
发布于 2021-10-18 11:59


Thin Client Devices for LAN System of NEXI, 1 set


⑴ Contracting entity : Atsuo Kuroda, Chairman and CEO, Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI)

⑵ Classification of the services to be procured : 71, 27

⑶ Nature and quantity of the services to be required : Thin Client Devices for LAN System of NEXI, 1 set.

⑷ Fulfillment period : refer to the tender documentation.

⑸ Fulfillment place : refer to the tender documentation.

⑹ Qualification for participating in the tendering procedures : Party who does not fall under the following clauses ① and ②.

① Party who does not have the faculty to conclude contract concerned or does not acquire rehabilitation by the bankrupt except minors, persons under conservatorship or persons under assistance who obtain the consent necessary for concluding contract concerned.

② Nippon Export and Investment Insurance may preclude any party who is deemed to fall under any one of the following descriptions from participation in tendering for two years from the date of the occurrence of the action described in the following respective items. The same shall apply to those who hire any party as an agent, manager or employee.

ⅰ)Party who intentionally executed construction work or production with poor workmanship, or committed dishonest acts concerning the quality or quantity of goods in the course of performance under a contract ;

ⅱ)Party who disturbed the enforcement of fair competition, impaired fair pricing, or conspired with others to gain improper profits ;

ⅲ)Party who blocked a successful bidder from executing a contract or prevented a contractor from performing his obligations under a contract ;

ⅳ)Party who prevented staff members from performing their duties in exercising supervision or making an inspection ;

ⅴ)Party who failed to perform his contractual obligations without just cause ;

ⅵ)Party who hired anyone who committed any of the foregoing acts within the last two years as an agent, manager or employee for the performance of a contract ;

③ Nippon Export and Investment Insurance may preclude those who fall under the preceding clause ② as its tender agent from participation in tender concerned.

④ Party shall have Grade A or B in the 'Offer of Services, etc' in the Kanto Koushinetsu District in terms of the qualification for participating in tenders laid down by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Single qualification for every ministry and agency) in the fiscal years 2019, 2020 and 2021.

⑺ Date and time for tender explanation meeting : 2 : 00 PM 22 October, 2021.

⑻ Time-limit for verification documents : 5 : 30 PM 6 December, 2021.

⑼ Time-limit for tender : 2 : 00 PM 23 December, 2021.

⑽ Contact point for the notice : IT Development Group, Business Process and IT Management Department, Nippon Export and Investment Insurance, Chiyoda First Building, East Wing, 3-8-1, Nishikanda, Chiyodaku, Tokyo, Japan Tel. 03-3512-7700. mail. nexi-sys-procurement@nexi.go. jp

*发包方名称:Nippon Export and Investment Insurance - Tokyo

*发包方联系人:IT Development Group

*发包方地址:Business Process and IT Management Department, Nippon Export and Investment Insurance, Chiyoda First Building, East Wing, 3-8-1, Nishikanda, Chiyodaku, Tokyo, Japan



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