发布于 2021-10-17 17:27
近年来,人们对ConvNet参数化能量生成模型越来越感兴趣。ConvNet参数化EBMs框架解决了生成模型中随之而来的表示、生成、效率和可扩展性的需求。具体来说,与现有流行的生成模型如生成对抗网(generative Adversarial Nets, gan)和变分自动编码器(Variational Auto-encoders, VAEs)不同,基于能量的生成模型可以将自底向上的表示和自顶向下的生成统一到一个框架中,并通过“综合分析”进行训练。不需要招募额外的辅助模型。通过反向传播可以有效地计算模型参数更新和数据合成。模型可以很容易地设计和放大。这个框架的表达能力和优势引发了一系列的研究工作,导致了重大的理论和算法的成熟。基于能量的生成模型由于其相对于传统模型的主要优势,现在被用于许多计算机视觉任务中。本教程将全面介绍基于能量的生成建模和计算机视觉学习。对潜在的学习目标和抽样策略将会有一个直观和系统的理解。本文将介绍基于能量生成框架成功解决的不同类型的计算机视觉任务。除了介绍基于能量的框架和最先进的应用,本教程的目的是使研究人员能够将基于能量的学习原则应用到计算机视觉的其他环境中。
Part I : 基础 Fundamentals
1. Background
Probabilistic models of images
Gibbs distribution in statistical physics
Filters, Random Fields and Maximum Entropy (FRAME) models
Generative ConvNet: EBM parameterized by modern neural network
2. Elements of Energy-Based Generative Learning
Understanding Kullback-Leibler divergences
Maximum likelihood learning, analysis by synthesis
Gradient-based MCMC and Langevin sampling
Adversarial self-critic interpretations
Short-run MCMC for synthesis for EBMs
Equivalence between EBMs and discriminative models
Part II : 进展 Advanced
1. Strategy for Efficient Learning and Sampling
Multi-stage expanding and sampling for EBMs
Multi-grid learning and sampling for EBMs
Learning EBM by recovery likelihood
2. Energy-Based Generative Frameworks
Generative cooperative network
Divergence triangle
Latent Space Energy-Based Prior Model
Flow contrastive estimation of energy-based model
Part III : 应用 Applications
1. Energy-Based Generative Neural Networks
Generative ConvNet: EBMs for images
Spatial-Temporal Generative ConvNet: EBMs for videos
Generative VoxelNet: EBMs for 3D volumetric shapes
Generative PointNet: EBMs for unordered point clouds
EBMs for inverse optimal control and trajectory prediction
Patchwise Generative ConvNet: EBMs for internal learning
2. Energy-Based Generative Cooperative Networks
Unconditioned image, video, 3D shape synthesis
Supervised conditional learning
Unsupervised image-to-image translation
Unsupervised sequence-to-sequence translation
Generative saliency prediction
3. Latent Space Energy-Based Models
Text Generation
Molecule Generation
Anomaly Detection
Saliency prediction using transformer with energy-based prior
Trajectory Prediction
Semi-Supervised Learning
Controlled Text Generation
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