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发布于 2021-09-08 02:22


这厨艺 猪看了都摇头
































男人面部狰狞,最为诡异的他是没有眼睛,不是眼睛被挖出,而是似乎从来没有眼睛这个部位,眼眶处平滑完整。 “这里有诞生过灵,但是不见了,浴室里还有一个人。”离夏平静的声音响起。 秦安转头进入浴室,墙面溅满血迹,洗漱台和镜面都有血手印,残碎的尸块在浴缸里浮沉,只有一个女人的头颅保存得相对完整,眼睛瞪得浑圆。 是那个孤儿的老婆。 空气中残存的些许灰雾被秦安所吸收,这是女人所残存的执念,还没有到可以诞生灵体的程度,只有片段记忆。 今天吃完晚饭后,一向懦弱的男人,不知为何突然抽出尖刀对她下了毒手。 秦安皱眉,并不是害怕,十年来经历过离夏的无数次摧残,他的心理承受能力已经到了极为恐怖的程度。 只是在奇怪男人为什么会突然做出这种事,因为从老人的记忆中,男人一向对老婆言听计从,包括将老人赶出房子也是因为被这个女人所教唆。 残存的灵只有死前的一小段记忆,秦安实在无从推测,而且按照离夏的说话,诞生的灵体极有可能是男人的,却不知所综,照理来说刚刚诞生的灵体是不会轻易离开自己的所在地。 “这个月以来,星海市开阳区已经发生五起自杀事件,死者的眼睛部都变得光滑平整,他们的身上没有任何共通点,希望有线索的市民积极向有关部门提供信息。” 正在播放的电视突然跳出这么一条紧急报道。 那么眼前的男人应该是第六起,甚至更多。 秦安沉默着在房子里寻找起来,却没有发现有价值的线索,似乎就是男人突然发疯,杀了妻子一样,如果不是眼睛处的诡异处,这是最合理的结果,秦安一无所获后站在墙面前,看着两人笑得幸福恩爱的合照长叹口气。 照片应该是前几天拍摄的,照片写有日期和拍摄的照相馆。 他倒不是可怜两人,只是心里隐约觉得离夏的话恐怕是真的,有某种东西在黑暗中刻意制造灵体。 “看来需要好好查查这些死者的情况了。” 一直站在男人身旁,一动不动He retreated in horror, and his twisted body stopped abruptly. He turned back to the old man with rickets at a very fast speed. Blood is still dripping from the ceiling, the original blue and white embroidered umbrella dyed red, also fell on the old man, rising bursts of black fog. The old man howled bitterly to avoid, but the elevator was so big that he could not hide from the rain“ I said it might rain. " Qin An patted Li Xia's pale hand and said with a smile, but the blood rain did not disappear. It seemed that the more it fell, the greater the trend. Huh? Qin An looks at Li Xia suspiciously, and finds that she raises her chin expressionless. She doesn't even look at Qin An. This girl won't be jealous because of Bai Chuqing's intimate contact, right? Qin An said silently in his heart. Leave summer instant to turn a head, ferocious way: "I am not jealous!"“ It's disgusting that you look angry. " Qin An does not yield ground to look directly at to leave the eyes of summer to say. As soon as the voice fell, there was a boiling sea of blood in the eyes of summer. The temperature dropped sharply, and it began to rain cats and dogs in the elevator. The old man suddenly widened his eyes, and his face began to shake, making a more tragic cry. She didn't understand why the young man in front of her wanted to pull herself up to death? Qin An went forward to hold Li Xia's hand fearlessly, ignoring the tingling cold feeling in his hand, and said calmly: "I hate your angry look, why is it so lovely, I can't leave." The blood water that soaks ankle disappears instantly, leave summer to turn head to have no emotion way: "early said you this all listen to tired of, useless." Qin Ansong opened his hand and rubbed it to recover the temperature. It was much better than before. Before he touched it lightly, he felt that his hand would be frozen off“ Old man, what did you just say you want me to do for you? " Qin An said enthusiastically, his eyes shining inexplicably, like a beast hungry for a few days to see some kind of long-awaited prey“ No, no, thank you. I can do it myself. "“ How can that be done? I have promised you that I will not be given the opportunity to respect the old and love the young. " A look of displeasure appeared on Qin An's face. When he reached out and touched the old man's shoulder, painful emotions and broken memory fragments poured into his mind. Only then did he realize that the spirit body in front of him was the impermanence level spirit of an old man named Huang Guihua after his death. Mindfulness is a spiritual body born of human mindfulness” “不行!这么好的提议哪里能说放弃就放弃!”秦安露出一口大白牙笑道。 熊娃娃顿时脚下一软,跪倒在茶几上,“大爷,放过我吧,我以后保证夹紧尾巴做熊,绝对不蹦跶。” “说什么话?我是那种睚眦必报的人吗?”秦安不悦道,这群灵体对他的人格有着严重的误解,看来需要好好表现一下消除误会才行。 “我突然有了个想法,要不我请大家吃个饭,我们坐下来好好谈谈?”第六十六章 曾梦想仗剑走天涯 众多灵体的脑袋摇得比拨浪鼓还猛烈,陈嫦的头甚至甩到了地上,骨碌碌滚到餐桌底下,异口同声道:“只谈谈,不吃饭!” “好吧。”看它们如此坚决,秦安也只能收起那份被辜负的热情。 他一边在脑海中完善自己的说辞,一边慢悠悠地倒了杯水,发现有点烫嘴,自然而然地把杯子递到离夏脸上捂了一下,十几秒过后水就变得凉冰冰。 一大杯水灌下去,他舒爽地出了口气,笑道:“你们的核心诉求其实就是想要愿力对吗?” 得到它们肯定的答复之后,秦安将离夏的方法说了出来,不过隐瞒了前两种,只说需要给被诅咒的人留下深刻的印象,才能将他们邀请进入墟中。 一屋子的灵体先是喜形于色,然后又纷纷皱起眉头。 “那要怎么给他们留下印象?”心直口快的老七先安耐不住,问出大家心中的疑惑。 秦安托着腮,语重心长道:“这个问题要问你们自己,能给人留下难以磨灭印象的不单单局限于美好公寓,还有你们本身,你们也是这个大家庭的一份子。” “趴在他们床头?”陈嫦捡起自己的头颅道。 “我一般都是吊在他们家里面,不过没风扇的话就只能吊在空调下了。”从被诅咒的影碟中走出的上吊女打量着天花板道。 熊娃娃沉思了一会儿后,提出一个自认为很棒的想法:“找个幸运儿,把他家祖坟刨了也不错!” 秦安看着七嘴八舌讨论的灵体,不由得露出慈祥的笑容,就像妈妈看到自己的孩子终于长大,学会独立思考一般。 '57 from 12 to 1:00 noon, five to six in the afternoon for the meal time, other times to enter the canteen.' There are hundreds of weird rules and regulations. In addition to some inexplicable school rules, they also specify the weekdays. When should students in day and night classes go to class and when should they eat. In short, when all the students should do something, there is no detail recorded on it. The final signature is the principal: Shu Yu. 'After the first and third articles are violated, will the situation like me happen, will you be attacked by night shift students?' Han Feng was puzzled. This was inferred based on his experience just now, and other school rules are really untouchable. Know exactly what it means. However, according to the current situation, it is the best choice to obey the school rules honestly. Violating the school rules means that bad things will happen. Han Feng sighed and lay down on the pillow with a groggy head, but as soon as he lay on it, he found that something was wrong, and a hard object hit his head. Suddenly it seemed to have touched a spring, and the whole person bounced and opened the pillow, exclaiming: 'Axe? I put an axe under the pillow?' A one-handed axe with half the length of an adult's arm was silent. Lying under the pillow, the blood stains on it told that this axe might have been used to do some bad things. 'What have I done with this axe?' His heart was shrouded in greater suspicion, and Han Feng didn't dare to lie down anymore. He opened the bedding sheets one after another, and even turned the entire mattress over, only to find under the mattress. A huge hole was broken. It feels hard on the outside, and the shape is very irregular, as if there is something hidden. With an uneasy mood, he carefully used an axe to cut the entire mattress along the hole, and his face suddenly changed when the inside was revealed. Chapter 86 Who did it (seeking a ticket) The first thing that floated in the air was the smell of dead fish in the summer blanket for three days and three nights. Immediately afterwards, one after another animal carcasses came out accompanied by this stench, some of them have become white bones, and some of them seem to die for a short time. After all, there are still flesh and fur that have turned black and rotten, but Without exception, there are terrible wounds on the corpses, and the methods of death are different. Most of the cubs were crushed by the bones of the whole body, and some were knocked to death with blunt instruments or burned alive.【电信星卡申请进度】 200G流量,免费送 电信星卡电信星卡流量卡助手,电信星卡激活,电信星卡申请,电信星卡电信星卡申请助手,电信星卡申请办理,电信星卡申请后物流,电信星卡申请进度,电信星卡申请入口

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