Why Snow Whithe Tile Body Is Ceiling Of Tile Industry?
Snow white is regarded as noble and holy color.
Snow white symbolizes purity
With inherent characteristic and sense of artistic beauty
It stands upright in the summit of fashion
再现大自然鬼斧神工和奇幻奥妙NANOGRESS will forge snow white body tile, represent the extremely fine craftsmanship and magical mystery of nature, and then reborn the original beauty of natural and rare stones.
Why doing the top ceiling of tile industry - snow white tile body?
目前行业,受限于造价成本、生产线工艺,瓷砖坯选择做超白坯的品牌厂商并不多,大部分的厂商会选用白度较低的普通白坯,因为原料成本的差异性,较白的坯体主要用于高级岩板。Due to the limits from cost and production technology in the current industry situation, only minority of brands & companies select doing snow white tile body. Majority of companies are choosing ordinary white tile body which appears lower whiteness, as the cost is higher, the whiter tile body mainly used in upper class slab tiles.
Snow white VS Ordinary White
Ordinary white: color in the back side is deeper, color is unevenly displayed, also there are some dots can be found because of the impurity.
Snow white: tile body is white as snow, same in inside and outside, no radioactive element combined, gains less impurity. High temperature baking makes the glazed more transparent and shinny, and the texture can be showed clearly with more gradation and purity.

Original colors from stone, transparent whiteness as crystal更高白度的坯体,能提升产品版面的展示效果,砖坯的白度对于表面白度要求更高的产品能起到一个相辅相成的作用,雪白底坯同时放大釉面白度,整砖色泽更通透润白。
The tile body in higher whiteness can improve the display effect for products. More than this, snow white tile body can enlarge whiteness of glazed and make the whole tile more transparent and lustrous.
Natural stone texture, same as granted by heaven产品表面的石纹肌理,对比普通白坯,纹理展现更加细腻真挚,石纹过渡更显自然天成,通透立体感强、整体版面的视觉触感更加温润自然。每一笔色彩,都是艺术的体现!
The stone texture in the tile surface achieves more exquisite. Graduation of texture runs more naturally. Transparent and stereo perception is impacting the sense of view as a whole. Every single color, represents the art!
Snow while tile body from Nanogress
Strict selection on quality raw material, no radioactive snow white不同地区的坯土原料成分不同,烧成的坯体白度与性能也会不同。NANOGRESS严选最优产区陶土原料,同时对原料的配比配方进行升级改良,拒绝添加含有增白成分的辐射添加剂。
Clay in different areas contains different materials, which make the final tiles different in whiteness and features.NANOGRESS selects the best quality clay material and improves the ratio without any radioactive elements to gain whiteness.
Strict purification, true healthy snow white改良原料生产工序,采用行业领先的高标准生产标准,经过多次的除筛过程,强磁除铁,长达20小时的球磨,有效去除原料当中的其它杂质,提纯更优质的原料,打造NANOGRESS硬核雪白坯!
With improved manufacturing technology and higher advanced production standards, Nanogress finally presents the true snow white tile body after repeatedly filtering, purification and milling over 20 hours.

Original creative stones from Nanogress
White color is already regarded as noble,royal, smooth like snow skin, exquisite and grace, casts the unbelievable texture. 为尽善尽美地演绎出了阿尔卑斯山顶的风光。NANOGRESS将突破可能和想象,不断地原创设计和创新实践,对石材进行一遍遍的打磨,从眼前,到指尖,极致还原我们对于石材最真挚的形态。
To act the scenery of Alps mountains, Nanogress will breakthrough all possibility and imagination, constantly keeps original designs and creations, forges the natural stones from eyes to fingertips, and finally ultimately revives the true characters of natural stones.NANOGRESS一直以原创设计与创新作为前进驱动力,严格把控品质出关,以严苛管控的质造工艺,不断打造消费者更喜爱的瓷砖产品。始终让全球千家万户用上优质纳来制造。
Nanogress always is diving by original designs and creations, controlling the quality strictly, forging the popular porcelain tiles for all costumers, then bringing premium Nanogress-products to global hundreds and thousands of families.