Just one person doing it sets everyone off. But why is yawning contagious? Turns out, humans aren't the only animals with a case of the big yawns.只要有一个人打哈欠,那大家就会都打起哈欠来。打哈欠到底为什么会传染?事实证明,人类并不是唯一打哈欠会传染的动物。Teachers might have told you off for doing it, and your parents used it to try to get you to go to bed earlier. It's rude to do it in a meeting, and seeing someone else doing it (even if they cover their mouth) can set you off too. 老师可能会因为你这样做而斥责你,你的父母也会利用这一点让你早点上床睡觉。在会议上这么做是不礼貌的,看到别人这么做——即使他们捂着嘴——也会让你生气。Yes, we're talking about yawning, which is pretty much only cute when your pet does it. But what is the point of it, and why is yawning contagious? There are various theories, including that a yawn is just a deep breath that helps you bring in more oxygen. Although there are many explanations of little things you’ve always wondered about, the truth is that there is no scientific consensus on why we yawn.是的,我们说的是打哈欠,只有你的宠物打哈欠的时候才会有人觉得可爱。但打哈欠的意义何在?为什么打哈欠会传染?有各种各样的理论,包括打哈欠只是深呼吸,可以帮助你吸入更多氧气之类的。尽管有人提出了很多解释,但事实是,对于我们为什么打哈欠,科学上并没有共识。Yawning is a primitive reflex. Most animals yawn, and humans are no exception. Birds, reptiles, mammals, and even some sharks can yawn, and they’re probably asking "why is yawning contagious?" too. Although it's associated with feeling sleepy, yawning doesn't only happen when we feel tired. 打哈欠是一种原始的反射。大多数动物都会打哈欠,人类也不例外。鸟类、爬行动物、哺乳动物,甚至一些鲨鱼都会打哈欠,它们也可能会问“为什么打哈欠会传染?”虽然打哈欠与困倦有关,但打哈欠并不只发生在我们感到疲劳的时候。Scientists think that the reason we animals yawn has a lot to do with our brain temperature. Because most members of the animal kingdom share a similar brainstem, humans are as likely to yawn as Komodo dragons, yellow-rumped warblers, or a herd of moose.科学家认为,我们动物打哈欠的原因与我们的大脑温度有很大关系。因为动物王国的大多数成员都有一个相似的脑干,人类会打哈欠,科莫多巨蜥、黄臀莺和驼鹿也会。 Previous studies on humans have shown that yawning happens less during the winter, when temperatures are cooler. A nice long yawn brings in air, which your body can use to cool or stabilize your brain temperature. Scientists have observed that people tend to yawn when they're tired or bored, and they think that it's because their brains are slowing down due to fatigue or lack of stimulation. 此前对人类的研究表明,冬季气温较低时打哈欠较少。一个长长的哈欠会带来空气,你的身体可以用来冷却或稳定你的大脑温度。科学家们观察到,人们在疲劳或无聊时往往会打哈欠,他们认为这是因为疲劳或缺乏刺激导致大脑速度减慢。When your brain stops firing, its temperature drops. Animals with bigger brains tend to yawn for longer periods of time, perhaps taking in more air to cool a bigger brain. Yawning also compresses the muscles of the face and drives oxygen-rich blood up to the brain. 当你的大脑停止运转时,它的温度就会下降。大脑越大的动物打哈欠的时间越长,这可能是为了让大脑变大而吸入更多的空气。打哈欠还会压缩面部肌肉,将富含氧气的血液输送到大脑。When your cat or dog yawns, they'll often do a big stretch at the same time. Yawning alone stretches some of your facial muscles, and adding a big stretch of your own wakes your body and brain up through movement and compression of your tissues and muscles.当你的猫或狗打哈欠时,它们通常会同时伸个大懒腰。光是打哈欠就会拉伸你的面部肌肉,而打哈欠也会通过运动和压缩你的组织和肌肉来唤醒你的身体和大脑。Why is yawning contagious?It's a scientifically proven fact that yawning is contagious, and there are several reasons why. The first is simply tiredness. If you're not getting enough sleep on the regular, and you can't stop yourself from yawning at regular intervals, it might be time to check out a guide to deeper sleep. 打哈欠会传染,这是有科学依据的,原因有很多。第一个原因就是疲劳。如果你没有得到足够的睡眠,就不能阻止自己定期打哈欠,可能是时候看看深度睡眠的指南了。The second has to do with mirrored behavior. Seeing someone else yawn in a boring lecture triggers you to yawn as well because you're in the same environment, exposed to the same temperature and stimuli (or lack thereof). As social animals, we are inclined to mimic others' actions if we think they will also benefit us, or to create social bonds. There are other behaviors that fall into this category too, like laughing or scratching. It all comes from our ancient brainstem! 第二种与镜像行为有关。在一场无聊的演讲中,看到别人打哈欠,你也会打哈欠,因为你处在相同的环境中,暴露在相同的温度和刺激下(或缺乏这些刺激)。另一项研究甚至表明,有更多同理心的学生更有可能到其他人打哈欠后也打哈欠。不过如果你不太容易打哈欠,这并不一定意味着你没有同理心。打哈欠是会传染的,但你也可以好好休息一下!Another study even showed that students with more empathy were more likely to yawn after seeing another person yawn, although that doesn't necessarily mean that you're non-empathetic if you don't catch a yawn too easily. Yawning is contagious, but you could just be well-rested!作为社会动物,我们倾向于模仿他人的行为,如果我们认为这些行为也会对我们有益,或者是为了建立社会关系。还有其他行为也属于这一类,比如大笑或抓挠。这一切都来自我们从远古进化而来的脑干!Still, if you're stuck in a yawn fest and you can't seem to stop, try breathing deeply through your nose for a few minutes. That should wake you up and help you stop cracking that jaw.不过,如果你一直在打哈欠,而且似乎停不下来,那就试着用鼻子深呼吸几分钟。这应该能让你醒过来,让你不用再折腾自己的下巴了。高薪招聘:市场专员、全职翻译、新媒体运营、项目经理 相关业务需求即可致电下方相关责任人
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