
发布于 2021-10-10 15:46



Call for Panel Proposals - IRSPM Conference 2022

The IRSPM board cordially invites you to submit Panel proposals for the Annual IRSPM Conference to be held online on 19 – 22 April 2022.
As travel conditions are still uncertain and funding for participation in scientific and educational events continues to be limited, IRSPM has decided to hold its 2022 conference once again entirely online. We believe this will enable a maximum number of panel organisers, speakers and attendees to take part in our upcoming conference.
As usual, IRSPM applies a two-stage process:
  1. The first call is for Panel tracks for which the abstracts will be solicited in a second round.

Prospective Panel chairs and co-chairs should develop a topic on an important theme of public management, governance or policy, which can accommodate a variety of papers. This call is open to IRPSM Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and also to any other colleague with a brilliant idea for bringing together people, knowledge, sharing experiences, discussing lessons learned, new methods and concepts, and can include more traditional as well as novel formats for online panels.
  1. Once the panels have been reviewed and accepted by the IRSPM Scientific Committee, the Call for abstracts will be open, soliciting abstracts for all individual panels.

It will be the responsibility of the panel chairs to:

  • Solicit paper abstracts for their individual panel

  • Review abstracts via online platform in accordance with the conference guidelines and deadlines;

  • Provide adequate feedback to be forwarded to authors;

  • Plan the scheduling of papers in the panel track in collaboration with the IRSPM secretariat

  • Arrange for panel discussants as appropriate;

  • Provide nominations among abstracts accepted for the best paper, if applicable;

  • During the conference, host and moderate your sessions online;

  • At the conclusion, complete a brief evaluation for IRSPM.

IRSPM seeks panels covering a broad range of topics on public management, governance and policy, with chairs from a diversity of countries.  Please note that in the case of similar panel submissions, the IRSPM Scientific Committee will ask panel chairs to collaborate in leading consolidated panels to ensure overall coherence of the conference. 

The theme of the IRSPM Conference 2022 is:

Facing the future: Evolving social-political-administrative relations and the future of administrative systems

Politics, administration, and civil society are said to be in transition. If so, how does that impact their functions, positions towards and relationships with one another? It seems that politics becomes increasingly stormy in many countries, leading to ideological polarisation, with an increased focus on political communication and branding. In this context, the difficulty of balancing a discourse about strong, hierarchical, and even autocratic leadership with traditional administrative values such as impartiality, expertise, and accountability has grown. The need for collaboration to tackle pressing societal challenges, has never been more urgent. 
This evolution in social-political-administrative relations raises several questions about the organizing principles and practices of public services and public management:
  • What is the impact on democratic systems and public institutions?

  • How does this affect the strategies and services being employed by governments and public service organizations?

  • How does it affect the public workforce and to what extent can administrations push back?

  • Which civil society actors are supporting or opposing these strategies and how does it affect them in practice?

  • Does civil society take over what governments no longer do?

  • What is the role for experts and scholars in this turbulent setting?

  • How is the role of public managers being redefined in response to these changes?

We are now calling for panels on the conference theme and related issues from different perspectives. We welcome IRSPM SIGs to address these and related issues alongside their ongoing focal themes.
Submission of Proposals

All panel proposals should include:

  1. the title of the panel

  2. the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the chair(s), including one chair that will act as a single point of contact for future communication with IRSPM

  3. a description of the panel topic (maximum of 100 words)

  4. background information outlining the experience of the chair(s) in running panels at academic conferences (IRSPM and/or other)

  5. information on how the panel will be organized to suit an online setting. Please note that no pre-recorded presentations will be offered for viewing and all presentations will have to take place in real time during the duration of the conference.

  6. brief description of the planned format of the panel – standard panel presentation with respondents, roundtable, mini-presentations, etc.

  7. indicate how you plan to make the panel accessible for participants from different parts of the world (in different time zones) by consulting a time zone planner and suggesting times that will make this possible for different regions.

  • Proposals should be around 500-700 words in total and not exceed two pages.
  • Panel proposals must in English.

  • Panel proposals should be submitted via e-mail to: conference@irspm.org by 31 October 2021.

  • Notification of accepted panels will be provided by 22 November 2021.

  • The Call for Paper Abstracts will open on 1 December 2021.

Call for Social and Networking activities proposals
This year we will be calling for proposals for social and networking activities to be held during the conference. IRSPM will allocate space for up to five such events, which will be awarded to the best and most creative proposals and ideas. The proposers of the winning ideas will be given free registration (1 per proposal) to attend the conference. More information on this will follow soon.
Key dates

Call for panel proposals:                                               7 October - 31 October 2021    

Notification on Panel Decision:                                     22 November 2021

Call for Paper Abstracts opens:                                   1 December 2021

Call for social activities opens:                                     1 December 2021

Deadline for Paper Abstract submission:                     24 January 2022

Notification of Abstract decision by:                            23 February 2022

Conference registration open:                                      23 February 2022

Deadline for authors registration:                                 4 April 2022

Deadline for Paper submission:                                   4 April 2022

Deadline for registration:                                              22 April 2021

IRSPM Conference :                                            19 – 22 April 2022

论文结集出版:会议主办方会以图书的形式出版论文集 | 期刊支持:会议与学术期刊合作或开设专栏收稿 | 推荐发表:会议主办方会将部分优秀论文推荐给期刊发表 | 跨学科:面向多个学科征稿 | 其他关键词还有面向本科生、面向研究生、面向博士生以及各学科专业名词


【TSSCI】TSSCI 台湾社会科学引文索引收录期刊名单


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