发布于 2021-09-02 07:17
Is housing the 'big winner' from the Government's Summer EconomicStatement?住房是政府夏季经济声明中的“大赢家”吗?
Housing loomslarge in the Government’s budgetary thinking at the moment.目前,在政府的预算问题中,住房问题越来越突出。
THERE’SNO DOUBT that the Government’s new medium-term budgetary strategy is informedby the political and social fallout from Ireland’s spiralling housing crisis —but to what extent does it tackle the problem?毫无疑问,政府的新中期预算战略来自爱尔兰住房危机的政治和社会影响,但它在多大程度上解决了这个问题呢?
Publishedyesterday, the Summer Economic Statement (SES) sets out the broad contours ofwhat October’s Budget will probably look like and also how the Government willapproach the next few budgets.昨天发表的夏季经济声明(SES)阐述了10月份预算的大致轮廓,以及政府将如何处理接下来的几个预算。
Normally,the SES — published each summer since 2016 — has stuck fairly closely to theforecasts and predictions set out in the Stability Programme Update (SPU)published in the first quarter of the year.通常情况下,自2016年以来每年夏天发布的SES都坚持今年第一季度发布的稳定计划更新(SPU)中的预测。
Butyesterday, the Government ripped up many of the projections from April,pencilling in stronger than expected growth for 2021 coupled with notableincreases in borrowing and spending in Budget 2022.但昨天,政府削减了4月以来的许多预测,2021年的增长强于预期,同时2022年预算中借款和支出的显著增长。
So what’sbehind the sudden about-turn and exactly how much of a gear shift is it?那么突然转弯的背后是什么,到底是多少呢?
Let’s take alook.让我们来看看吧。
Housing 房产
Central tothe Government’s messaging around this year’s SES is the extra money allocatedwithin it for housing provision.政府今年的核心是用于住房供应的额外资金。
“It will bethe case that housing will be the big winner because we recognise that this isa top priority across society and an absolutely key priority for government,”Minister for Public Expenditure Michael McGrath told a Dáil committee today.公共开支部长迈克尔·麦格拉思今天对公共支出委员会说:“住房将是大赢家,因为我们认识到这是整个社会的首要任务,也是政府绝对关键的优先任务。”
Except,crucial to understanding the figures, is that there isn’t any extraallocation specifically for housing.除了这些数字至关重要的是没有任何专门针对住房的额外分配。
Whatyesterday’s statement details is a commitment to forking over an extra €1.1billion in Budget 2022, compared to 2021, on what’s called ‘core capitalexpenditure‘.昨天的声明详细说明是,承诺与2022年预算相比,2022年在“核心资本支出”上额外增加11亿欧元。
Ashighlighted by Sinn Féin finance and public expenditure spokespersons PearseDoherty and Mairead Farrell today, that figure falls to around €800 millionwhen allocations to the Brexit Adjustment Reserve — a European Union instrumentdesigned to offset the damage from Brexit — are taken into account.正如新芬党财政和公共支出发言人皮尔斯·多尔蒂和迈里德·法雷尔今天所强调的那样,当考虑到欧盟的拨款时,这一数字降到了8亿欧元左右。
That €1.1billion (or €800 million) increase will bring core capital expenditure tonearly €11 billion next year, up from €9.8 billion in 2021.增长11亿欧元(或8亿欧元)将使明年的核心资本支出达到近110亿欧元,高于2021年的98亿欧元。
In Budget2021, roughly €2 billion of that €9.8 billion was earmarked for spending onsocial housing, a figure that the ESRI said recently needs to be doubled if theGovernment wishes to get a grip on the housing crisis.在2021年预算中,98亿欧元中大约有20亿欧元专门用于社会住房支出,ESRI最近表示,如果政府希望控制住房危机,这一数字需要翻一番。
But we don’tknow exactly how much the Government plans to allocate specifically to housingin Budget 2022.但我们不知道政府计划在2022年预算中具体分配多少住房。
We won’thave a clear idea of that until ministers agree upon and publish the ‘Housing for All‘strategy on 26 July and then that will have to be detailed further in Budget2022.在部长们在7月26日达成一致并公布“全民住房”战略之前,我们不会有一个明确的想法,然后必须在2022年预算中进一步详细说明。
So housingmight be “a big winner”, but we won’t know for certain for a couple of weeks.所以住房可能是“巨大的赢家”,但几周我们都不确定。
TheGovernment has also allocated up to €500 million in each of the next fourBudgets to go fund tax cuts.政府还在接下来的四个预算中拨出高达5亿欧元用于基金减税。
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