210906EN口译素材—— 中国残疾人现状

发布于 2021-09-06 11:14


Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear each passage only once. Now let’s begin.


In 2011, when China's most recent available census data were published, over 85m people—about one in 16—were classified as disabled (including 21m who were deaf and 13m blind.) That compares with one in five in Britain and one in eight in America. Unlike in the West, China's definition of disabled does not cover those with chronic illnesses. It also excludes many people who have use of their limbs, but struggle with routine tasks.
根据目前已知的最近一 份人口普查数据(2011年发布),8500多万人被认定为残疾人(包括2100万聋人和1300万盲人),约占总人口的十六分之一。相比之下,英国和美国的残疾人分别占总人口的五分之一和八分之一。与西方国家不同,中国对残疾人的认定不包括慢性病患者,也排除了许多手脚虽可以活动,但难以应付日常事务的人。
Of those who meet the census definition of disabled, far fewer than half have the government certificates that are needed to obtain disability support such as reduced medical fees and tax breaks. And even among people with the required documentation, only 12m (around one-third) last year received the living allowance to which the disabled with low incomes are entitled. That is striking given that many of the 85m people counted as disabled are poor. Three in four live in rural areas.
In 1988 the government set up the China Disabled People’s Federation (CDPF), a charity. The federation encouraged the adoption in 1990 of China’s first law on protecting disabled people. The bill said they should enjoy "equal and full participation in society and their share of its material and cultural wealth". The CDPF also campaigned successfully against the then-common use by officials of the word canfei to mean disabled (its two characters mean “disabled” and “useless”). It promoted the less pejorative term, canji (ji denotes a medical condition).
1988 年,政府成立了公益慈善机构中国残疾人联合会(以下简称残联)。中国第一部保护残疾人的法律在残联的支持下于1990年通过。该法案称,残疾人应“平等地充分参与社会生活,共享社会物质文化成果”。残联还开展活动,成功改变了官员当时普遍使用“残废”(既残又废)一词的情况,推广了较少贬义的“残 疾”一词(“疾”字意指某种健康问题)。
Improvements are evident. In 2008 less than two-thirds of disabled children aged six to 14 were being educated. Last year 95% were. In 2012 a quarter of working-age Chinese certified as disabled had jobs. By 2018 this rate had doubled. In 2008, just before hosting the Paralympic games, China ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Japan did so in 2014 and America still has not.
改进是显而易见的。2008年,6至14岁残 疾儿童中只有不到三分之二在接受教育。去年是95%。2012年,有残疾证的劳动年龄残疾人中四分之一有工作。到2018年,这一比例翻了一番。在2008年举办残奥会前夕,中国政府批准了《联合国残疾人权利公约》。日本在2014年批准了该公约,美国至今尚未批准。
In education, two particular developments have been celebrated by campaigners for disability rights. The first was the adoption in 2015 of a regulation allowing disabled students to take the gaokao , or university-entrance exam, with “reasonable” adjustments including test papers in Braille and extra time to finish. Two years later this dispensation was also applied to those taking the zhongkao, the exam for senior secondary-schools. In 2018 the parents of a pupil with cerebral palsy won a case against the education bureau of Xiamen, the coastal city where he lives. The court ruled that the bureau had been wrong to deny some of his requests for special dispensations in the zhongkao.
The second development was a decision in 2017 to encourage mainstream schools to accept disabled students. This ended a long-standing policy of segregating them. But the impact of these measures has been limited. Of 9m people admitted to mainstream universities in 2019, just 12,000 were disabled, or one in 750. By contrast, one in five students in America report having a disability.
第二顼进展是2017年的一项决策鼓励普通学校接纳残疾学生。这终结了长期以来将残疾学生与普通学生分开教育的政策。但这些措施的影响有限。2019年,在进 入普通大学的900万新生中只有1.2万名残疾人,也就是每750人中有一人。相比之 下,美国大学有五分之一的学生报告有某种残疾。


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