发布于 2021-09-15 05:45
ISPN周老师及其网站(www.omedin.com)专业从事ISPN/RN考试的复习教学,以公益、诚信、优质、服务为宗旨,以便利、提高考生复习效率为己任,通过网站、微信、QQ、微博等多种平台,为考生提供复习及考试报名代理推荐等服务。 网站(www.omedin.com)内容详实,文字、音频、视频等各种形式的复习资料应有尽有;在线题库更是习题丰富,为考生全方位学习、复习创造了条件。手机网站的开通,更是让考生的复习变得随时随地、随心所欲。 微信公众平台(ISPN周老师)“RN-ISPN学习”定期出版,内容丰富、实用,既是RN/ISPN考试复习的不二工具,也是医护英语学习的良好园地。 微信群(国际护士ISPN)、QQ群(国际护士ISPN,群号384099249)为考生复习提供了不可多得的交流基地,老师的指导、群友的讨论,使群员受益匪浅。 QQ“ISPN/RN自考督导”群(群号:942371362)更是为自学考生量身定制,由老师监督、指导、布置作业,考生互相督促、交流,再加上群内丰富、多样的复习资料,较好地解决了自学中存在的难以坚持、资料缺乏、复习无头绪等问题,自律加监督,极大地提高了自学考生的复习效率,为顺利通过考试打下扎实基础。 如果你也想做一个自学、自力的考生,加入我们,便是你最好的选择: QQ:1499404819 微信:ISPN-ZHOU 微信公众平台:ISPN周老师
omega-3 – n. ω-3
omega-3-acid ethyl esters – ω-3-酸乙酯
Lovaza – n. 【奥】洛瓦扎
fatty acids – n. 脂肪酸
prolong – v. 延长
omega-3-carboxylic acids – n. ω-3-羧酸类
carboxylic – a. a. 羧基的
carboxylic acid -- 羧酸
Epanova – n. 【奥】艾帕诺瓦
free fatty acids – 游离脂肪酸
adjunct – n. 附属物,辅助手段
“RN-ISPN考试复习要点提示” 帮助您尽快理清复习思路,准确抓住复习重点,是ISPN/RN考试复习的一大利器! |
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3-acid ethyl esters (Lovaza) is a combination of omega-3 fatty acids and an activator that inhibits liver enzyme systems to decrease the synthesis of triglycerides, a risk factor in metabolic syndrome, lowering serum triglyceride levels. It is approved to lower triglycerides in adults with very high triglyceride levels. It should be combined with appropriate diet and exercise to help keep overall lipid levels lower. It is not recommended in pregnancy or lactation. There is substantial research evidence to support the effects of this drug, unlike research on the over-the-counter fish oil products, which does not support effectiveness in lowering lipid levels. This drug may prolong bleeding time so caution must be used with any other drugs that affect bleeding. Diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, and discomfort are the most common adverse effects.
ω3-酸乙酯(【奥】洛瓦扎)为ω3脂肪酸复方制剂,是抑制肝酶系统降低甘油三酯合成的一种激活剂,降低血清甘油三酯水平。该药批准用于降低甘油三酯水平极高的成人患者的甘油 三酯水平。不推荐妊娠或哺乳时使用。已经有大量研究支持该药的效应。这一点与非处方药鱼油制品的研究不太一样,这些研究并不支持后者的降血脂效果。该药可延长出血时间,因此,该药与其他任何影响出血的药物联用时,应慎重。腹泻、恶心、腹痛和不适是最常见的不良效应。
Omega-3-carboxylic acids (Epanova) is a fish oil mixture of free fatty acids approved as an adjunct to diet to reduce triglyceride levels in adults with severe hypertriglyceridemia (500 mg/dL or over). In some patients this drug increases LDL levels, which need to be closely monitored. Caution needs to be used in patients with hepatic impairment or allergy to fish or shellfish. These capsules have to be swallowed whole, not cut, crushed, or chewed. This drug may prolong bleeding time so caution must be used with any other drugs that affect bleeding. Diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, and discomfort are the most common adverse effects.
ω3-羧酸类(【奥】艾帕诺瓦)是一种游离脂肪酸鱼油混合剂,批准作为饮食辅助疗法,以降低严重高甘油三酯血症(500 mg/dL或以上)成人的甘油三酯水平。肝损害病人或鱼或贝类过敏者必须慎重。药物胶囊必须完整吞服,不得切割、压碎或咀嚼。该药可延长出血时间,因此,与任何可影响出血的药物联用时必须慎重。腹泻、恶心、腹痛和不适为最常见不良效应。
How Do Fish Oils Work
1. The client who is taking a statin develops yellowing of the skin, abdominal pain in the right upper quadrant, and nausea. What lab result below correlates with this finding?
A. Elevated ALT and AST level
B. Elevated BUN and creatinine
C. Decreased WBC
D. Decreased Hbg
2. A patient who is taking a bile acid sequestrant complains of abdominal distention and nausea. What should the nurse do?
A. Document, withdraw drug, and notify doctor.
B. Provide comfort measures.
C. Prepare emergency equipment at bedside.
D. Dismiss the complaint.
奥医教育“在线自测”题库 ISPN/RN复习练习、效果检验一站完成。 |
答案 Answer
1. A. Elevated ALT and AST level.
Rationale: Liver injury is a risk with statins. Therefore, a liver functions test (LFTs) should be ordered to assess the liver’s function. The client is presenting with signs and symptoms of liver injury. An elevated ALT and AST level would correlate with these presenting signs and symptoms.
2. B. Provide comfort measures.
Rationale: GI discomforts as evidenced by abdominal distention, nausea, and vomiting are common complaints by patients taking bile acid sequestrants. The nurse should provide comfort measures to help patients tolerate drug effects.
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