阿里宝卡联通服务号 宝卡服务公众号 【200G流量,送你,不要钱】
发布于 2021-09-08 02:21
餐桌上,同事们说起用车体验。一个女同事说:“我车老刹不好,还好每次及时按喇叭!” 我:“车刹不好,跟车座的调节有关!” 这时,大家都把目光聚焦在我身上。那个女同事更是崇拜的问我:“你怎么调节车座?” 我喝了一口红酒,淡淡地说:“你们怎么调我不清楚?反正我是把车座往下调,这样车刹不好,双脚也能踩着地面刹。”
!伞!你的伞!”林欢胡乱指着客厅,尖声叫道。 “伞?”秦安望向客厅,绣花伞好好挂在墙面上,离夏也正乖巧地坐在沙发上,托着腮,注意力都在电视上,“不是好好挂着吗?”。 “你的伞刚刚自己啪的打开了,而且会流血!”林欢一激动起来就不断用手比划着伞打开的动作。 秦安抓了抓乱糟糟的头发,他哪里还不明白发生什么事,眯瞪着眼睛,在脑海中道:“悠着点,不要把人家吓出个好歹。” “她关我电视。” “那也不能这么吓人。” “她关我电视,还吵你睡觉。” 秦安不再言语,直接走过去将绣花伞取下来,抱在怀里,对林欢道:“这是专门定制的高科技伞,会变色。” 说着便打开绣花伞,伞面果然随之变红。 “好了,伞我带进卧室,你也赶紧休息吧。” “不对,不对,不对。”林欢用力摇头,她觉得绝对没有这么简单,“我能不能和你呆在一起?” “你睡你的觉,我就安安静静呆在卧室里!”林欢真的被吓破了胆,她现在只想有个人呆在身边,独自呆着的的话老是感觉周围充满看不见的人。 “可以啊。”秦安还来不及开口拒绝,脑海中响起离夏的声音,“不过我也要进去。” 秦安顿时露出像比见到无比恐怖的灵体还要惊恐的表情,愣愣看着离夏,“你想搞什么?”。 “我可不是那种小气的人。”离夏不满道。 “你确定要进来?我给你的建议是最好不要。”秦安重新确认道。 林欢拼命点头,她说什么也绝对不独自呆着。 “成吧,不过你必须要保持绝对的安静,要是再一惊一乍我就把你赶出去。”秦安也不管了,他现在只想被子一盖,爱咋样就咋样,不死人就行。 卧室中,秦安随手丢了张被单给她,然后就躺倒在床上的边边,用枕头蒙着脑袋,他最烦的就是睡得好好的被莫名其妙吵醒。 林欢躺在地板上,闻着被单淡淡的洗衣液味道,终于感觉自己有了一丝安全感,没想到这人外表看着随意,其实还是蛮注重It is not the ghost that people understand in the normal sense. Form is not limited to human form, there are all kinds of strange things. However, Qin An is an orphan. He grew up in a welfare home. For such a long time, at least Li Xia helped him out of loneliness“ Eat quickly and work later. " Qin An brought out two steaming bowls from the kitchen. The full rice was covered with meat and vegetables. One was placed in front of Li Xia, and the other was holding it in his mouth. There was no action from Li Xia, but the dense heat from the bowl floated into Li Xia's body. Soon the food just came out of the pot became cold, but Qin An didn't even finish the first chicken wing. It's convenient. No, it's a black sheep. Qinan has seen countless times, and can not help but once again tuck in the heart, the body does not need to eat, and make complaints about the same habits from Qinan, but in his view, it is entirely because the woman is greedy. The problem is that these things that have been eaten by Li Xia can't be eaten any more. Qin An tried to eat them before. They have no taste at all. After eating them, he vomited and diarrhoea for three days. From then on, he would handle them carefully and then throw them away to prevent them from being eaten by tramps or small animals“ If you are the hero in this cartoon, will you choose the female ghost who has been protecting you, or the childhood sweetheart who grew up together? " Li Xia asked, blinking. It's obvious that this is a matter of life and death. Qin An didn't lift his eyelids, but said decisively and directly, "I won't choose female ghosts or childhood sweethearts, because no matter how many ifs, I will only choose you."“ I'm tired of your glib. " It is obvious that Li Xia has already been psychologically prepared. His intonation has not changed at all, but the corners of his mouth keep turning up. After dinner, Qin An simply tidied up. As soon as he opened the door, the embroidered umbrella on the wall flew into his hand. The TV had been turned off automatically, and the figure of Li Xia disappeared. Qin An usually lives by working as a temporary worker. After all, his situation is quite special. If he stays in a social circle for a long time, people will inevitably find his abnormality, so he doesn't want to find a fixed job. This time, he received a job on the Internet, the content is very simple, that is, to spend a night in the place designated by the task publisher, he can get 800 yuan. just着绣花伞,他在消化刚刚得到的信息。 可以看到灵体,也就是说很有可能拥有亲灵者体质。 但五个怪物是不是遮着某个部位的那些诡异?如果是的话,那个高大黑色人影没有出现么? 而且为什么会有那么多灵体围着他?从学校消失不见倒是好解释,极有可能是进入到墟中。 “你是不是傻?”离夏用下巴抵在秦安的头发上,像小猫一样不断蹭着,“你忘了胡峰充满绝望的负面情绪吸引了那么多灵体吗?” 秦安诧异地微微昂起头,在心里道:“你什么时候变得机智了?” “我一直都这么机智!”她马上就听出话里的意思,顿时怒上心头,恶狠狠地用一招头槌砸在秦安额头上。 “你没事吧?”林欢见他那捂着头龇牙咧嘴的模样,还以为受到了灵体的攻击。 “没事,就是碰到了致残打击。”秦安吸着冷气,怒在心头不敢言,转移话题道:“齐秋瑾也是星尚学校的老师?我感觉她有点不太对劲。” 林欢的神色变得有些黯然,摇头道:“她原先在学校里是最受欢迎的老师,和我住同一个宿舍,活泼善良,而且她说出来的话特别能温暖人心,绝不是像现在这样神经兮兮,出口伤人。” “但是两年前学校因为经常发生学生失踪被勒令停办之后,她也消失了近一年的时间,这期间连她的家里人都不知道去哪,发消息打电话从来不回,都以为她也和柳善与一样凭空消失了,但是一年前就突然重新出现,像是变了一个人,占有欲极强,对什么都看不惯。” “并且原先睡觉都不敢关灯的人,现在居然对灵体非常感兴趣。”林欢眉头紧皱,显然发生在好友身上的变化让她非常担忧,“我怀疑是不是因为失业之后压力太大造成的。” 齐秋瑾那双充满血丝,带着怨恨的眼神在秦安心里浮现,他很难想象这样一个人会成为最受欢迎的老师。 在一年前出现,那不就是遮眼怪物不视刚好缠上柳望先的时候么? 秦安揉着眉心,心里没来由一股烦躁,他感觉所有的事情串起来就是一团乱麻,他好像抓住了Hair accessories, all kinds of things that shouldn't be here, are lying quietly under the water at this moment, like pebbles, almost covering the entire river bottom. 'What does this mean?' Qin An poked his aching forehead with the embroidered umbrella. There are too many questions today. 'Littering, there is no morality, there are still candies in it.' Obviously, according to Lixia's mind, I can't think about deeper things. 'When it comes to food, I suddenly want to eat crabs.' 'Gluttonous ghosts.' I will cook it for you when I go back.' Qin An smiled bitterly and shook his head, and continued to move forward. Since I can't figure it out, I don't have to think about it. 'Be sure to remember that not only crabs, but also chicken legs, sauce-flavored pork ribs, and pickled fish. In short, there are many delicious things.' 'Okay, remember.' Qin An, who was chatting and thinking about the action plan after entering the market, did not find his chest. His campus card is getting colder and colder, and the black mist is constantly melting into his body. The photos of Han Feng on the campus card seem to come alive and become vivid. After entering, it is the first priority to confirm the safety of Lao Qi, Hua Rui, and Xiao Wang. Then he raised the ashes of those monsters so that there was nothing left. 'However, who is Hua Rui? Who is Lao Qi? Who is Little Hope?' Qin An who was thinking intently stood firm. He found that he couldn't remember who the three names represented, and their image gradually became Going away, immersed in the mist. And not only that, but more and more memories in my mind become blurred. 'What did I do when I came to Xingshang School?' 'Xingshang School? It seems to be the place where I used to work?' Qin An found that there were many new memory fragments and knowledge flooding in, as if he had been blocked in the depths of his mind. , I just woke up at this moment. White lab coat, needles, the smell of medicinal materials, the method of making medicine. 'Did you listen to me?' Li Xia realized that Qin An had become extremely abnormal at this moment, and stood in the middle of the bridge blankly, 'What are these memories?' 'Yes.' You're doing a ghost!' The blood mist began to appear, and it continued to swallow the black mist, soaking the entire campus card into blood, and new memories no longer poured in. But Qin An's memory was completely confused, and he continued to move forward, as if the fog behind him was pushing him. 'If you don't listen to me, I will be angry!' 'Qin An!' 'Qin An!'阿里宝卡,阿里宝卡联通服务号,阿里宝卡pro,阿里宝卡服务,阿里宝卡,阿里宝卡,阿里宝卡助手,阿里宝卡移动 宝卡微厅,宝卡服务,宝卡客户,宝卡服务助手,宝卡服务阿里,宝卡服务号,宝卡服务微信200G流量,送你,不要钱 【宝卡服务】 阿里宝卡联通服务号本文来自网络或网友投稿,如有侵犯您的权益,请发邮件至:aisoutu@outlook.com 我们将第一时间删除。