ASLA综合设计奖 | 解读遂宁南滨江公园
发布于 2021-10-07 13:11
ASLA 2021获奖项目揭晓
2021年10月,美国景观设计师协会(ASLA)官方公布获奖名单。由陈跃中带领易兰团队设计的遂宁南滨江公园,荣获2021年ASLA专业奖·综合设计类荣誉奖(Honor Award,General Design Winner,ASLA Professional Awards 2021)。正式的颁奖典礼将于2021年11月20日星期六在纳什维尔举行。本项目也于今年5月喜获2021年ULI(城市土地学会)亚太卓越奖殊荣。
Suining South Riverfront Park
"ASLA 推荐语"
"In the burgeoning Suining City in China’s Sichuan Province, infrastructural preparation for urban growth along the Fujian River had left behind an unwelcoming concrete bulkhead and degraded local ecology, conditions which this new riverfront park attempts to correct by converting the bleak existing levee into a verdant platform that fosters engagement with the river edge through terraced connections to the city beyond. Within the potential flood zone, a resilient wetland pond system filters river water and reintroduces native riparian plants along a landscaped edge designed to withstand full submersion. An elevated canopy walk provides visitors with views over the stormwater filtration ponds, facilitating connection with nature at the urban edge."
——2021 Awards Jury

△湿地段鸟瞰 ©Moooy Photography
△城市段 - 滨江挑台 ©Moooy Photography
1.Resilient Strategy & Ecological Engineering Strategy
The combined design team consultants successfully persuaded the local government to integrate the ongoing hydraulic engineering construction with the forthcoming park design project. Through a concept of concealing the bulkhead beneath landscape terraces, the design objective is set up to combine multiple functions, including riparian ecological systems, urban storm-water management, green infrastructure, public recreation, and environmental education in the same riverfront area. The ultimate solution became the "Floating Greenway" infrastructure belt. The "Floating Greenway" infrastructure artfully integrates all the desired functions by weaving together a series of design strategies.
©Arch-Exist Photography
△全新滨河景观 ©Arch-Exist Photography
©Moooy Photography
A network of walkways softly integrates into the pond system, allowing visitors to immerse themselves amidst the wetland to observe and appreciate nature. Viewing towers and platforms lend panoramic views of the surroundings within the regenerated riparian ecosystem.
The recreation walkway belt, above the stormwater filtrating wetland, links the scattered barrier islands bringing people closer to the refreshing natural scenery. The Elevated Canopy Walks allow visitors to have an above-the-wetland and in-the-canopy experience, enveloping them in picturesque nature.
Cut from the excavated ponds is used as fill to create a barrier of islands acting as a landscape buffer, transition zone, and a vibrant storm water filtrating system connecting the river and the city.
2.Ecological wetland water purification
By introducing native wetland plants into aseries of riverside wetland lagoons at the wider, upper flow area of the river, a water phytoremediation system was formed. It is entirely constructed ofnature, created to clean the already treated urban run-off before it is discharged into the Fujiang River. A minimal cut-and-fill approach was used tocreate an outer ring of islands and ponds. Cut from theexcavated ponds is used as fill to create a barrier of islands acting as alandscape buffer, transition zone, and a vibrant storm water filtrating system connecting the river and the city. Waterflows through the wetland lagoons to be filtered by the plants before beingused to encompass various park destinations with ecologically sound waterfeatures for people to enjoy.
©Arch-Exist Photography

△湿地水杉林鸟瞰实景 ©Arch-Exist Photography
△景观亭 ©Arch-Exist Photography
A “floating pavilion”, with cypress trees buffering the northwest wind, creates a pleasant destination space for meditation or river overlook view points, allowing people to experience the feeling of being immersed in nature.
△弹性河岸湿地泻湖系统 ©Arch-Exist Photography

©Arch-Exist Photography
©Moooy Photography

3.Urban Weaving
△绿色慢行网络 ©Arch-Exist Photography
△树池座椅 ©Arch-Exist Photography
Originally cut off from the adjacent community by a broad riverside city road, the project's site was almost abandoned by the city’s inhabitants. To restore the riverfront and create a viable recreational green space, a complicated urban weaving strategy was established to integrate the urban public space rather than create an independent green belt without any dialogue with the city.
△景观挑台 ©Moooy Photography
△健身步道 ©Arch-Exist Photography
©Moooy Photography
A “floating reflection river” is created along the urban portion of the riverfront park, brings the river back to the people. Integrated lighting design illuminates the riverfront park, rendering a warm atmosphere, filling the nightlife with vigor and romance.

©Moooy Photography
The key objective to the urban weaving strategy was to collect and distribute people seamlessly through the park to enjoy the verdant river views and pleasing riparian open spaces, connecting the riverfront back to the city.
4.Stormwater Management
©Arch-Exist Photography
△城市段 - 雨水台地系统 ©Moooy Photography
Facing the challenge of ecological degradation and loss of urban vitality due to nationwide government-led flood-control-oriented hydraulic engineering riverfront dam construction, this park establishes a model for integrating civic park design into urban flood protection. Along the edge of Fujiang River in southern Suining City of China, where once an unsightly concrete bulkhead met the water, emerges a carefully regenerated biodiversity park within a living shoreline.

©Arch-Exist Photography
©Moooy Photography
易兰新址:北京市海淀区北清路中关村壹号C2座7层 易兰规划设计院
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