发布于 2021-10-06 22:40

戴琪(Katherine Tai)发表讲话

Mr. Reinsch:Is decoupling of supply chains with China a Biden administration priority?
Amb. Tai:I know there’s a lot of talk about decoupling. I think at the end of the day I still don’t have, necessarily, good understanding of what everybody means, if we’ve got a common definition of decoupling. I think that the concern, maybe the question is whether or not the United States and China need to stop trading with each other. I don’t think that’s a realistic outcome in terms of our global economy. I think that the issue perhaps is, what are the goals we’re looking for in a kind of re-coupling? How can we have a trade relationship with China where we are occupying strong and robust positions within the supply chain and that there is a trade that’s happening as opposed to a dependency?
Hello, everyone. Thank you for being here. I want to thank John Hamre, Bill Reinsch, andthe Center for Strategic & International Studies for hosting me today. CSIS plays a vital role in our foreign policy discourse. It is fitting that I am here speaking to you about one of the most important global issues.
I have said this before and I will continue to say it: the U.S.-China trade and economic relationship is one of profound consequence. As the two largest economies in the world, how we relate to each other does not just affect our two countries. It impacts the entire world and billions of workers.
This bilateral relationship is complex and competitive. President Biden welcomes that competition to support American workers, grow our economy, and create jobs at home.
He believes we need to manage the competition responsibly – and ensure that it is fair.
We have a lot of work to do.
To be successful, we must be direct and honest about the challenges we face and the grave risk from leaving the munaddressed. We must explore all options to chart the most effective path forward.
When it comes to our relationship with China, what’s best for American workers is growing the American economy to create more opportunity and more jobs with better wages here in the United States.
As the United States Trade Representative,I intend to deliver on President Biden’s vision for a worker-centered trade policy in the U.S.-China trade dynamic. We need to show that trade policy can be a force for good in the lives of everyday people.
We will create durable trade policy that benefits a broad range of stakeholders by rebuilding trust with our workers and aligning our domestic and foreign policies.
President Biden has been clear: the key to our global competitiveness and creating shared prosperity begins at home. We have to make smart domestic investments to increase our own competitiveness. We must invest in research and development and clean energy technology, strengthen our manufacturing base, and incentivize companies to Buy American up and down the supply chain.
We already accomplished some of that work with the American Rescue Plan, the Administration’s focus on supply chain resilience, and our investments in our technological leadership. The Administration is working closely with Congress to build on those actions with the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and the Build Back Better agenda.
In terms of U.S.-China trade, in recentmonths, the Biden-Harris Administration has conducted a comprehensive review.
And today, I will lay out the starting point of our Administration’s strategic vision for realigning our trade policies towards China to defend the interests of America’s workers, businesses, farmers and producers, and strengthen our middle class.
First, we will discuss with China its performance under the Phase One Agreement. China made commitments that benefit certain American industries,including agriculture, that we must enforce.
President Biden will continue to promote our economic interests – and build confidence for American industry.
Second, we will start a targeted tariff exclusion process. We will ensure thatthe existing enforcement structure optimally serves our economic interests. We will keep open thepotential for additional exclusion processes, as warranted.
Third, we continue to have serious concerns with China’s state-centered and non-market trade practices that were not addressed in the Phase One deal. As we work to enforce the terms of Phase One, we will raise these broader policy concerns with Beijing.
And we will use the full range of tools we have and develop new tools as needed to defend American economic interests from harmful policies and practices.
Finally and critically, we will continue to work with allies to shape the rules for fair trade in the 21st century, and facilitate a race to the top for market economies and democracies.
Before I get into further details around our plans, I would like to reflect on how the U.S.-China trade relationship has evolved in recent decades – and how we got to where we are today.
From the late 1970s to mid-1980s, China went from the world’s eleventh-largest economy to the eighth-largest. U.S. exports to China increased approximately four-fold, while imports grew 14 times in less than 10 years.
This economic growth set the stage for China’s efforts to join the WTO.
The world faced an important challenge at that time: how to integrate a state-led economy into a trade institution created by those dedicated to open, market-oriented principles.
In grappling with this dilemma, some believed there would be huge boosts in industrial and agricultural exports to China and its growing middle class. Others argued that accelerated and massive job losses would result.
In the end, China officially joined the WTO in December 2001.
Over the next decade and a half, the United States pursued a dual-track approach with Beijing.
One track involved annual high-level dialogues between U.S. and Chinese officials over three successive presidential administrations. These talks were intended to push China towards complying with and internalizing WTO rules and norms, and making other market-oriented changes.
The other track focused on dispute settlement cases at the WTO. We brought 27 cases against China, including some I litigated myself, and through collaboration with our allies. We secured victories in every case that was decided.
Faced with the reality that neither the dialogue nor the enforcement tracks were producing meaningful changes, the previous administration decided to use a different paradigm – unilateral U.S.pressure – to try to change Beijing’s practices.
It launched an investigation focused on China’s forced IP and technology transfer policies – longstanding and serious problems. This led to substantial U.S.tariffs on imports from China – and retaliation by China. Against this backdrop of rising tensions, in January 2020, the previous administration and China agreed to what is commonlyreferred to as the “Phase One Agreement.”
This agreement includes a limited set of commitments. These cover China’s obligations regarding intellectual property and technology transfer, purchases of American products, and improved market access for the agriculture and financial services sectors.
It has stabilized the market, especiallyfor U.S. agricultural exports. But our analysis indicates that while commitments in certain areas have been met, and certain business interests have seen benefits, there have been shortfalls in others.
But the reality is, this agreement did not meaningfully address the fundamental concerns that we have with China’s trade practices and their harmful impacts on the U.S. economy.
Let’s look at the steel industry. In 2000, there were more than 100 U.S. steelcompanies. We produced 100 millionmetric tons of steel annually and the industry employed 136,000 people in communities across the country.
Soon after, China started building its own steel plants. Its production capacity ballooned, depriving U.S. steel companies of valuable marketo pportunities. Low priced Chinese steel flooded the global market, driving out businesses in the United States and around the world.
Every steel plant that shuttered left hundreds of workers without livelihoods. It also left communities reeling, as small businesses dependent on plants also closed their doors and blighted buildings brought down real estate values.
That is why we need to take a new, holistic, and pragmatic approach in our relationship with China that can actually further our strategic and economic objectives – for the near-term and the long-term.
As our economic relationship with China evolves, so too must our tactics to defend our interests. As the years go by, the stakes keep getting higher and boosting American competitiveness becomes all the more important.
Our strategy must address these concerns,while also being flexible and agile to confront future challenges from China that may arise.
So how do we accomplish this?
Unlike the past, this administration will engage from a position of strength because we are investing in our workers and our infrastructure.
Repairing our roads and bridges, modernizing our ports, and delivering expanded broadb and are the kinds of investments that will begin to give American workers and businesses the boost needed to embrace their global competitiveness.
And we must harness and leverage the talent of our people by investing in education and worker training – investments that are included in the President’s Build Back Better plan. We also need tore-double our own efforts to be the most innovative country in the world by researching, developing, and creating new and emerging technology.
China and other countries have been investing in their infrastructure for decades. If we are going to compete in the global market, we need to make equalor greater investments here at home.
That continuous investment ensures we can maintain our competitive edge throughout the 21st century.
Beyond our domestic investments, in the coming days, I intend to have frank conversations with my counterpart in China.
That will include discussion over China’sperformance under the Phase One Agreement.
And we will also directly engage with China on its industrial policies. Our objective is not to inflame trade tensions withChina.
Durable coexistence requires accountabilityand respect for the enormous consequences of our actions. I am committed to working through the manychallenges ahead in this bilateral process in order to deliver meaningfulresults.
But above all else, we must defend – to the hilt – our economic interests.
That means taking all steps necessary to protect ourselves against the waves of damage inflicted over the years through unfair competition. We need to be prepared to deploy all tools and explore the development of new ones, including through collaboration with other economies and countries. And we must chart a new course to change the trajectory of our bilateral trade dynamic.
And vitally, we will work closely with our allies and like-minded partners towards building truly fair international tradethat enables healthy competition.
I have been working to strengthen our alliances through bilateral, regional, and multilateral engagement. And I will continue to do so.
The agreements we reached in June with the EU and the UK to resolve the large civil aircraft disputes at the WTO demonstrate President Biden’s commitment to work with our partners to create amore level playing field for our workers.
Just last week, I co-chaired the firstmeeting of the U.S.-E.U. Trade and Technology Council. As Europe strengthens its own defenses against non-market practices, we will work with them to ensure that ourcollective policies deliver.
In the G7, G20, and at the WTO, we arediscussing market distortions and other unfair trade practices, such as the useof forced labor in the fisheries sector, and in global supply chains, including in X jiang.
In the coming months and years, we willbuild off of this work.
Our goal is to bring deliberative, stable,long-term thinking to our approach – and to work through bilateral and multilateral channels. The core of ourstrategy is a commitment to ensuring we work with our allies to create fair andopen markets.
There is a future in which all of us in the global economy can grow and succeed – where prosperity is inclusive within our own borders and across those borders too.
The path we have been on did not take us there. President Biden’s priorities that I’ve laid out today are aimed at achieving a shared prosperity that is good forour workers, producers, and businesses; good for our allies; and good for the global economy.
Thank you.

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