经济学人 | 美国的政治极化真的在加剧吗?

发布于 2021-10-10 14:16


OVER THE weekend wonks flocked to Seattle for the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association. Among other things, they discussed how political divisions hamper the fight against covid-19. America now lags behind much of the rich world in its vaccine rollout, in part because of the reluctance of some on the right to get jabbed. But the academic debate is not conclusive on the extent to which polarisation is rising; political scientists even disagree on how to define it. How is polarisation measured, and are American voters really growing further apart?


In general, political polarisation is defined as the grouping of people into two extreme positions. The tricky bit is determining which opinions or traits should be used to form those groupings. Polarisation can broadly be categorised two ways, says Lilliana Mason of Johns Hopkins University. The first, “social polarisation”, measures the extent to which a person’s ideology and identity (which includes traits such as race or religion) are associated with their political party. High social polarisation results in increased partisan bias and negative feelings towards supporters of the other party. Nearly 40% of Americans, for example, would be upset if their child married someone who supported a party other than their own. The second category, “issue-position polarisation”, measures the extent to which Americans’ policy preferences reflect extreme positions rather than more moderate ones, irrespective of which party they support.

一般来说,政治极化是指人们被分成两个极端立场。但棘手的是决定哪些观点或特征应该作为分组标准。约翰霍普金斯大学的莉莉安娜·梅森(Lilliana Mason)认为,两极分化大致可以分为两类。第一是社会极化,衡量一个人的意识形态和身份(包括种族或宗教等特征)与他所支持的政党的关联程度。高度的社会极化将导致党派偏见和对另一党派支持者负面情绪的增加。例如,近40%的美国人,如果他们的孩子与支持其他政党的人结婚,他们会感到不安。第二类,议题立场极化,衡量美国人的政策偏好在多大程度上反映了极端立场,而不是较为温和的立场,无论他们支持哪个政党。


Depending on which definition you choose, polarisation trends look very different. Social polarisation has increased markedly over the past four decades. Starting after the second world war, and accelerating with the Civil Rights movement, ideological liberals and African Americans shifted towards the Democratic Party while conservatives and white Americans became increasingly Republican, on average (aprocess known as sorting). Democrats have also become more urban, educated, and female at various points since the 1960s. When a person’s social identity is more tied to their party affiliation, partisan bias grows. In 1978, Americans were 27 points colder toward voters from parties other than their own on a 100-point scale. The gap grew to 56 points by 2020. The same cannot be said for issue-position polarisation over the same period. For instance, about half the population took a moderate stance on abortion in 2016, a proportion that has held steady since 1975. Across issues ranging from the armed forces to government spending, the share of the population holding extreme positions has not trended upwards nearly as much as social polarisation, though it has increased somewhat since 2008.


Political scientists have several hypotheses for why partisan sorting has occurred. One explanation is America’s two-party system, which makes it easier to form strong political identities than in countries with several major parties, where holding views that cross party lines is more common. Another is the growth of media outlets that increasingly appeal to partisan viewpoints. Fox News was started in 1996, and social polarisation accelerated sharply in the years afterwards. Political scientists also point to inequality and the growing population of racial minorities in America, but a consensus has yet to emerge.

对于为什么会出现政党选择(party sorting),治学家有这样几种假设。一种解释是美国的两党制,这使得它比多党制国家更容易形成强烈的政治认同,因为在多党制国家中,持有跨越党派界限的观点更为普遍。另一个解释是,越来越多的媒体开始迎合党派观点。1996年福克斯新闻创办后,美国社会极化急剧加剧。政治学家还指出了美国的不平等和不断增长的少数族裔人口可能也是原因之一,但尚未形成共识。

So has political polarisation grown in America? In one sense, yes. The link between someone’s social identity, political ideology and party appears to be growing stronger. But in terms of their positions on many issues, Americans have not grown to be as extreme. This has led to a paradox of polarisation. Despite agreeing on much, Americans dislike each other more than ever.


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