一价值尺度,认为成功者就应该站在领奖台上,万众瞩目,接受鲜花掌声;认为失败者就应该躲到角落里,暗自啜泣,接受自己和他人的责骂。他这次重回广州,话风完全不一样,不再那么充满鸡血,开始包容,对手下的人也没那么苛刻,不再要求他们一味地加班,甚至劝告他们多花些时间在家人和朋友身上。而对于那些准备从北上广撤退回家当公务员的朋友,他也不像以前,跳起来指着人家鼻子骂你个怂货,这么容易就认输了。他很真诚地跟别人说:“想清楚了吧,想清楚了就决定,每个人都有每个人的难处,毕竟只有你自己知道,什么才是最重要的。” 他说:“我现在越来越能理解我身边的人,理解他们的处境和选择。” 这一切改变源自一年前,他得到消息说母亲病了,而且非常严重,需要尽快手术。他匆匆请假回家陪着妈妈,他原本以为只要请几天假陪妈度过手术这段时间就可以回广州工作了,但是手术术后恢复周期实在太长,而且他看到他妈妈躺在病床上,实在不忍心一个人跑回广州去谈所谓的奋斗和成功。于是他心一横,辞职了,空档了将近一年,专门陪着他妈妈做手术、住院、出院,陪着在家唠嗑,出去旅游。在这一年里,他还遇到了很多之前在北上广打拼的朋友,了解他们在老家的生活,也知道了他们为什么最终选择了回家。他想明白了很多事情。他说:“以前我妈妈没病的时候,我不懂那些回家照顾父母的人,我觉得他们是找借口,是失败,如果有钱,干嘛不找个保姆照顾呢?现在发现,父母真的是需要自己去照顾。” “而且我最近也在思考,父母、家庭、事业,究竟什么才是最重要的,不同的人选择不同,会有不同的人生,而这些选择,其实都应该是没有失败的。人,其实只有经历以后,才会懂得。” 人生的确即是如此,只有真正经历过很多事情之后,我们才会站在更高的维度去看待这个世界,而不是很单纯地用自己私人的视角去苛责别人,去评判世界。同样的情况,也常常发生在我们对父母的理解上。最近,看到一位母亲写的文章,她说:“以前妈妈总是让我做这做那,让我注意这个注意那个,那个时候我总是很不耐烦,觉得她啰嗦,总是责怪她。现在自己当了妈,才知道她当时的处境、想法。就像我妈经常说的,孩子,等你当了妈你就知道了。” 是的,年轻时,我们总是觉得与父母隔阂甚重。觉得他们思想陈旧,观念老套,跟不上新的时代,难以与他们沟通。甚至,我们还会觉得他们反倒成了成长路上的拦路虎。那个时候,不太懂得家这个概念,只想着自己,想着未来,想着长大。后来,自己求学工作,结婚生子,把当年父母经历的那些阶段和事情都重新经历了一遍,这才慢慢长大,有所感悟。当你成家了以后,你就会发现,需要考虑的事情,考虑的问题很多,家庭收入、家人健康、孩子成长、孩子教育等等,你就会开始懂得当初父母的那些话,做的那些事。也许你现在正在喋喋不休责怪你的父母;也许你现在正在责怪身边的朋友同事,责怪他们为什么不能坚持,为什么放弃,为什么做出这样的选择,等等。但是等你经历了一些事情之后,你终究会明白他们。你也会懂得,生活,其实没有一个简单的标准,任何用成败来评判他人的人,都很简单粗暴,也非常幼稚。一个真正成熟的人,一个真正有所经历的人,会发现身边可以责怪的人越来越少,因为他越来越明白,人人都有他的难处,所以越来越能理解别人。he lofty headland opposite he saw the cloud of mist rising from the falls, which the Indians called the 'Asticou,' which means 'Chaudiere' in French, or 'kettle' in English, for the water has worn out a deep basin into which it rushes with a whirling motion which boils up in the midst like a kettle. "You have probably been close enough to have seen it, Madame?" he said, addressing Mrs. Wright. "No," she replied, "I have always been too timid to venture so near to it in a canoe." "Champlain said," continued Mr. Papineau, "that he paddled as near as possible to the falls, when the Indians took the canoes and the Frenchmen and himself carried their arms and provisions. He described with great feeling the sharp and rugged rocks of the portages to pass the falls and rapids until at last, in the afternoon, they embarked upon the peaceful waters of a lake where, he said, there were very beautiful islands filled with vines and with walnut and other agreeable trees." "There are no walnuts on the islands of Lake Chaudiere," interrupted Bearie, "I am quite sure." "He probably saw a butternut tree," said young Louis Joseph, "and thought it produced walnuts." "Champlain's journey came to an abrupt close a few days afterwards," said Mr. Papineau, "when he reached Allumette Island, about seventy miles farther up the river. There was a large settlement of friendly Algonquins, called 'Les Sauvages de l'Isle,' and Champlain tried to obtain several canoes and guides to proceed farther. They, however, had their own commercial reasons for keeping the French from the upper country, and they warned him of the danger of meeting the terrible tribe of the Sorcerers. Champlain said that De Vign 一个真正有阅历的人,经历足够多的人,发现身边可以责怪的人越来越少,因为懂得,人人都有他的难处。一个朋友最近刚从从老家重新杀回广州。前段时间他妈妈病了,动了一次大手术。他回了一趟家,又回来了。回到广州后,他整个人都变了,变得和颜悦色,温柔平和。以前,他总非常鄙视那些从北上广背着包回家去的人。按照他的标准,那都是没能力在这座城市生存下去所以被抛弃的人,都是弱者、失败者。不管是出于什么原因,离开自己奋斗的地方,就是撤退,而撤退就是宣告自己无能。他的价值观也很硬,认为世界非黑即白,用成功和失败作为衡量人生的唯一价值尺度,认为成功者就应该站在领奖台上,万众瞩目,接受鲜花掌声;认为失败者就应该躲到角落里,暗自啜泣,接受自己和他人的责骂。他这次重回广州,话风完全不一样,不再那么充满鸡血,开始包容,对手下的人也没那么苛刻,不再要求他们一味地加班,甚至劝告他们多花些时间在家人和朋友身上。而对于那些准备从北上广撤退回家当公务员的朋友,他也不像以前,跳起来指着人家鼻子骂你个怂货,这么容易就认输了。他很真诚地跟别人说:“想清楚了吧,想清楚了就决定,每个人都有每个人的难处,毕竟只有你自己知道,什么才是最重要的。” 他说:“我现在越来越能理解我身边的人,理解他们的处境和选择。” 这一切改变源自一年前,他得到消息说母亲病了,而且非常严重,需要尽快手术。他匆匆请假回家陪着妈妈,他原本以为只要请几天假陪妈度过手术这段时间就可以回广州工作了,但是手术术后恢复周期实在太长,而且他看到他妈妈躺在病床上,实在不忍心一个人跑回广州去谈所谓的奋斗和成功。于是他心一横,辞职了,空档了将近一年,专门陪着他妈妈做手术、住院、出院,陪着在家唠嗑,出去旅游。在这一年里,他还遇到了很多之前在北上广打拼的朋友,了解他们在老家的生活,也知道了他们为什么最终选择了回家。他想明白了很多事情。他说:“以前我妈妈没病的时候,我不懂那些回家照顾父母的人,我觉得他们是找借口,是失败,如果有钱,干嘛不找个保姆照顾呢?现在发现,父母真的是需要自己去照顾。” “而且我最近也在思考,父母、家庭、事业,究竟什么才是最重要的,不同的人选择不同,会有不同的人生,而这些选择,其实都应该是没有失败的。人,其实只有经历以后,才会懂得。” 人生的确即是如此,只有真正经历过很多事情之后,我们才会站在更高的维度去看待这个世界,而不是很单纯地用自己私人的视角去苛责别人,去评判世界。同样的情况,也常常发生在我们对父母的理解上。最近,看到一位母亲写的文章,她说:“以前妈妈总是让我做这做那,让我注意这个注意那个,那个时候我总是很不耐烦,觉得她啰嗦,总是责怪她。现在自己当了妈,才知道她当时的处境、想法。就像我妈经常说的,孩子,等你当了妈你就知道了。” 是的,年轻时,我们总是觉得与父母隔阂甚重。觉得他们思想陈旧,观念老套,跟不上新的时代,难以与他们沟通。甚至,我们还会觉得他们反倒成了成长路上的拦路虎。那个时候,不太懂得家这个概念,只想着自己,想着未来,想着长大。后来,自己求学工作,结婚生子,把当年父母经历的那些阶段和事情都重新经历了一遍,这才慢慢长大,有所感悟。当你成家了以后,你就会发现,需要考虑的事情,考虑的问题很多,家庭收入、家人健康、孩子成长、孩子教育等等,你就会开始懂得当初父母的那些话,做的那些事。也许你现在正在喋喋不休责怪你的父母;也许你现在正在责怪身边的朋友同事,责怪他们为什么不能坚持,为什么放弃,为什么做出这样的选择,等等。但是等你经历了一些事情之后,你终究会明白他们。你也会懂得,生活,其实没有一个简单的标准,任何用成败来评判他人的人,都很简单粗暴,也非常幼稚。一个真正成熟的人,一个真正有所经历的人,会发现身边可以责怪的人越来越少,因为他越来越明白,人人都有他的难处,所以越来越能理解别人。an had passed through all these dangers. The head Chief then said to the impostor: "'Is it true that you have said that you have been among the Sorcerers?' "After a long pause he said: 'Yes, I've been there.' "The Indians at once threw themselves upon him with fierce cries as if they would have torn him to pieces, and the Chief said: "'You are a bold liar. You know that every night you slept by my side with my children. How have you the impudence to tell your chief such lies?' "The upshot was that Champlain returned down the Ottawa, followed by an escort of fifty canoes. "When the party reached the Chaudiere the savages, he said, performed their mystic rites. After having carried their canoes to the foot of the Falls, they gathered in a certain spot where one of them, provided with a wooden dish, passed it round, and each one placed in the dish a piece of tobacco. "The collection finished, the dish was placed in the midst of the band and all danced around it, chanting after their fashion. Then one of the chiefs delivered a harangue, explaining that from olden times they had always made such an offering, and that by this means they are protected from their enemies and saved from misfortune, for so the devil persuades them. Then the same chief took the dish and proceeded to throw the tobacco into the Chaudiere, amid the loud shoutings of the band. 'They are so superstitious,' said Champlain, 'that they do not believe that they can make a safe journey if they have not performed this ceremony in this particular place.' "The Chief proceeded to throw the tobacco into the Chaudiere." "The Chief proceeded to throw the tobacco into the Chaudiere." "Ah, Monsieur," Mr. Papineau continued, "it stirred my soul as I stood on that roc 一个真正有阅历的人,经历足够多的人,发现身边可以责怪的人越来越少,因为懂得,人人都有他的难处。一个朋友最近刚从从老家重新杀回广州。前段时间他妈妈病了,动了一次大手术。他回了一趟家,又回来了。回到广州后,他整个人都变了,变得和颜悦色,温柔平和。以前,他总非常鄙视那些从北上广背着包回家去的人。按照他的标准,那都是没能力在这座城市生存下去所以被抛弃的人,都是弱者、失败者。不管是出于什么原因,离开自己奋斗的地方,就是撤退,而撤退就是宣告自己无能。他的价值观也很硬,认为世界非黑即白,用成功和失败作为衡量人生的唯一价值尺度,认为成功者就应该站在领奖台上,万众瞩目,接受鲜花掌声;认为失败者就应该躲到角落里,暗自啜泣,接受自己和他人的责骂。他这次重回广州,话风完全不一样,不再那么充满鸡血,开始包容,对手下的人也没那么苛刻,不再要求他们一味地加班,甚至劝告他们多花些时间在家人和朋友身上。而对于那些准备从北上广撤退回家当公务员的朋友,他也不像以前,跳起来指着人家鼻子骂你个怂货,这么容易就认输了。他很真诚地跟别人说:“想清楚了吧,想清楚了就决定,每个人都有每个人的难处,毕竟只有你自己知道,什么才是最重要的。” 他说:“我现在越来越能理解我身边的人,理解他们的处境和选择。” 这一切改变源自一年前,他得到消息说母亲病了,而且非常严重,需要尽快手术。他匆匆请假回家陪着妈妈,他原本以为只要请几天假陪妈度过手术这段时间就可以回广州工作了,但是手术术后恢复周期实在太长,而且他看到他妈妈躺在病床上,实在不忍心一个人跑回广州去谈所谓的奋斗和成功。于是他心一横,辞职了,空档了将近一年,专门陪着他妈妈做手术、住院、出院,陪着在家唠嗑,出去旅游。在这一年里,他还遇到了很多之前在北上广打拼的朋友,了解他们在老家的生活,也知道了他们为什么最终选择了回家。他想明白了很多事情。他说:“以前我妈妈没病的时候,我不懂那些回家照顾父母的人,我觉得他们是找借口,是失败,如果有钱,干嘛不找个保姆照顾呢?现在发现,父母真的是需要自己去照顾。” “而且我最近也在思考,父母、家庭、事业,究竟什么才是最重要的,不同的人选择不同,会有不同的人生,而这些选择,其实都应该是没有失败的。人,其实只有经历以后,才会懂得。” 人生的确即是如此,只有真正经历过很多事情之后,我们才会站在更高的维度去看待这个世界,而不是很单纯地用自己私人的视角去苛责别人,去评判世界。同样的情况,也常常发生在我们对父母的理解上。最近,看到一位母亲写的文章,她说:“以前妈妈总是让我做这做那,让我注意这个注意那个,那个时候我总是很不耐烦,觉得她啰嗦,总是责怪她。现在自己当了妈,才知道她当时的处境、想法。就像我妈经常说的,孩子,等你当了妈你就知道了。” 是的,年轻时,我们总是觉得与父母隔阂甚重。觉得他们思想陈旧,观念老套,跟不上新的时代,难以与他们沟通。甚至,我们还会觉得他们反倒成了成长路上的拦路虎。那个时候,不太懂得家这个概念,只想着自己,想着未来,想着长大。后来,自己求学工作,结婚生子,把当年父母经历的那些阶段和事情都重新经历了一遍,这才慢慢长大,有所感悟。当你成家了以后,你就会发现,需要考虑的事情,考虑的问题很多,家庭收入、家人健康、孩子成长、孩子教育等等,你就会开始懂得当初父母的那些话,做的那些事。也许你现在正在喋喋不休责怪你的父母;也许你现在正在责怪身边的朋友同事,责怪他们为什么不能坚持,为什么放弃,为什么做出这样的选择,等等。但是等你经历了一些事情之后,你终究会明白他们。你也会懂得,生活,其实没有一个简单的标准,任何用成败来评判他人的人,都很简单粗暴,也非常幼稚。一个真正成熟的人,一个真正有所经历的人,会发现身边可以责怪的人越来越少,因为他越来越明白,人人都有他的难处,所以越来越能理解别人。ky cliff and thought of how many canoes of heroic missionaries, Indian braves and cheery voyageurs have paddled these waters and torn their feet on the rocky shores, going, some of them to death and some to tortures worse than death. As we drifted down with the current in the moonlight the gentle breeze in the pines along the shore seemed to be whispering sad tales of other days." Mr. Papineau, who had spoken with such animation and fluency, relapsed into silence for several minutes, then, rousing himself, said, with even greater enthusiasm and vigor: "Providence has crowned our lives with great blessing since the heroic Daulac struck the death-blow to the power of the Iroquois in this country, and since the English undertook the responsibility of its government. Though I am proud of the fact that every bone and muscle, nerve and sinew within me is French, though I dearly love my Mother Country and my fellow countrymen, I have no hesitation in making the solemn assertion that our country has enjoyed a greater degree of prosperity under the new regime than it ever did under the old. But it must ever be remembered that much of the foundation of that prosperity was laid in the blood of the early French martyrs and in the heroic achievements of the early French settlers." It seemed incredible to the visitors that in a settlement of so recent date their host should have been able to show them a grist-mill, a saw-mill, a vegetable alkali factory, a tannery, a small foundry, a tailor shop, a bakery, a general store, and a hemp-mill, giving employment to over one hundred men. Fortunately for the pioneers of the Ottawa, they were not dependent upon the small revenue derived from the cultivation of the land, but had other resources which afforded them much greater remuneration. The British Navy, which hitherto had been dependent upon Russia for its cordage and lumber, had to look elsewhere for its supply of hemp and timber, owing to the ports of the Baltic having been closed to British ships. The price of hemp having risen from £25 to £118 per ton, they undertook the cultivation of it, and raised over three-fourths of the amount raised in Lower Canada at that time. The exportation of lumber and vegetable alkali, or potash, were also great sources of revenue. In the new clearances were tons of wood ashes from which the lye was extracted and boiled till it looked like molten iron, a barrel of which sold at that time for thirty dollars. Prosperity and success crowned every commercial enterprise upon which they ventured until fire swept every mill, factory and dwelling in the thriving little village out of existence, including thousands of dollars in cash in a small safe in the office, quantities of wheat, hemp, sawn lumber, laths and general merchandise. As there was no compensation in the way of insurance, the loss was much felt. Philemon Wright was not the man to be deterred from climbing the ladder of success, even though he had to mount it by the rungs of adverse circumstances. Though the loss sustained was great, almost overwhelming, he rose above it with a courage which yielded not to disappointment or failure. The cause of the fire long remained a mystery. That it was the work of an incendiary was beyond question. Various theories were advocated by the settlers, but suspicion rested upon Machecawa, who, it was alleged, had been seen by the bookkeeper at a late hour lingering about the mills, a suspicion which gained no credence with the Chief and his family.阳系的周围还包裹着一个庞大的“奥尔特云”。星云内分布着不计其数的冰块、雪团和碎石。其中的某些会受太阳引力影响飞入内太阳系,这就是彗 [76] 在超新星爆发的过程中所释放的能量,需要我们的太阳燃烧900亿年才能与之相当。[77] 超新星研究有着关乎人类自身命运的深层意义。如果一颗超新星爆发的位置非常接近地球,目前国际天文学界普遍认为此距离在100光年以内,它就能够对地球的生物圈产生明显的影响,这样的超新星被称为近地超新星。有研究认为,在地球历史上的奥陶纪大灭绝,就是一颗近地超新星引起的,这次灭绝导致当时地球近60%的海洋生物消失。[78

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