【设计素材】中国“文器奖 ”产品设计作品赏析
发布于 2021-09-27 21:47
【2021 中国“文器奖”】新生碎纸机
A paper shredder for the reprocessing and utilization of waste paper in a high-frequency paper environment. Because the shredded paper produced by traditional shredders is easy to mix with other garbage and cannot be recycled again, this work aims to solve this problem. Under the premise of the privacy protection function of the machine, the shredded paper is powdered and reprocessed, and recycled paper is processed by hot pressing, etc., to provide secondary manusc-ript paper needed for daily office work, and solves the problem that some shredder paper cannot be recycled. The problem of utilization reduces the one-time waste of office paper. Its use steps are: first insert the target paper in the upper part of the operation, click the white bu-tton to start the first step of shredding paper, generate paper shreds, double-click and click the white bu-tton to start the second step of processing and hot pressing, and finally open and close from the bottom Recycled paper can be taken out from the site. Recycled paper can be used as draft paper, note paper, bookmarks, message notes, pad paper, etc., to meet the needs of informal paper products in the office, save paper costs, and facilitate recycling and sorting.

【2021 中国“文器奖”】便携式活字印刷锤
从机械原理上说,这是一个在两向维度上操作的简易夹具,holder 就是夹具的意思,通过螺丝的调节便可轻易固定铅字。使用 Typeholder,可以手工完成检字、排字、调整间距等步骤,最终完成排版。排版完成后,可以上墨印制在纸面上(名片、明信片、邀请函等),也可以借助其它一些压力工具压印在诸如皮革等软性材料上,甚至还可以进行烫金等创作。
作为一个夹具,理论上说,Typeholder 可以夹住任何在其尺寸之内的东西,它们可以单独使用,也可以和其他的凸版或活字混合使用,一切完全取决于使用者自己的巧思与设计。而在用自己的双手(而不仅仅是双眼)排印的过程中,创作者能学习到活字排版的诸多知识——检字、排字、字号系统、空格、字距、行距,甚至是中英混排、多种对齐方式等,在体会没有数码技术的铅字印刷时代种种局限的同时,也切身感受到活字工艺对现代字体排印实践的深刻影响。
The Typeholder is a handhold printing gear by which people can experience type setting and printing easily. It is presented by Shanghai Type project and designed by Xia Shijun and Li Zhiqian.
Mechanically speaking, this is a simple clamp which can be tighten in two dimensions. By screwing the handles, types in holder’s body can be fixed or released. In this way, people can experience the full process of printing by me-tal types: picking, setting, inking and pressing. Pointing system, alignment, spacing, tracking, leading, etc. one will meet and pick up these professional type setting knowledge and skills in play with the type holder. Due to its small size, the type holder can be very flexible for printing on different papers and even on leathers.
In fact, it could hold anything: wood blocks, stone seals, rubber cuts, a carrot, etc. It is possible to use it for foil blocking as well. It is ideal for amateurs and independent craftsmen or be used as teaching tools for organizations.

【2021 中国“文器奖”】调色画笔
The color matching brush is ba-sed on the principle of inkjet printer. First of all, it can adjust the three attributes of color, hue, lightness and saturation by sliding fingers. After determining the color, the electronic components in the pen can adjust the selected color by controlling the four-color ink output of the pen head, and then carry out painting, so that a pen can draw any color you want. The method of color matching is to control the saturation by sliding the thumb, the hue by sliding the index finger, and the lightness by sliding the middle finger. The prepared color can be displayed on the LCD screen at the end of the pen immediately. At the same time, it can be compared with the current color. After determining the color, when you drop the pen tip, the electronic components in the pen will control the red color of the pen tip according to the color you choose , yellow, blue and black, so you can draw all the colors with one pen. The pen is equipped with a lithium battery, which can be charged. The electronic components are relatively complex, but there are mature technologies, which should be able to achieve the required functions.

【2021 中国“文器奖”】Anybe
Due to Corona19, many companies are working remotely. Also, after Corona 19, non-face-to-face work is increasing due to the 4th Industrial Revolution. Teleworking certainly has its advantages, but due to bulky digital devices that can only be used at home, mental problems such as increased stress and lack of communication with team members are increasing.Also, the number of people visiting hospitals is increasing due to diseases such as vdt syndrome, which causes problems in the eyes, waist, wrist, etc. Therefore, we propose a new concept of beam projector using ultra-short focus lens. Any-be is an all-in-one product consisting of a beam projector body, a foldable screen, and a touch keyboard. You can see it bigger by projecting it onto the wall, but you can use it in a variety of places, such as cafes and outdoor areas, using the folding screen. The folding screen can be elastically stretched and folded using a flexible fabric and a deformed stainless steel. The touch keyboard usually acts as a case and protects the lens, and when using the body, the case can be opened and used as a keyboard. Depending on the situation, you can use it as a keyboard and pad. The compact size allows you to project from your home to your wall, and enjoy your work smartly, anytime, anywhere, outside, or traveling. Now enjoy flexible and efficient remote work with just ANY-BE.

【2021 中国“文器奖”】婴儿空气滤清器
Environment becomes more and more polluted, mostly in big cities. These places are very hostile for babies whom their lungs and body development is uncomplete and very sensitive.
In order to protect them and let them grow up in the best conditions “Baby air filter” will provide protection and fresh air to babies.
“Baby air filter” is a pacifier, on back of this pacifier is fixed a small fan and a filter. This fan will absorb surrounded air and make it pass through a filter. This new purified air will be sent out by the front part of the device through circular openings. This circular opening will let the air go all around baby’s mouth in order to create an invisible air barrier, thus baby will not breath polluted air, he will breath only filtered air.
Components stack is sealed by the plastic structure to be waterproof. Thus it is easy to clean when baby make the product dirty or fall on the floor etc …
The filter is easy to change. A sliding panel can be pulled out and filter can easily replaced by a new one.
For better features, a connection to parent’s smartphone will trigger an alarm if the surrounded pollution is too high, such as car gas.

【2021 中国“文器奖”】盲人打字机
In daily life, the life of the blind is full of inconveniences, among which the blind people face huge problems in writing. The existing braille writing board is too inefficient and not suitable for writing for a long time, and has poor safety, and it is easy to write for a long time. Moreover, the existing braille writing board must use a braille pen to point out one by one, and the efficiency is low, and it is writing braille In the process of v, inadvertent attention may lead to the danger of getting your hands, and it is not conducive to the learning of the blind. For this, I designed an electronic portable braille typewriter. This typewriter is a blind typewriter, because all braille is composed of six types. I selected a combination of points, and I changed those six points to six keys to print all braille. The six key positions of the typewriter respectively represent the six points on the side of the braille. By pressing the key To express different brailles, press the black bu-tton to confirm, and the braille will appear in the form of small black dots through a 3D printer with light-cured resin materials to form brailles to assist the blind in learning.

【2021 中国“文器奖”】Ride
Ride' is a helmet-mounted dash cam for personal mobility users. In line with the upcoming era of personal mobility, it can comprehensively prevent accidents that may occur during delivery and personal operation, and create a safer driving experience.
Nowadays, the personal mobility market is expanding and being operated in various forms in everyday life, the safety of both pedestrians and drivers is threatened by increasing issues related to safety accidents. Representatively, considering the issue of the kickboard and delivery accidents, it can be seen that the need for countermeasures against accidents is emerging as the accessibility of the general public is increasing.
First of all, the problems were defined, looking at a dangerous smartphone while driving, finding a way, making it difficult to cope with no evidence in case of an accident, and finding safety problems due to the absence of tail lights.
Ride is designed to record leisure activities through action cams.
In addition, it includes a bone conduction headset that converts visual information into audible information without blocking ambient sound, and added overall safety to driving personal mobility through front and rear lights.
It will be a product that will be responsible for the safety of many users in the growing personal mobility market.

【2021 中国“文器奖”】Bitboard 超能乐器
Bitboard is a product that can make your own musical instruments by changing components.It break through the sterotypes and open up a new prospect of musical instruments and explores interesting musical forms step by step through creative combinations.In turn, arousing people's imagination of music, and create their individual musical instruments.
Transform the four types of modeling features of stringed instruments, percussion instruments, keyboard instruments, and electronic instruments into design components,Therefore, although it is very different from the traditional musical instruments, the playing action are still intuitive, to make sure people can play the music smoothly.
Hundreds of combination modes makes pleasant surprise.Combine the beauty of musical instruments with the technology to create avant-garde musical instruments and make stunning feelings.
The free splicing mode not only allows users to explore, but also shows the aesthetics of the combination of various musical instruments.

【2021 中国“文器奖”】思卡乐
When we were kids, we used paper cups to talk on the phone, to enhance our friendship, and to understand the physics of sound transmission. With the development of the times, this kind of traditional toy has gradually disappeared in the public view, the children also lost interest in it, but these traditional toys can still play a role. Traditional Paper Cup telephone, two-person communication, can promote the language and hearing development of children, and cultivate the ability to communicate with people and emotional ex-pression. “Guess color” has been redesigned to be more fun and educational than the Traditional Paper Cup phone, making it attractive enough for kids to escape the shackles of smartphones and computers, and promote children's language development, communication skills, mental health development and sound and color cognition. It's a great way to prevent children from developing autism and to help them recover. “Guess color " easy to operate, can participate in many people (friends, family, teachers and students, etc.) , not restricted by the use of the environment (kindergarten, home, park, etc.) . Each microphone has one of the three primary colors inside it. By talking, different colors will be added together to show different colors on the toy. After many rounds, we can guess the color inside the microphone in each member's hand, the children also have a deeper understanding of the spread of sound and the superposition of colors.

【2021 中国“文器奖”】卷笔帽
Sharcap is a small pencil sharpener with the functions of sharpening, lengthening and cap.When people use pencils, they will encounter some problems, such as no pencil sharpener, easily damaged tip, and the last 5 cm can not be used. On the basis of the traditional pencil sharpener, a concave design is added at the other end, which can protect the tip of the pencil and extend the length of the pencil. Its overall length is 52mm, weight is 3G, light and compact, when it is fixed on the pencil, there is no weight pressure, it can also be easily stored into the pencil bag with the pencil, and it is inseparable from the pencil!
People need simple and easy-to-use products, but also need low-cost and functional products to provide users with integrated products at the same time, realize the sustainable use of pencils and avoid waste.

【2021 中国“文器奖”】便携液泵瓶
Beak Beak is a mini fluid pump bottle designed to effortlessly incorporate bacterial protection as a part of daily life. When hand washing is not an option, the design provides an even solution. The Chinese word Beak means ""Beak of a bird; Beak , following the bionic design language. Through the structure to change the traditional use of liquid pump bottle, help to improve the use of convenience and protection. Recycling, in line with the concept of sustainable development. Break the traditional way of using liquid pump bottle, change the use state of the product by rotating the pump mouth. More integrated. Hang it in your bag or bathroom if you like, or put it next to your desk. By using orange as the dot, the element of contrast. It will stimulate the user's senses so that it can be used anytime and anywhere.
With the rapid spread of COVID-19, the sanitization aspect has become even more important, and washing hands after going out has become a routine that can no longer be missed. During your outings, you will be exposed to other objects that may carry the virus. You yourself may be carrying it now and may leave traces on these items and other people may touch these items and may become infected. Design a better method of immediate disinfection with the goal of prevention, and redesign existing methods of hand sanitizer distribution.
Birds are known as the doctors of nature, which means the design of this liquid pump container, with the dream of curing the future; It is so small and portable that it can be carried around and used anywhere.

【2021 中国“文器奖”】两用尺
Now that housing prices are getting higher and higher, people’s living spaces are becoming more compact, and many people are beginning to love storage, hoping to free up more space. Dual-purpose products have also become popular among consumers. Two different products are reasonably combined to facilitate the use and carrying of the products.
A tape measure used in daily life is designed. Different from ordinary tape measures, it combines a hard steel tape and a soft tape ingeniously to achieve multi-functional and multi-scene use. It avoids the time we need to find the steel tape measure and the soft tape measure separately, and the problems we find when we need to use it.
The hard steel tape measure is convenient for measuring straight things, and the soft tape measure is convenient for measuring the circumference of a circle or the length of a curved surface, and it is also convenient for measuring the three-dimensional body of the human body in daily life. The unique structure allows the two tape measures to be pulled out and used separately, and it is convenient to switch.
When not in use, it can stand in a prominent place at home and become a beautiful bird decoration. It is also more fashionable and generous to carry it around.

【2021 中国“文器奖”】阿兹海默症移动辅具
One person in the world develops dementia every three seconds, but most of them are not understood, cared for or treated. The WHO has implemented a global plan for dementia in 2017 to ensure healthy lives and social well-being for the elderly with dementia. People with dementia usually lose their sense of direction and space first, and then gradually lose their ability to take care of themselves. "TRAIL GUIDE" combines crutches with smart furniture, and crutches also have a visual navigation system, so as to provide substantial help for dementia elderly people at home and out, encourage dementia elderly people to exercise and participate in social activities, delay brain aging and neurodegeneration, and ensure the healthy life of dementia elderly people. Intelligent crutches have four functions: wireless charging, one-click help, a navigation system, and voice reminder. At the same time, the smart cane can be height adjustment, the adjustment range between 650mm~900mm.

【2021 中国“文器奖”】MUSIC PULSE
现代智能手机基本每天都要充电,而都市人日常锻炼时间在晚上18点至21点之间,这段时间恰好是手机电量怠尽时候,所以使用者使用手机锻炼时候很容易就没电,严重影响锻炼计划。可通过接头给手机充电。瑜伽垫音响配件拥有蓝牙音箱、手机支架、充电功能。使用者将手机通过蓝牙或者NFC技术与之连接,这样就能一边看手机视频一边学习,播放优质的音乐同时也不怕没电,因为音响还能给手机充电。当我们把瑜伽垫收起来时,只需要把音脉跟瑜伽垫同时卷起,就能轻松带走。音响跟瑜伽垫有四种连接方式,不会轻易掉落。 使用者也可以更换新的瑜伽垫,只需要将音响的底部链接用旋扣扭出,便可取出音响,将之安放在新的瑜伽垫上。你也可以直接把音响带出来,单独使用。
Modern people’s attention has been increasingly paid on the balance between work and rest. As they are more willing to do sports at home or outdoors, yoga mat is an indispensable auxiliary equipment for many sports. Various sports apps and online teaching are on the rise and users are eager to have a convenient and safe space to place their mobile phones during sports, so that they can easily follow the video. However, the limited volume and sound quality have brought us some unfriendly experience, especially in the outdoor environment where the sound is not quite clear. If we carry an additional speaker, it will also reduce the portability of the outdoor environment. Moreover, there is no single stereo with yoga mat in the market.
Yoga mat audio accessories conceives the functions of Bluetooth speakers, mobile phone holders, and charging. Users connect their mobile phones with Bluetooth or NFC technology, so that they can watch mobile video while learning. They are able to play high-quality music without the risk of losing power, for the audio player can also charge the mobile phone. When they are done with using it, they can directly roll up the audio player and the yoga mat. There are four ways to connect the audio player and the yoga mat, so it will not easily drop. Users can also change for another new yoga mat by simply twisting out the bottom li-nk of the audio player and then putting in onto the new one. They can also bring out the audio player and use it alone.
Modern smart phones need to be recharged every day, and the daily exercise time of citizens is between 18:00 and 21:00 in the evening, which is just the time when the power of mobile phones is exhausted, so it is easy for users to lose power when using mobile phones to exercise. It may seriously affect the exercise plan. The phone can be charged through the connector.

【2021 中国“文器奖”】隐私便盆椅
In hospital. People who can't move themselves needs someone to help, but patients also have their own privacy, and the existing potty chairs can't protect patient's privacy. Therefore, We design a potty chair that gives the privacy for patients. We combine the cleaning technique of toilet with potty chair which not only saves the act of wiping excrement, and gives patient self-esteem when they are using Privacy Potty Chair.

DAY6 来了,马克笔!、DAY4 学HIGH了怎么办?请在下方留言区写出解答方法~、沈阳ID手绘学院寒假一期(年前)课程正式开课、ID famliy【生活篇】-一群梦想青年在北方22天的日子里!
玩转马克笔系列视频 你应该看看、大家期待已久的马克笔上色秘籍来了、大家快来围观 看看萌萌的机器人怎么画、大家要的快题人机图-手部绘制来了、(*内部教材*)工设的小伙伴们不得不看的手绘自学教学视频!陆续分享中……、(*内部教材*)工设的小伙伴们、得不看的手绘自学教学视频!、卢毅老师-精彩工业设计手绘视频教程*值得你收藏*

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