New One — 黄河视角 暨新青年设计师联盟成立一周年
发布于 2021-01-28 16:36
New One—黄河视角 暨新青年设计师联盟成立一周年
New One -- He Huang Perspective and the First Anniversary of the New Young Designers Union
Producer:Yan Zhang
Curator: Peng Zhang
Artist:He Huang
Academic Counselor:HuiZhou Li、Wei Hua
Academic observation:Qi Ling
Copyright protection:PingHui Yang Lawyers Team
2021.01.30 — 2021.03.28
“NEW ONE—黄河视角 暨新青年设计师联盟成立一周年”
“NEW ONE”的本次展览,既是对黄河先生近些年来在图形艺术上的一次总结,也是新青年设计师联盟成立一年来的一次公开集体亮相,更是壹ART的第一场海报展,“NEW ONE”意义非凡。
"New One -- He Huang Perspective and the First Anniversary of the New Young Designers Union"
This exhibition of "New One" is a summary of Mr. He Huang's work on graphic Art in recent years, a public collective appearance since the founding of the New Young Designers Alliance One year ago, and the first poster Art design exhibition of "One Art"."New One" means a lot.
New young designers alliance is initiated by digital industry experienced designers, scholars joint public welfare organization design, adhering to the "new youth" tradition, cultural consciousness of innovation spirit, is committed to building to spread information, academic exchange, professional discussion, learning, sharing platform for the professional, with the love of a professional, pour into emotional build the spiritual home of the designer.
Producer He Huang, as an important member of "New Youth", has crossed over from the advertising circle to the design circle.His works have won important awards at home and abroad, and continuous creation and output have become his daily routine.When visualizing the "abstraction" of graphic art work, all successful works do not come from the moment of inspiration in designer He Huang's mind, but from the multi-dimensional thinking of life.
The theme of "New One" is chosen to look at history from the perspective of He Huang, pay attention to ecology, analyze social issues, and examine the inheritance of traditional culture. The 54 works are devoted to the artist's humanistic feelings and understanding of the era of picture and language.In the graphic texture of his works, we can see the fission of the core elements of culture, the deconstruction of history and reality itself, highlighting a poetic and illusionized graphic art context. In the broken integration of the artist's virtual images and the real world, we also have a new and concrete cognition of Mr. He Huang.
新青年设计师联盟 / 秘书长
日本设计师协会(JAGDA) / 会员
纹藏中国 / 合伙人
曾供职于HAKUHODO博报堂,FCB博达大桥,Leo Burnett李奥贝纳等多家国际4A广告公司。
* 2020“世界艾滋病日”国际公益海报设计展
* 2020“世界读书日”国际公益海报设计展
* 呼吸·共生—2020 全球抗击疫情国际平面设计展
* 联合国“零歧视日”2020国际海报设计展
* 2020土耳其首届博鲁国际设计大赛 / 终审评委
* 2020纹藏国际纹样设计大赛 / 终审评委
* 2020伊朗抗击疫情国际设计大赛 / 终审评委
* 2020 第6届莫斯科国际设计展 / 第一名
* 2020 意大利WHY国际平面设计展 / 第一名
* 2020 中国龙魄平面视觉设计公益接力赛 / 第一名
* 2020 俄罗斯Golden Turtle国际设计展 / 第二名
* 2020 第三届当代国际水墨设计双年展 / 铜奖
* 2019 台湾国际平面设计双年展 / 金奖
* 2019 乌克兰COW平面设计双年展 / 评审奖
* 2020 德国火花设计展 / TOP 25(2件)
* 2019 设计之都中国深圳公益广告大赛 / 优秀奖(3件)
* 2004 美国纽约广告节 / 铜奖、优秀奖
* 2003 英国伦敦广告节 / 优秀奖
* 2004 麦当劳亚洲 / 创意最高奖
* 2003 德国柏林广告节 / 银奖
* 2004 美国Leo Burnett / 7+奖
* 中国广告节 / 金奖多次、银奖多次
* 2004 中国十佳平面广告 / 第一名
* 1998 首届中国设计艺术大展未来设计师 / 第一名
开放时间丨Opening Time
周一至周日 10am - 8pm
Address: The Place,3 floor,Elephant Duo Art district,Lvzhoudong road,Shushan District, Hefei
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