Chinese Porcelain: The Chinese Ambassador of Cultural Exchanges
Porcelain is both a work of art and a necessity of daily life. With its popularity in daily uses and unique esthetic function, porcelain can be seen everywhere in our daily life: from the table wares at the “One Belt One Road Summit” to the tea set that every household uses. China is the origin of porcelain, whose invention was a great contribution the Chinese nation made to the world civilization. In English, porcelain is also called china, which has the same spelling as “China” (as a country). Their only difference is the former starts with the lowercase letter “c” while the latter starts with the capital letter “C”. So, it’s safe to say that at least in the west the exquisite Chinese porcelain has been viewed as the symbol for China.瓷器是由高岭土等烧制而成,一般在窑内要经过约1280℃-1400℃的高温烧制,外表施有玻璃质釉或加以彩绘,表面的釉色会因温度的不同而发生各种化学变化。Porcelain is a ceramic material made by heating materials, generally including kaolin, in a kiln to temperatures between 1,280 and 1,400 °C. Porcelain generally has hard enamel and pleasing colors. Its colors arise mainly from vitrification and the formation of the mineral mullite within the body at these high temperatures.中国瓷器是从陶器发展演变而成的,早在公元前16世纪的商代中期,中国就出现了早期的瓷器,一般称其为“原始瓷”。早期瓷器以青瓷为主,隋唐时代发展成青瓷、白瓷等以单色釉为主的两大瓷系。至宋代时,瓷业最为繁荣。当时的汝窑、官窑、哥窑、钧窑和定窑并称为宋代五大名窑。宋代瓷器以各色单彩釉为特长,釉面能作冰裂纹,并能烧制窑变色及两面彩、釉里青、釉里红等。景德镇就因为宫廷生产瓷器而得名“瓷都”,其在元代出产的青花瓷已成为瓷器的代表。明代流行“白底青花瓷”,清代生产“彩瓷”,图样新颖,瓷色华贵,以“珐琅瓷”、“粉彩”最为杰出。In China, porcelain was developed from pottery. The earliest porcelain, also known as “the primitive porcelain”, appeared in China during the middle of Shang Dynasty (16th Century BC). Porcelain wares in the early days were mostly celadon. During Sui and Tang dynasties, single-colored porcelain like celadon porcelain and white porcelain became the dominant genres. Chinese porcelain was at its apex during Song Dynasty and Ru, Ge, Ding, Jun and the official kilns had been the representatives of that age. Song Dynasty is famous for its single-colored porcelain. Artisans could make ice crackles on the glaze and porcelain wares with changing colors, two colors as well as with blue and red glazes mushroomed at that time. Jingdezhen became the “porcelain capital” during Song dynasty, thanks to its production of porcelain wares for the royal court. During the Yuan Dynasty, Jingdezhen produced the famous blue and white porcelain, which was highly praised as the masterpiece of Chinese porcelain. “Porcelain with white glaze and blue flowers” of the Ming Dynasty and the “Decorative Porcelain” of Qing Dynasty were renowned for their catchy decorative patterns and elegant glazes, in which “Enamel Porcelain” and “Famille-Rose Porcelain” were the most outstanding ones.世界认识中国,从瓷器开始。中国的瓷器通过古丝绸之路传入欧洲,价格比黄金还贵,被称为“白色的黄金”。明清时期,瓷器作为一种商品外销到了世界各地,成为第一种全球化的产品。16世纪开始,欧洲人开始了制造瓷器的尝试,与此同时,很多外国人来到中国景德镇,探寻制作瓷器的秘方。而在18世纪之前只有中国可以制造和生产出瓷器。经过多年的发展,如今每个国家在陶瓷上也都出现了自己的风格,越来越个性化。China was firstly known to the outside world through its porcelain. It’s through the ancient Silk Road that Chinese porcelain made its way to Europe. With a price even higher than gold, Chinese porcelain was cherished by Europeans as “the white gold” in the past. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, with the export destinations becoming more diverse, Chinese porcelain became the first “globalized product”. Starting from the 16th Century, Europeans tried to make the porcelain of their own. Meanwhile, many foreigners came to Jingdezhen, wishing to know the secret of making porcelain. Even so, China still managed to keep its status as the only country that could produce porcelain before the 18th Century. Things changed thereafter. Now, every country can produce porcelain with its own style and characteristics.四百多年前,通过丝绸之路,瓷器成为联系中国和世界的纽带。如今,“一带一路”全新启航,不断创新的中国瓷器将继续把中华文明之美远播世界,也将作为中外文化交流的载体一代代传承下去。More than 4 centuries ago, porcelain connected China and the outside world through the ancient Silk Road. Today, the “Belt and Road Initiative” has ushered in a new era. With its relentless innovations, Chinese porcelain will continue to spread the beauty of the Chinese civilization to the rest of the world and its role as the ambassador of cultural exchanges between China and the outside world will never fade away in the course of time.《你好,中国》是由中国国家广电总局主办、中国国际广播电台、高等教育出版社联合策划实施的大型多媒体系列文化项目。《你好,中国》选取了100个代表中国传统文化精髓的汉语词汇,从不同侧面反映中国文化的博大精深,加深国外民众对中国和中华文化的了解。
【翻译资料】Hello China-七夕(双语)
【翻译资料】Hello China-清明节(双语)
【翻译资料】Hello China-端午节(双语)
【翻译】Hello China-春节(双语)
【传统文化】Hello China 《你好中国》---十二生肖
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